Portfolio Element I: Instructional Unit Checklist (40 points)
Unit Part I.
Teaching/Learning Context for the Unit /
- Profile of your school/students (teaching context)
- Preliminary Bibliography (of materials used/needed for implementation of unit)
- Preliminary Unit Learning Targets (Goals)
Unit Part II.
Defining Standards/Learning Targets /
- Relevant authoritative standards for courses/subject areas at given grade level – minimum 3 sources
- TEKS – required
- TAKS – required
- Self-selected authoritative standards – required
- Selected (indicated by highlighting) authoritative standards for planned unit of study
- TAKS booklet most closely aligned with the selected standards and planned unit of instruction
- List of all TAKS objectives for the given grade level and/or subject area
- Selected (indicated by highlighting) TAKS objectives – relevant to planned unit of study
- Yellow highlight TAKS objectives selected for use in planning the unit
- Blue highlight troublesome TAKS identified from item analysis in F
- Most current released TAKS test for the relevant grade level and/or subject area – with your answers, troublesome items distractors, and correct answers marked
- Highlight in yellow all test questions that correspond to TEKS/TAKS selected for unit
- Highlight in blue all troublesome test questions (and the preferred wrong answer(s) that correspond to TEKS/TAKS selected for unit
- Indicate correct answers to all test questions
- TAKS test answer key that corresponds to the TAKS test collected
- Item analysis that corresponds to the collected TAKS test
- Goals Table – in Word or Excel format
- Taxonomy Table of unit goals
Unit Part III.
Traditional Assessments with answer key) /
- Summative assessment composed of traditional assessment methods including
- True/False (minimum 5 items)
- Multiple Choice (minimum 5 items)
- Matching (minimum 5 items)
- Interpretive Items (minimum 5 items)
- Short Answers (minimum 5 items)
- Essays (minimum 2 items)
- Answer Key for A
- A list of formative “traditional assessments” from the unit that are aligned with the traditional summative assessment
- Taxonomy Table for unit's traditional summative assessment (see Anderson & Krathwohl) (OPTIONAL- FOR EXTRA CREDIT)
Unit Part IV.
Alternative Assessments /
- Student-ready "summative" alternative assessment
- Student-ready Rubric for A
- A list of formative “traditional assessments” from the unit that are aligned with the alternative summative assessment
Unit Part V.
Framework for Instruction (for a minimum of 10 instructional periods) / A. Instructional Calendar that indicates the relative position of the constructed unit within the year's instructional framework / Calendar must include
- All days in a given school year -- optional
- at least the names for units that fall before and after the developed unit
- indicators on specific days included in the constructed unit
B. Framework for Instruction (See Sample Chart)
- you can use the Excel format to show all lesson plans on one document or
- you can use the lesson plan template, creating one document per instructional period.
C. Instructional plans, one for each period of instruction, that include as a minimum the following:
- Instructional objective(s) --
- Selected/constructed assessment tools (techniques)
- Brief sequence of instructional tasks (procedures) that lead to targeted learning
- Materials and resources needed for the Use of Technology
- Relevant Standards connected to specific instructional objective(s)
- Relevant Unit Learning Goals/Target(s) connected to specific instructional objective(s)
D. Unit Introduction - written directly to students
E. Hypothetical student work for at least one selected/constructed assessment (OPTIONAL- FOR EXTRA CREDIT)
F. Feedback on hypothetical student’s progress towards standards and learning targets as well as suggestions for improvement (OPTIONAL- FOR EXTRA CREDIT)
Unit Part VI.
Grading Plan / A. grade sheet with 10 students
B. comprehensive grading policy that meets all criteria
Portfolio Element II: Assessment Journal Checklist (15 points)
Assessment Journal / Assessment Journal Entry #1 / Due at Midterm
Assessment Journal Entry #2 (Shepard/Wiggins) / Due at Midterm
Assessment Journal Entry #3 / Self-assessment of Unit – done in class
Assessment Journal Entry #4 / Peer assessment of Unit – done in class
Assessment Journal Entry #5 (Philosophy of Assessment to support Grading Policy) / (Satisfied in the construction of your personal grading policy, Part VI of the Unit)
Portfolio Element III: Assessment Library Checklist (10 points)
A. 15 entries that meet criteria / As assisgned
Portfolio Element IV: Assessment Dictionary (10 points)
- Minimum 25 entries
Portfolio Element V: Midterm Exam (10 points)
Required -- Students may choose to complete the midterm or final exam for the total 25 points
Portfolio Element VI: Final Exam (15 points)
Required -- Students may choose to complete the midterm or final exam for the total 25 points