Settlement & Mexican Revolution
· Be able to identify the importance of the establishment of Catholic missions and towns.
· Be familiar with the reasons and methods of Spanish settlement in Texas.
· European
· Colony
· Mission
· Settlement
· Presidio
· Revolution
· Tax
· 1718
· 1821
The Spanish began building missions (churches) in order to spread the Catholic religion to the American Indians. The most famous mission became San Antonio de Valero (Alamo) which was built in 1718. Some American Indians did not like the Spanish on their land so they began attacking the people at the missions. The Spanish built presidios (military forts) armed with Spanish soldiers to help protect the missions from American Indian raids.
More and more Spanish moved near these missions and forts which became a colony. Through these settlements, Spain is able to claim Texas and Central America. This area was first known as New Spain.
After several years of being ruled by Spain, Mexican colonists became unhappy and wanted to be an independent nation which led to the Mexican Revolution. Mexicans were unhappy with how the government was being run and an increase in taxes to pay for a war in Europe. In 1821, Mexico won their independence from Spain and became a new nation.
Significance: The influence of Spanish exploration can still be seen in our language, city names and many other ways in Texas today.
Steps to Spanish Settlement