Post on December 1 2008 (permalink) -edithistorydelete
Created on Monday, 12/01/2008 5:09 PM by Jessica Humphries
01/12/2008 GPS Jargon
I've got abbreviations and letters coming out of my ears! Attended a staff meeting on CVA with the deputy principal of ...... on the 27.11.08. The aim of the meeting was to set targets at KS3 and KS4 for 2010 summer results. Mr D wished to be in line with local schools and to be in the top 25% of schools according to FFT and CVA.
Spent a mentor session discussing local and national statistical data, looking at FFT, Chances, CATs and individual teacher targets. Now I have letters whizzing round my brain and I'm so tired and so confused, that I can't remember the correct name for phrases that are abbreviated into letters.
Pastoral Care and extra curricular
I am currently working with pupils and staff on the christmas concert and have been asked to script a short scene for the performance. I'm actually really freaked out because we're going to be using puppets in the show and I really do not like ventriloquist dummies. Oh apparently all these puppets have their own personalities- eek.
Following my formative review, one target was to participate more in form time and contribute in the run up to Christmas on the form's stall at the Bazaar. I shall endeavour to do so, but I think it may be a case of grasping the bull by the horns as my tutor group has parttime tutors who do not always communicate, and so things do not always get organised. I have however been taking the tutor register and reading the bulletins.
I was also asked by the Head, Mr H, to give a talk and provide opportunities for discussion with the Danish exchange students. I paired up with the ITT Maths student to give a talk on scouting and guiding, and did some communication and team building activities. I really enjoyed doing this as it was something outside of the English classroom and a chance to do something physical.
Romeo and Juliet
I'm not sure how I managed throughout my whole education to avoid studying Romeo and Juliet, but I did. This being the case I lept at the chance to see it at The Lyceum on friday 28.11.08. I was slightly dubious as Romeo was to be played by Jack Ryder, Sonia's cockney boyfriend in Eastenders form about ten years ago, but phew it was actually quite good. Although now I've seen it, I feel I can't make a real judgement. I'm going to read the play for myself to compare and make an informed opinion