Position Title Team Leader Housing Services

Location Penrith, Windsor, Katoomba

Reports to Client Services Manager

Salary Band SCHADS Award Level 6 Paypoint 1-3


Wentworth Community Housing (Wentworth) provides social and affordable housing for people with limited access to mainstream housing across Nepean, Hawkesbury and the Blue Mountains. Housing Services include tenancy management and development of supports required for people to sustain their housing. Wentworth has a portfolio of over 4000 properties.


Reporting to the Client Service Manager the Team Leader is responsible for leading a team that delivers quality customer service, tenancy management, specialised tenancy advice and support for clients with complex housing needs, with a view to maximising tenancy sustainability. This is achieved by providing excellent team management, coaching and support to direct reports, conducting regular performance reviews and ensuring all team members are operating in a productive and safe environment.

The position develops and manages relationships, partnerships and networks that will improve communication and access to services for clients and support sustainable tenancies.


The team leadership responsibilities involve providing clear direction, coordinating activities, set challenging but realistic goals, solving problems effectively and creating a harmonious workplace culture.

1.  Team Leadership

·  Build and maintain constructive relationships that progress Wentworth’s mission

·  Develop a positive team culture where members are supportive, open, honest and produce high quality work

·  Provide regular individual supervision with clear direction and regular feedback

·  Conduct regular team meetings to coordinate activities

·  Implement effective systems for the coordination of team activities

·  Ensure staff are aware of their delegated responsibilities

·  Use initiative and seek innovative solutions to produce quality outcomes for clients

·  Build close cooperation and collaboration between staff in Housing Services, Asset Services Community Services and Sustainable Communities officers

·  Ensure all team members receive EAP services and debriefing as required

·  Ensure that the workload within the team is equitably distributed and there is an effective use of resources

·  Assist with employee recruitment, selection, induction, training and development

·  Ensure regular opportunities for team building and the recognition and reward of staff achievements

·  Provide coaching, on-the-job training, mentoring and guidance to client service staff to ensure that the client’s specific needs are understood, appropriate services are delivered and client service team member’s skill sets are developed

·  Oversee staff annual performance plans and training and development needs

·  Address performance issues in line with Wentworth’s policies and procedures

2.  Housing Service Solutions

·  Ensure all direct reports understand and adhere to the organisational policies and procedures and are clear about their roles and responsibilities

·  Ensure clients are treated with dignity and respect

·  Ensure prospective tenants gain access to housing through a fair and open process in accordance with policy and procedures

·  Monitor that staff regularly visit tenants and monitor all properties

·  Oversee accurate management of tenant accounts and records

·  Monitor that all reports of tenancy related matters, disturbances and anti-social behaviour are handled promptly within WCH policy and housing legislation

·  Manage rent arrears in line with policies and procedures

·  Ensure team respond to tenant complaints and appeals are in-accordance to policies, procedures and legislation

·  Prepare documents and deliver to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal to seek compliance orders and enforcing legislation to end tenancies where options to sustain tenancies have been unsuccessful

·  Attend formal/informal tenancy terminations, such as Warrant of Possessions with appropriate services such as the sheriff and police and in the case of informal illegal occupants

·  Develop solutions to resolve tenant non-access issues and keep the HASSP Register updated

·  Provide specialised advice and input into matching appropriate properties to high need clients to strengthen capacity for tenancy sustainability and or community harmony

·  Receive referrals regarding clients with tenancy issues and determine support requirements and actions to sustain tenancies

·  Act as an advocate with external agencies for clients to balance meeting individual needs with business requirements

·  Provide advice and guidance to client service team members on child protection issues, or where appropriate take action in accordance with legislative requirements

·  Identify opportunities to strengthen communities/tenancies by working with other specialised roles, including, yet not limited to, precinct planning, capacity building and agency collaboration

·  Assist with strategies to meet key business performance indicators in public housing, such as vacant management in estates, reduction in tenant damage etc.

·  Prepare briefs, reports and legislative documents with the aim to inform, act and review

3.  Tenant Consultation

·  Develop a culture of service delivery where tenants are provided with clear and honest information empowering them to participate in identifying and creating solutions

·  Oversee the management of clients with complex needs who are engaging in undesired behaviours through the provision of information, advice, direction, and high level problem solving, inclusive of legislative requirements

·  Identify and broker/ negotiate appropriate support interventions for particular large public housing areas and including individuals

·  Initiate / facilitate / document case planning with clients, which includes cross agency collaboration

·  Project-manage specific interventions alongside the Sustainable Communities Project Officer in building vibrant communities and management of complex estates

·  Maintain a monitoring role, once tenancies are stabilised and support team members and trouble shoot when necessary

·  Assist the Sustainable Community officers in the development and implementation of Tenancy Advisory Groups

·  Assist in the implementation of the tenant satisfaction survey

4.  Partnerships

·  Develop partnerships that will support Wentworth residents/tenants in sustaining their tenancies, connect them with the community, improve client outcomes and overcome barriers to access services for the most disadvantaged and vulnerable clients.

·  Arrange interventions to respond to nuisance and annoyance situations and high density public housing areas

·  Develop, maintain and expand partnership arrangements between Wentworth and community support/service providers that contribute to tenancy sustainability/community harmony and community capacity building.

·  Attend local and regional Govt and non-Govt forums and other relevant meetings as required in improving Neighbourhoods through initiatives such as crime prevention, designing out crime etc.

·  Work alongside staff in the development of community building strategies to targeted disadvantaged communities where Wentworth has a significant presence (e.g. estates and concentrated areas of community & social housing)

·  Work alongside staff in the development of community building strategies to targeted disadvantaged communities where Wentworth has a significant presence (e.g. estates and concentrated areas of community & social housing

5.  Administration and Data Collection

·  Provide to the Client Service Manager reports on tenancy management performance and other tenancy issues as may be required

·  Ensure staff maintain accurate tenant data in TMS / Kypera

·  Monitor information pertaining to service delivery to ensure key KPIs are being met

·  Prepare reports inclusive of pro-forma forms, briefing notes and files notes with a strong eye for detail and accuracy

·  Ensure services are delivered and compliant in accordance with:

o  Ministerial guidelines

o  Wentworth’s policy and procedures

6.  Health Safety & Environment Responsibilities

·  Comply with all relevant Work, Health & Safety (WHS) legislation, codes of practice, standards, policies, operating procedures and work instructions and be actively involved in Wentworth Health, Safety and Environment Systems and Procedures.

·  Provide advice and referral where there are workplace health and safety or property care issues tied in with the complex needs of the household


The following key performance indicators must be met:

1.  Team Leadership

·  All direct reports have a well planned induction into their role

·  All staff have regular structured supervision sessions; at least monthly

·  All staff have current performance plans and development plans

·  All staff have mid-year and annual appraisal discussions

·  Recognition is provided to staff for positive behaviour and outcomes

·  Constructive team meetings occur monthly that engage staff

·  Positive staff engagement and team climate (as measured by a survey)

·  Performance issues are dealt with appropriately, in a timely manner and are formally documented

2.  Housing Service Solutions

·  Client service visits are conducted at least annually or more frequently (example quarterly or twice yearly) as required to achieve good tenant engagement

·  Rent and non-rent arrears are actively managed

·  Majority of outgoing inspections are conducted within 24 hours

·  Majority of complaints and appeals are actioned within 14 days

·  Maintain an updated HASSP register

·  Maintain updated register of complex clients

3.  Tenant Consultation

·  Maintain above 80% client satisfaction levels

4.  Partnerships

·  Maintain a positive working relationship with local real estate agents in collaboration with the Leasehold Acquisition Coordinator

·  Develop partnerships with agencies that can assist in sustaining tenants

·  Develop professional and productive relationships with key stakeholders such as police, electoral office staff

5.  Administration and Data Collection

·  Reporting and data collection is accurate, up to date.

6.  Workplace Health, Safety & Environment

·  WHS policies are followed at all times

·  The workplace is free of harassment and bullying


Team Leader Housing Services

Wentworth Community Housing Position Description:

Team Leader Housing Services


Internal External

·  Chief Executive Officer

·  Divisional Manager Housing Services

·  Client Service Manager, Housing Services

·  Division Manager Assets

·  Client Service Officer’s (Admin, Access, Tenancy, Specialists),

·  Client Services Manager, Community Services

·  Technical Officers

·  Board of Directors

·  All staff of Wentworth

·  Tenants

·  Potential tenants and applicants

·  Landlords and potential landlords

·  Police

·  Elected members and their staff

·  Real estate agents

·  Local community service providers and agencies

·  Stakeholders of Wentworth, e.g. neighbours of tenants

·  Maintenance providers / suppliers / contractors


·  Receives strategic direction from the Divisional Manager Housing Services

·  Receives operational and day to day direction from the Client Services Manager regarding client service team operational requirements

·  Operates within Wentworth philosophies, objectives, policies and procedures and the Code of Practice

·  Works within the law and conducts themselves in a professional and ethical way

·  Able to act on Wentworth’s behalf to negotiate and solve conflicts or complaints in Wentworth’s portfolio

·  Refers housing matters not within position dimensions to the Client Service Manager


Knowledge and Experience

·  Experience leading a high performing team and building a positive team culture

·  Staff supervision skills and an ability to develop people to achieve positive client outcomes

·  Understanding of the needs of people requiring social housing and the range of housing solution options

·  Extensive experience in relation to the principles underpinning housing legislation, rental tribunal legislation and social housing management policies and practices

·  Demonstrated experience in delivering a high quality client service to people with complex needs in a high volume work environment

·  Superior written skills, inclusive of reports, briefing notes and legal pro-forma documents

·  A sound understanding of behaviour management practices and principles

·  Proven ability to manage an office environment, managing the day to day operations customer service charter and problem solving difficult situations.

Ability and Skills

·  Demonstrated ability to lead and manage a team

·  Demonstrated capacity to provide housing support

·  Demonstrated ability to relate to people from diverse backgrounds and experiences

·  Demonstrated ability to establish and maintain effective partnerships and relationships with a wide range of human service groups and organisations

·  Strong listening, communication, interpersonal and interviewing skills

·  Demonstrated capacity to prepare routine and complex documents for varied audiences

·  High level influencing, negotiation and conflict resolution skills

·  Demonstrated capacity to work as an effective team member in a high volume client service environment

·  Superior capacity in problem solving and decision making skills and applying discretion in dealing with sensitive issues and environments

·  Ability to prioritise and manage competing tasks, meet deadlines and targets

·  Ability to balance individual client needs with business requirements

·  Ability to understand, interpret and apply standards, legislation, policy and guidelines in the provision of services to clients

·  Ability to take initiative and work autonomously

Education and Training

·  Appropriate post secondary qualifications and/or extensive experience n the human services industry experience

·  Computer literacy

·  Current drivers license

·  Current Police Check

·  Current Working with Children Check

PREPARED BY: Divisional Manager Housing Services



CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S SIGNATURE: ………………………………………………………………..

APPROVAL DATE: January 2017 REVIEW DATE: …………………………….