/ National Society of Black Engineers
2015-2016Region IProfessionals Executive Board Candidate Application

Region I Professionals Executive Board Candidate Application Checklist

Carefully review theProfessionals Executive Board Member Characteristics and Qualifications.

Familiarize yourself with the NSBE Constitution, Bylaws, and Professional and Regional Operating Guidelines.

  • Documents can be found at the following link:

Familiarize yourself with the positional duties as outlined in the Region IProfessionals Operating Guidelines, ‘Duties of Elected and Appointed Offices’.

  • Open Positions:
  • Region IProfessionals Chair Elect (elected)
  • Region IProfessionals Secretary (elected)
  • Region IProfessionals Treasurer (elected)
  • Region IProfessionals Programs Chair (elected)
  • Region IProfessionals Publications / PR Chair (appointed)
  • Region I Professionals Telecommunications Chair (appointed)
  • Region IProfessionals Finance Chair (appointed)
  • Region IProfessionals Pre-College Initiative Chair (appointed)
  • Region IProfessionals College Initiative Chair (appointed)
  • Region IProfessionals Professional Development Chair (appointed)
  • Region IProfessionals International Relations Chair (appointed)

Submit completed typewritten application and proof of STEM degreeto theRegion I Professionals Parliamentarian at ia email by 5:00 pm EST on Monday, March16, 2015.

Elections for each of the elected positions will take place during the 2015 NSBE Annual Convention on Friday, March 27, 2015. Final appointments will take place after the Convention and made by the incoming Regional Professionals Board – Elect.

Please note: All submissions and questions may be directed to:

Ronald Wagogo

Region I Professionals Parliamentarian,

Region I Professionals Executive Board Member Characteristics and Qualifications

  1. Must have been an active member in good standing of the National Society of Black Engineers during and one (1) term prior to application.
  2. Must demonstrate a working knowledge of the Society’s operating policy and procedure.
  3. Must demonstrate familiarity with the NSBE Professionals Membership
  4. Must attend all regularly scheduled meetings, (including transition meeting and leadership training if applicable), the 2015 National Leadership Conference (June), the 2015 Professional Development Conference (October), andthe 2016 Annual Convention (March).
  5. Must be able and willing to devote sufficient time to consistently fulfill the position duties as outlined in the Regional Professionals Operating Guidelines
  6. Must maintain contact with the Regional Professionals Chair, Zone Leader, National Executive Board and Regional Executive Board Counterparts(s) to ensure viability and productivity.
  7. Must be able to allow others space for leadership and decision-making.
  8. Must perform assigned tasks in a timely manner to facilitate the orderly progression of the goals and directives for the term of the Regional Professionals Executive Board.
  9. Must be dependable, self-motivated and an independent worker.
  10. Must be a strategic thinker while being both detail and result oriented.
  11. Must be able to work with various demographic levels and needs.
  12. Must be aware of own personal limitations.
  13. Must strive to possess and maintain a positive perspective with the goal to initiate change.
  14. Must be committed to his/her position from the time of election/appointment until April 30th, 2016.

Position Sought:
Full Name:
Membership Number:
City, State, Zip:
E-mail Address:
Phone Number
Current Employer or Organization:
STEM Degree
(from verification documentation)
PEB Chapter Affiliation:
(Chapter or At-Large member)
(at least 200 dpi):
Candidate Statement(500 words or less; include below or attach in separate document. Statement will be used in printed and electronic media to highlight candidates.)
Leadership Resume(please include both NSBE and other leadership related experiences) 1 page preferred, no more than 2 pages will be accepted. Include below or attach in separate document

For the responses below, please limit your answers to 100 words or less where applicable.

  1. Based on your leadership experience (NSBE and external), describe why you are best suited for the desired position.
  1. Provide a current overall evaluation of the NSBE Professional membership and ‘Brand’. Please list potential areas for improvement and enhancement.
  1. What personal contributions have you made to enhance the position of NSBE (Professionals)?
  1. What encouraged you to apply for this position and what motivatesyou to become a leader within NSBE?
  1. If you were selecting applicants for this position, which qualities would you look for?
  1. When situations are difficult, are you more likely to continue through or opt for an alternate route?
  1. What commitments do you have during the week and on weekends?
  1. Please utilize this opportunity to highlight any qualities or characteristics not brought forth through the questionnaire. (Please limit your response to 150 words.)

Please send completed application by 5:00 pm EST on Monday, March 16, 2015 to:

Ronald Wagogo

Region I Professionals Parliamentarian