Pleasereturnyourapplicationformandequalopportunitiesmonitoringformby post or by emailto: or to Naomi Goldberg, Chief Executive, GAVS, The Forum @ Greenwich, Trafalgar Road SE10 9EQ by 5pm on 21st December 2012.
Pleasecompleteallquestionsasfullyaspossible.Wecanonlyshortlistyouontheinformation you provideon the form. CVs will notbe considered.Pleasewrite clearly in black ink.
Opportunities policies.
POSITION APPLIED FOR:……………Development Assistant
Surname / First Name(s)Address
Contact No: / Mobile Tel No:
Full Driving
Licence: / YES/NO / Endorsements: / *YES
* If YES, pleasegivefurther details including
Pleasegivedetails of tworefereeswhowill be happy tobe contacted prior to interview.One shouldbe from your present or mostrecent employer. These shouldnot includerelatives or purely personal friends.
FirstReferee / Second RefereeName: / Name:
Positionheld:Positionheld: / Positionheld:
Address: / Address:
Telephone No. / Telephone No.
Email: / Email:
Employment history
Paid and/orvoluntary
Pleasecontinue ontoseparatesheets if necessary
DatesFrom/to / Name and Address of
organisation / Role and Key Responsibilities
Pleasecontinue on separatesheets if required
Pleaselist any education you haveundertaken:
EstablishmentName &Address / Dates / Course / Qualifications
Pleaselist all relevant training coursesattended
Date / Course title / Accreditation bodyPleasecontinue on separatesheets if required
Supporting information
Pleaseletusknowwhyyouare applyingforthispostgivingdetailsofanyrelevantskillsand experience whichyou mightbring totheposition. Pleasereadthepersonspecificationandjob descriptionbeforeyouanswerthis sectionas theyoutline theskills,knowledgeandexperience required forthispost.
Pleasebe concise in your answers. Pleaseuse additional sheets if required.
Are you involvedin any activity whichmight limit your availability towork or yourworking hours e.g. localgovernment? / YES/NO
If YES, pleasegivefull
Are you subject toany restrictions orcovenants which might restrict yourworking
activities? / YES/NO
If YES, pleasegivefull
Are you willing towork overtime andweekends ifrequired? / YES/NO
Pleasegivedetails of any hourswhich you wouldnot wish
Haveyou any convictions (other than spent convictions under the Rehabilitation of
OffendersAct 1974)? / YES/NO
If YES, pleasegivefull
Doyou need a work permit totake up employment in the U.K.? / YES/NO
How muchnotice areyou required togivetoyour current
Ideclare theinformation given on this form is correct tothe best of my knowledge. Signature: …………...... ………… Date: ………………….
Data Protection Act 1998:
The personal information submitted by you on this application form andin any accompanying documents will be usedby GAVS. The information will be kept for 2years.For successful applicants, information will be taken from thisform and usedas part ofyour personnel record.
Igiveconsent for the information given on thisform tobe used by GAVS for recruitment, payroll and Equal Opportunitiesmonitoring.
Signature: ……………...... ………Date:……………………….