Logos Theology Tags
Pre-Schism (-1054)
Post-Schism, Pre-Reformation (c. 1054-1517)
Anglican/Episcopalian (not Methodist Episcopal)
Key Anglicans (Anglican Divines)
Arminian (Non-Wesleyan)
Arminian (Wesleyan)
Church of God (Anderson & Guthrie)
Methodist Episcopal
United Methodist
American Baptist Churches (USA)
Conservative Baptist
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Free Will Baptist
Grace Baptist Assembly (UK)
Independent Fundamental Baptist
Reformed Baptist
Southern Baptist
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Evangelical Free Church of America
Jewish (Messianic)
Jewish (not Messianic)
Other Lutheran (contributed only to TheLutheranStudyBible, no other Logos resources)
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
Other Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (contributed only to TheLutheranStudyBible)
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
Assemblies of God
Church of God (Cleveland)
Plymouth Brethren
Orthodox Presbyterian
Presbyterian Church in America
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Scottish Presbyterian
Restoration Movement
Roman Catholic
Seventh Day Adventist
For advice on putting collections within collections, see: http://wiki.logos.com/Collections#Adding_a_Collection_of_books_as_an_exception.
Alternatively, just put the two lists together with an OR between them. For example, instead of adding the Free Will Baptist collection to the original Arminian (Non-Wesleyan) collection, it is possible to just create a collection using the rule:
Author:(“Arminius”, “Olson, Roger”) OR Author:(“Crowson, Milton”, “Davidson, William F.”, “Dodd, Damon C.”, “Ellis, Daryl”, “Forlines, F. LeRoy”, “Harrison, Paul V.”, “Marberry, Thomas L.”, “Melvin, Billy A.”, “O’Donnell, J. D.”, “Outlaw, Stanley”, “Picirilli, Robert”, “Pinson, J. Matthew”, “Pugh, Gwyn L.”, “Shaw, Craig D.”, “Simpson, Douglas J.”, “Stallings, Jack Wilson”) OR Publisher:(“Randall House”)
Pre-Schism (-1054)
Author:(“Andrew of Crete”, “Augustine of Hippo”, “Basil the Great”, “Benedict of Nursia”, “Bede”, “Boethius”, “Cyprian of Carthage”, “Cyril of Alexandria”, “Cyril of Jerusalem”, “Eusebius”, “Gregory of Nyssa”, “Gregory the Great”, “Hippolytus”, “Isidore of Seville”, “John Chrysostom”, “John Damascene”, “Melito of Sardis”, “Origen”, “Pachomius”, “Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite”, “Saint Patrick”, “Socrates Scholasticus”, “Sozomen”, “St. Jerome”, “Tertullian”, “Theodore of Mopsuestia”, “Theodoret of Cyrus”) OR Abbrev:(“ACCS”, “ANF”, “NPNF”)
Post-Schism, Pre-Reformation (c. 1054-1517)
Author:(“Abelard, Peter”, “Albert the Great”, “Alighieri, Dante”, “Anselm of Canterbury”, “Anthony of Padua and Lisbon”, “Aquinas”, “Bernard of Clairvaux”, “Bonaventure”, “Catherine of Siena”, “Francis of Assisi”, “Heloise”, “Hugh of St. Victor”, “Hugh of Saint Victor”, “Jacques de Vitry”, “Richard Rolle”, “Thomas à Kempis”, “Wycliffe, John”)
Author:(“Bender, Harold S.”, “Charles, John D.”, “Dyck, Cornelius J.”, “Finger, Thomas”, “Friesen, Abraham”, “Friesen, Duane K.”, “Hartzler, Jonas Smucker”, “Hiebert, D. Edmond”, “Horsch, John”, “Kauffman, Daniel”, “Klaassen, Walter”, “Klassen, William”, “Kraybill, Donald B.”, “Kreider, Alan”, “Langenwalter, J. H.”, “McKnight, Scot”, “McMikle, Marvin A.”, “Murray, Stuart”, “Roth, John D.”, “Simons, Menno”, “Snyder, C. Arnold”, “Stauffer, John L.”, “Twisk, Peter J.”, “van Braght, Thieleman J.”, “Weaver, J. Denny”, “Wenger, John C.”, “Yoder, John Howard”) OR Publisher:(“Herald Press”, “Mennonite”)
Additional Suggestion
OR Title:(Anabaptis, Mennonite)
NB: This would add resources about Anabaptism that are not necessarily from an Anabaptist perspective. Similar suggestions could be made to other categories.
Anglican/Episcopalian (not Methodist Episcopal)
Author:(“Ackroyd, Peter R.”, “Ainsworth-Smith, Ian”, “Alexander, William”, “Alford, Henry”, “Allain-Chapman, Justine”, “Allnut, Richard Lea”, “Arnold, Thomas”, “Ash, Christopher”, “Ashby, Godfrey”, “Atherstone, Andrew”, “Avis, Paul”, “Bailey, Kenneth E.”, “Ball, C. J.”, “Bandinel, James”, “Barnett, Paul”, “Barry, Alfred”, “Bartholomew, Craig G.”, “Barton, J.”, “Bassett, Francis Tilney”, “Bauckham, Richard”, “Begbie, Jeremy S.”, “Benham, William”, “Bennett, Dennis”, “Bernard, Thomas Dehany”, “Bloomfield, S. T.”, “Blunt, Henry”, “Borg, Marcus J.”, “Borsch, Frederick H.”, “Boutflower, Charles”, “Boxall, Ian”, “Bradford, John”, “Bradshaw, Paul F.”, “Bray, Gerald R.”, “Brenton, Lancelot Charles Lee”, “Bridges, Charles”, “Briggs, Charles Augustus”, “Brooks, Richard”, “Brown, Colin”, “Browne, E. Harold”, “Bubbers, Susan I.”, “Bull, George”, “Bullinger, Ethelbert W.”, “Bullock, W. T.”, “Bussell, F. W.”, “Carmichael, Liz”, “Carpenter, Spencer Cecil”, “Carr, Wesley”, “Carwithen, John Bayley Somers”, “Chadwick, Owen”, “Chandler, George”, “Chapman, Mark”, “Charles, R. H.”, “Chase, Frederic Henry”, “Cheyne, Thomas Kelly”, “Churton, Ralph”, “Clark, Samuel”, “Close, Francis”, “Cobb, John”, “Cocksworth, Christopher John”, “Coggins, Richard J.”, “Colenso, John William”, “Collinson, John”, “Comfort, Philip W.”, “Conybeare, W. D.”, “Conybeare, W. J.”, “Cook, F. C.”, “Coverdale, Miles”, “Croft, George”, “Currey, G.”, “Curteis, George Herbert”, “Davenant, James”, “Davis, Ellen F.”, “Desprez, Philip Charles Soulbien”, “Dewey, Joanna”, “Diamond, A. R.”, “Drake, W.”, “Driver, Samuel Rolles”, “Drown, Edward Staples”, “Duncombe, Augustus”, “Duyckinck, George L.”, “Edalji, S.”, “Edersheim, Alfred”, “Edgar, David”, “Edghill, Ernest Arthur”, “Edwards, Ruth”, “Elliott, C. J.”, “Elliott, Neil”, “Emmet, Cyril W.”, “Espin, T. E.”, “Evans, James Harington”, “Evans, Neil”, “Eveleigh, John”, “Faber, George Stanley”, “Fape, M. Olusina”, “Farrar, Frederic W.”, “Farrer, John”, “Fenwick, John”, “Field, Frederick”, “Finch, William”, “Floyd, Michael”, “Ford, James”, “Foxe, John”, “France, R. T.”, “Fremantle, W. H.”, “Fuller, J. M.”, “Gandell, R.”, “Garbett, James”, “Gifford, E. H.”, “Gilpin, William”, “Girdlestone, Robert Baker”, “Goddard, Charles”, “Goldingay, John”, “Gooder, Paula”, “Gordon, Geoffrey”, “Goulburn, Edward Meyrick”, “Gould, Ezra P.”, “Grant, Anthony”, “Grant, F. W.”, “Green, Michael”, “Gwynn, J.”, “Hacking, Philip”, “Hall, Charles Henry”, “Hall, Francis”, “Hardy, Daniel”, “Harvey, John E.”, “Hatch, Edwin”, “Hawker, Robert”, “Hawkins, William”, “Heber, Reginald”, “Hein, David”, “Herbert, George”, “Hervey, Arthur”, “Heurtley, Charles A.”, “Hobhouse, Walter”, “Hodges, George”, “Holmes, Christopher R. J.”, “Holmes, Robert”, “Hopkins, Ezekiel”, “Horne, Thomas”, “Horsley, Samuel”, “Howson, J. S.”, “Hughes, Philip Edgcumbe”, “Hutton, William Holden”, “Huxtable, E.”, “Inge, William Ralph”, “Jackson, John”, “Jacobson, William”, “Jelf, Richard William”, “Johnson, G. H. S.”, “Jones, James”, “Jones, John”, “Jones, W. B.”, “Jowett, Benjamin”, “Kay, W.”, “Kellner, Maximilian Lindsay”, “Kelly, Brian E.”, “Kelly, Francis”, “Kelly, J. N. D.”, “Ketley, Joseph”, “Kingsbury, T. L.”, “Knowles, Andrew”, “Knox, Ian S.”, “Lake, Kirsopp”, “Lamdin, Keith”, “Landon, Edward H.”, “Lang, William Cosmo Gordon”, “Laurence, Richard”, “Law, William”, “Lawlor, Hugh Jackson”, “Le Mesurier, Thomas”, “Lee, William”, “Lewis, John G.”, “Liddon, H. P.”, “Littledale, Richard Frederick”, “Lloyd, John”, “Lowth, Robert”, “Lucas, Dick”, “Lucas, R. C.”, “Lumby, J. R.”, “Lupton, J. H.”, “Macquarrie, John”, “Maiers, Brian”, “Mangina, Joseph L.”, “Mansel, H. L.”, “Marriott, Charles”, “Maturin, Basil William”, “Mbiti, John”, “McDurmon, Joel”, “McGrath, Alister”, “Members of the University of Oxford”, “Medd, Peter Goldsmith”, “Meyrick, F.”, “Michell, R.”, “Miller, Charles”, “Moberly, George”, “Monro, Edward A.”, “Morres, Robert”, “Motyer, J. Alec”, “Moulaison, Jane Barter”, “Moule, C. F. D.”, “Moule, H. C. G.”, “Moysey, C. A.”, “Mozley, James Bowling”, “Munden, Alan”, “Neale, J. M.”, “Neve, Timothy”, “Newcome, William”, “Newitt, Mark”, “Newton, John”, “Nolland, John”, “O’Brien, Peter T.”, “O’Connor, Kathleen M.”, “O’Donnell, Kevin”, “Oakley, Nigel”, “Ogilvie, Charles A.”, “Olden, Thomas”, “Packer, J.I.”, “Paley, William”, “Peake, A. S.”, “Peile, James H. F.”, “Percy, Martyn”, “Pervo, Richard I.”, “Plumptre, E. H.”, “Polkinghorne, John C.”, “Powys, David”, “Procter, John”, “Radner, Ephraim”, “Randolph, Berkeley William”, “Rawlinson, George”, “Reformed Episcopal Church”, “Retief, Frank”, “Reynolds, Edward”, “Richey, Thomas”, “Ridley, Nicholas”, “Robertson, C. K.”, “Rose, H. J.”, “Ross, Allen”, “Rossetti, Christina”, “Row, Charles Adolphus”, “Rowling, Cathy”, “Ryle, Herbert Edward”, “Salmon, George”, “Salmon, Marilyn J.”, “Sanday, William”, “Sanford, John”, “Scott, Melville”, “Scott, Robert”, “Seitz, Christopher R.”, “Shanks, Andrew”, “Shepard, Richard”, “Shirley, Walter Augustus”, “Short, Augustus”, “Sibbes, Richard”, “Simeon, Charles”, “Skrine, John Huntley”, “Smith, R. Payne”, “Smith, Susan Marie”, “Smith, Sydney”, “Speck, Peter”, “Spence, H. D. M.”, “Stainer, John”, “Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn”, “Steenstra, P. H.”, “Stevens, William Bacon”, “Stock, Joseph”, “Stonard, John”, “Stone, Darwell”, “Stott, John”, “Strong, Leonard”, “Strong, Thomas B.”, “Sumner, John Bird”, “Swain, Storm”, “Swete, Henry Barclay”, “Sykes, Stephen”, “Tait, Arthur J.”, “Tatham, Edward”, “Tellini, Gian”, “Temple, Frederick”, “Terry, Justyn”, “The Episcopal Church”, “Thiselton, Anthony C.”, “Thomas, Griffith”, “Thomson, William”, “Threlfall-Holmes, Miranda”, “Thrupp, J. F.”, “Tickle, Phyllis”, “Tinker, Melvin”, “Tisdall, William St. Clair”, “Titley, Robert”, “Tomlin, Graham”, “Toplady, Augustus M.”, “Travis, Stephen”, “Trench, Richard Chevenix”, “Turner, Samuel H.”, “Tyng, Stephen H.”, “Ulrich, Dean R.”, “Ussher, James”, “Vibert, Simon”, “Vincent, John Heyl”, “Vogan, Thomas S. L.”, “Wace, Henry”, “Waite, Joseph”, “Waldengrave, Samuel”, “Walker, Paul”, “Walton, Kevin”, “Walton, Steve”, “Ward, Robin”, “Water, Mark”, “Watkins, Henry Williams”, “Webber, Robert E.”, “Wells, Jo Bailey”, “Wenham, David”, “Wenham, Gordon J.”, “Weston, Frank”, “Whately, Richard”, “Wheaton, N. S.”, “Whitacre, Rodney A.”, “Whybray, R. N.”, “Wilberforce, William”, “Wilcock, Michael”, “Wilcox, Pete”, “Williamson, James”, “Wilson, Henry Bristow”, “Wintle, Thomas”, “Woodgate, Henry Arthur”, “Woodhouse, John”, “Woodward, James”, “Wordsworth, John”, “Wright, Charles Henry Hamilton”, “Wright, J. Robert”, “Wright, Christopher J. H.”, “Yates, Timothy”, “Yee, Gale A.”, “Zahl, Paul F. M.”) OR Publisher:(“SPCK”) OR Abbrev:(“CPC”)
Key Anglicans (Anglican Divines)
Author:(“Andrewes, Lancelot”, “Blunt, John Henry”, “Burgon, John William”, “Cranmer, Thomas”, “Gore, Charles”, “Hooker, Richard”, “Hort, Fenton John Anthony”, “Keble, John”, “Lightfoot, Joseph Barber”, “Maurice, Frederick Denison”, “Pusey, E. B”, “Ramsey, Michael”, “Ryle, J. C.”, “Taylor, Jeremy”, “Wesley, John”, “Westcott, B. F.”, “Whitefield, George”, “Wright, N.T.”)
Arminian (Non-Wesleyan)
Author:(“Arminius”, “Olson, Roger”)
Plus These Resources (Free Will Baptist)
Arminian (Wesleyan)
Author:(“Albright, W. F.”, “Anderson, Cheryl”, “Banks, J. S.”, “Barker, Margaret”, “Barrett, C. K.”, “Beardslee, William A.”, “Beet, Joseph Agar”, “Bence, Clarence”, “Bence, Philip”, “Bennett, Stephen J.”, “Black, Robert”, “Blaney, Harvey J. S.”, “Bounds, Chris”, “Bounds, Edward M.”, “Bowne, Borden P.”, “Branson, Robert D.”, “Brecheisen, Jerry”, “Brower, Kent”, “Burns, Jabez”, “Burr, J. K.”, “Callen, Barry”, “Cameron, Ron”, “Carr, David M.”, “Carter, Charles W.”, “Carver, Frank G.”, “Case, David A.”, “Castelo, Daniel”, “Clarke, Adam”, “Cockerill, Gareth Lee”, “Cole, Otis”, “Coleson, Joseph”, “Colon-Emeric, Edgardo A.”, “Cox, Leo G.”, “Dayton, Wilber T.”, “De Vries, Simon J.”, “Deasley, Alex”, “Deems, Charles F.”, “DeNeff, Steve”, “Dongell, Joseph”, “Drury, David”, “Drury, Keith”, “Dunn, James D. G.”, “Earle, Ralph”, “Eckley, Richard K.”, “Edlin, Jim”, “English, Donald”, “Etheridge, John Wesley”, “Failing, George E.”, “Findlay, George G.”, “Flemming, Dean”, “Fletcher, John”, “Garlow, James”, “Greathouse, William”, “Grider, J. Kenneth”, “Grotius, Hugo”, “Gunter, W. Stephen”, “Hahn, Roger”, “Haines, Lee”, “Hall, Bert H.”, “Hanke, Howard A.”, “Harrison, Nick”, “Hartley, John E.”, “Hays, Richard B.”, “Heer, Ken”, “Hibbard, F. G.”, “Hinson, David F.”, “Holdren, David W.”, “Holmes, Mark A.”, “Hooker, Morna”, “Hughes, Henry Maldwyn”, “Hughes, John”, “Hunter, W.”, “Johnson, Derric”, “Kalas, J. Ellsworth”, “Kampen, John”, “Kelle, Brad E.”, “Keppel, David”, “Kim, H. C. P.”, “Kinlaw, Dennis”, “Kisker, Scott”, “Kuhns, Oscar”, “Lane, William L.”, “Lawson, John”, “Lennox, Stephen J.”, “Leroy, Matt”, “Lidgett, John Scott”, “Lipscomb, Christy”, “Livingston, George Herbert”, “Lofthouse, W. F.”, “Love, William DeLoss”, “Lynn, Jack”, “Lyon, Jo Anne”, “Lyons, George”, “Marcus, Joel”, “Marsh, Clive”, “Marshall, I. Howard”, “Martin, William Wallace”, “McClung, Ronald”, “McIntosh, Gary L.”, “McLintock, John”, “Mellish, Kevin J.”, “Miley, John”, “Modine, Mitchel”, “Moulton, James Hope”, “Neale, David A.”, “Newhall, Fales H.”, “Nicholson, Roy S.”, “Noll, K. L.”, “Oden, Thomas C.”, “Piesker, Armor D.”, “Pope, R. Martin”, “Pope, William Burt”, “Powers, Daniel”, “Rall, Harris Franklin”, “Ries, Claude A.”, “Ringe, Sharon”, “Rotz, Carol”, “Rummel, Stan”, “Schenck, Kenneth”, “Schmidt, Wayne”, “Serrao, C. Jeanne Orjala”, “Shelton, R. Larry”, “Shrewsbury, W. J.”, “Smith, David”, “Smith, D. Moody”, “Smith, Hannah Whitall”, “Smith, Thornley”, “Steel, Daniel”, “Stevenson, Richard Taylor”, “Strong, James”, “Summers, Jeremy”, “Sumner, Sarah”, “Tannehill, Robert C.”, “Thompson, David L.”, “Thompson, R. Duane”, “Thompson, W. Ralph”, “Tillett, Wilbur F.”, “Tobie, Willard Nathan”, “Toler, Linda”, “Toler, Stan”, “Turner, George A.”, “Varughese, Alex”, “Wall, Robert W.”, “Walters, J. Michael”, “Warner, Laceye”, “Watkins, James N.”, “Watson, Richard”, “Wesley, Charles”, “Wesley, John”, “Whedon, D. D.”, “Whitefield, George”, “Whitesel, Bob”, “Williams, Henry W.”, “Williams, Wilbur Glenn”, “Williamson, Rick”, “Wilson, Charles R.”, “Wilson, Earle”, “Wilson, Norman G.”, “Woolsey, Warren”, “Workman, George Coulson”, “Workman, Herbert B.”, “Zahniser, Clarence H.”) OR Publisher:(“Beacon”, “Methodist”, “Wesleyan”)
Plus These Resources (Church of God (Anderson & Guthrie), Methodist Episcopal, United Methodist)
Church of God (Anderson & Guthrie)
Author:(“Anderson, J. Grant”, “Berquist, Maurice”, “Berry, Robert L.”, “Blackwelder, Boyce W.”, “Blaney, John C.”, “Bolitho, Axchie A.”, “Boyer, Harold W.”, “Bridwell, A. Q.”, “Brown, Charles E.”, “Brown, Willis”, “Byers, A. L.”, “Byers, J. W.”, “Byrum, E. E.”, “Byrum, Isabel C.”, “Byrum, Russell R.”, “Caldwell, Irene Smith”, “Callen, Barry L.”, “Carver, Everett I.”, “Caudill, R. C.”, “Chesnut, Lawrence J.”, “Conley, John W.”, “Cotton, Raymond”, “DeVoll, David”, “Fleming, James L.”, “Foggs, Edward”, “Fowler, Ronald”, “Gaulke, Max R.”, “Gospel Trumpet”, “Gray, Albert F.”, “Green, John L.”, “Harmon, Dan”, “Harmon, George E.”, “Hatch, C. W.”, “Heberer, Keith”, “Heffren, Henry C.”, “Hopkins, Fred W.”, “Hughes, Will”, “Huttenlocker, Keith”, “Johnson, O. L.”, “Jones, Kenneth E.”, “Kardatzke, Elmer”, “Kelly, George J.”, “Kempin, Albert J.”, “Kufeldt, George”, “Linn, Otto F.”, “Ludwig, Charles”, “Lunsford, Joseph”, “Martin, Earl L.”, “Martin, Fay C.”, “Massey, James Earl”, “Meadow Park Church of God”, “Miller, Adam W.”, “Miller, T. Franklin”, “Monk, W. E.”, “Morrison, John A.”, “Moss, Robert”, “Naylor, Charles W.”, “Neace, Donald W.”, “Neece, William C.”, “Newberry, Gene W.”, “Newell, Arlo”, “Oldham, W. Dale”, “Orr, Charles E.”, “Pastors Fellowship”, “Phelps, J. W.”, “Phillips, Harold L.”, “Public, John Q.”, “Reed, W. E.”, “Reid, Benjamin”, “Rice, Hillery C.”, “Riggle, Herbert M.”, “Roark, Warren C.”, “Roberts, Florence”, “Rudd, H. Gerald”, “Rutty, Jennie C.”, “Schell, William G.”, “Shultz, Claire W.”, “Shupe, Tonya”, “Smith, F. G.”, “Smith, J. Edgar”, “Smith, John W. V.”, “Smith, Sarah”, “Sorenson, Stella Arranger”, “Stafford, Gilbert W.”, “Sterner, R. Eugene”, “Strong, Marie”, “Study Committee”, “Stultz, Lowell”, “Swisher, Rolla O”, “Tanner, Paul A.”, “Tasker, George P.”, “Teasley, D. O.”, “Warner, Daniel S.”, “Washington, Cecil M.”, “Wickersham, Henry C.”, “Williams, Effie M.”) OR Publisher:(“Faith Publishing House”, “Gospel Trumpet”, “Warner Press”)
Methodist Episcopal
Author:(“Brown, Teresa L. Fry”, “Cooke, R. J.”, “Eaton, E. L.”, “Eckman, George P.”, “Gaebelein, Arno”, “Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman”, “King, George W.”, “Merrill, S. M.”, “Nutter, Charles S.”, “Raymond, Miner”, “Terry, Milton Spenser”)
United Methodist
Author:(“Abraham, William J.”, “Albers, Robert H.”, “Allen, O. Wesley”, “Bassler, Jouette M.”, “Bell, Daniel M.”, “Brown, Michael Joseph”, “Brown, Teresa L. Fry”, “Byassee, Jason”, “Clayton, Philip”, “Cobb, John B.”, “Craddock, Fred B.”, “Davis, Patricia H.”, “DeSilva, David A.”, “Dozeman, Thomas B.”, “Dunnam, Maxie D.”, “Ellis, J. Edward”, “Farmer, Kathleen A.”, “Fewell, Danna Nolan”, “Furnish, Victor Paul”, “Graham, M. Patrick”, “Green, Joel B.”, “Hayes, John H.”, “Heath, Elaine A.”, “Holladay, Carl R.”, “Knierim, Rolf P.”, “Long, Stephen”, “Long, Thomas C.”, “Lull, David J.”, “Macdonald, Dennis R.”, “Mack, Burton L.”, “Miles, Rebekah L.”, “Nelson, Richard D.”, “Newsom, Carol A.”, “O’Day, Gail R.”, “Petersen, David”, “Pressler, Carolyn”, “Robinson, James M.”, “Sanders, James A.”, “Stevenson-Moessner, Jeanne”, “Switzer, David K.”, “Tucker, Gene M.”, “Tuell, Steven S.”, “Watson, David F.”, “Watts, James W.”, “Welborne, L. L.”, “Wharton, James A.”, “Whitford, David M.”, “Willimon, William H.”, “Wilson, Neil S.”)