Component / Required Element / Points Earned / Comments
Portfolio Element I: Instructional Unit Checklist (40 points)
Unit Part I.
Teaching/Learning Context for the Unit /
  1. Profile of your school/students (teaching context)
/ Due at Midterm
  1. Preliminary Bibliography (of materials used/needed for implementation of unit)
/ Due at Midterm You must have a hard copy, digital copy, or online access to all materials in this bibliography.
  1. Preliminary Unit Learning Targets (Goals)
/ Due at Midterm You must have a hard copy, digital copy, or online access to all materials in this bibliography.
Unit Part II.

Defining Standards/Learning Targets /
  1. Relevant authoritative standards for courses/subject areas at given grade level – minimum 3 sources
  2. TEKS – required
  3. TAKS – required
  4. Self-selected authoritative standards – required
/ Due at Midterm You must have a hard copy or digital copy of all authoritative standards related to your unit.
  1. Selected (indicated by highlighting) authoritative standards for planned unit of study
/ Due at Midterm You may highlight standards in copies collected for Part A.
  1. TAKS booklet most closely aligned with the selected standards and planned unit of instruction
/ Due at Midterm You must have a hard copy or digital copy of all TAKS related to your unit.
  1. List of all TAKS objectives for the given grade level and/or subject area
/ Due at Midterm
  1. Selected (indicated by highlighting) TAKS objectives – relevant to planned unit of study
  2. Yellow highlight TAKS objectives selected for use in planning the unit
  3. Blue highlight troublesome TAKS identified from item analysis in F
/ Due at Midterm You may highlight standards in copies collected for Part E.
  1. Most current released TAKS test for the relevant grade level and/or subject area – with your answers, troublesome items distractors, and correct answers marked
  2. Highlight in yellow all test questions that correspond to TEKS/TAKS selected for unit
  3. Highlight in blue all troublesome test questions (and the preferred wrong answer(s) that correspond to TEKS/TAKS selected for unit
  4. Indicate correct answers to all test questions
/ Due at Midterm
  1. TAKS test answer key that corresponds to the TAKS test collected
/ Due at Midterm
  1. Item analysis that corresponds to the collected TAKS test
/ Due at Midterm The Goals Table must include TAKS and TEKS selected from trouble spots on the relevant TAKS test.
  1. Goals Table – in Word or Excel format
/ Due at Midterm The Goals Table must include TAKS and TEKS selected from trouble spots on the relevant TAKS test.
  1. Taxonomy Table of unit goals
/ Due at Midterm The Goals Table must include TAKS and TEKS selected from trouble spots on the relevant TAKS test.
Unit Part III.
Traditional Assessments with answer key) /
  1. Summative assessment composed of traditional assessment methods including
  2. True/False (minimum 5 items)
  3. Multiple Choice (minimum 5 items)
  4. Matching (minimum 5 items)
  5. Interpretive Items (minimum 5 items)
  6. Short Answers (minimum 5 items)
  7. Essays (minimum 2 items)

  1. Answer Key for A
/ Due at Midterm
  1. A list of formative “traditional assessments” from the unit that are aligned with the traditional summative assessment
/ Requires no special treatment – simply identify the formative assessments embedded in the instructional framework (lesson plans) that are aligned with the traditional summative assessment.
  1. Taxonomy Table for unit's traditional summative assessment (see Anderson & Krathwohl) (OPTIONAL- FOR EXTRA CREDIT)
/ Due at Midterm
Unit Part IV.
Alternative Assessments /
  1. Student-ready "summative" alternative assessment

  1. Student-ready Rubric for A

  1. A list of formative “traditional assessments” from the unit that are aligned with the alternative summative assessment
/ Requires no special treatment – simply identify the formative assessments embedded in the instructional framework (lesson plans) that are aligned with the alternative summative assessment.
Unit Part V.
Framework for Instruction (for a minimum of 10 instructional periods) / A. Instructional Calendar that indicates the relative position of the constructed unit within the year's instructional framework / Calendar must include
  • All days in a given school year -- optional
  • at least the names for units that fall before and after the developed unit
  • indicators on specific days included in the constructed unit

B. Framework for Instruction (See Sample Chart)
  1. you can use the Excel format to show all lesson plans on one document or
  2. you can use the lesson plan template, creating one document per instructional period.
/ B and C can be combined
C. Instructional plans, one for each period of instruction, that include as a minimum the following:
  1. Instructional objective(s) --
  2. Selected/constructed assessment tools (techniques)
  3. Brief sequence of instructional tasks (procedures) that lead to targeted learning
  4. Materials and resources needed for the Use of Technology
  5. Relevant Standards connected to specific instructional objective(s)
  6. Relevant Unit Learning Goals/Target(s) connected to specific instructional objective(s)
/ Instructional plans may be developed as a set of individual, daily plans or they can be recorded as part of the instructional framework. In either case, they must meet all criteria indicated on the left, in C. a-f
D. Unit Introduction - written directly to students
E. Hypothetical student work for at least one selected/constructed assessment (OPTIONAL- FOR EXTRA CREDIT)
F. Feedback on hypothetical student’s progress towards standards and learning targets as well as suggestions for improvement (OPTIONAL- FOR EXTRA CREDIT)
Unit Part VI.
Grading Plan / A. grade sheet with 10 students
B. comprehensive grading policy that meets all criteria
Portfolio Element II: Assessment Journal Checklist (15 points)
Assessment Journal / Assessment Journal Entry #1 / Due at Midterm
Assessment Journal Entry #2 (Shepard/Wiggins) / Due at Midterm
Assessment Journal Entry #3 / Self-assessment of Unit – done in class
Assessment Journal Entry #4 / Peer assessment of Unit – done in class
Assessment Journal Entry #5 (Philosophy of Assessment to support Grading Policy) / (Satisfied in the construction of your personal grading policy, Part VI of the Unit)
Portfolio Element III: Assessment Library Checklist (10 points)
A. 15 entries that meet criteria / As assisgned
Portfolio Element IV: Assessment Dictionary (10 points)
  1. Minimum 25 entries
/ To be done in class – as review for final exam
Portfolio Element V: Midterm Exam (10 points)
Required -- Students may choose to complete the midterm or final exam for the total 25 points
Portfolio Element VI: Final Exam (15 points)
Required -- Students may choose to complete the midterm or final exam for the total 25 points