Bendigo Uniting Churches Social Justice Group
Anonymous,Gold Coast (received via CFMEU)
Acasual directly employed by **** @ Gold Coast City Security
Paid Fair: false / Safe work: false / Predictable Roster: false / Bills ok: true
Legal Employment: false / WorkSafe: false / Childcare: false / Accommodation ok: true
Could speak up: false / Could speak up: false / Leave: false / Future secure: false
Crack down on anyone who makes staff quote ABN's but also make it easier for employers to put them on books
I was a directly employed casual less than 3 months ago. 70 hours a week for $1,260 (other companies with same position: $2,520.00) High risk sites, $20.00/hour at most All I did was work and sleep This happened at Gold Coast City Security , Gold Coast when I was employed by ****. This happened in the Security industry. Crack down on anyone who makes staff quote ABN's but also make it easier for employers to put them on books
Submission URL:
Anonymous,Melbourne (ASU received via CFMEU)
Contracting with an ABN but to one employer only
Paid Fair: false / Safe work: true / Predictable Roster: true / Bills ok: true
Legal Employment: false / WorkSafe: false / Childcare: true / Accommodation ok: false
Could speak up: false / Could speak up: true / Leave: false / Future secure: false
Stronger penalties for sham contracting and cash payments. Give teeth to the Fair Work Ombudsman to eliminate the burden of low-paid employees potentially having to fight for fair treatment in court.
I was contracting with an ABN but to one employer only more than a year ago. I had been working informally under a cash arrangement for a few months. I was told that to legitimize my payments I would need to sign up for an ABN and invoice them as a subcontractor. The rate of pay was below award rate and had no superannuation attached, nor leave benefits. In hindsight, this was certainly a sham arrangement, though that fact was lost on me at the time, as I was only 19. The matter became relevant over 7 years later when I was made redundant from the same employer, as the period of sham contracting resulted in a dispute over long service leave entitlements. The matter was settled out of court for an amount less than the full entitlement would have provided, had no dispute been able to arise. No pay at all over Christmas when the office shut down. No sick leave at all and wages were too low to offset thatinconvenience. This happened in Melbourne. This happened in the Entertainment industry. We need stronger penalties for sham contracting and cash payments. Give teeth to the Fair Work Ombudsman to eliminate the burden of low-paid employees potentially having to fight for fair treatment in court.
Submission URL:
Jaiden Phillips,Melbourne (received via CFMEU)
Civil construction
Employed through a labor hire agency by Strategy one @ Kingston
Paid Fair: true / Safe work: false / Predictable Roster: false / Bills ok: false
Legal Employment: true / WorkSafe: false / Childcare: false / Accommodation ok: false
Could speak up: true / Could speak up: true / Leave: true / Future secure: false
I would give big construction companies money so they can train laborers into skilled laborers.Give plant operations company money so they can hire unexperienced laborers that have the certificates and competencies, then give them time on the machines and gain experience from experienced operators.
I was employed through a labor hire agency in my current job. I’m new to the construction industry and one of my jobs was climbing over scaffolding onto a ladder that was in a tipper truck. I don’t have kids so that’s all good, I struggled to get interviews for full time work because I’ve got no experience except for the two certificates I’ve just completed which are cert 2 in construction pathways and cert 3 in civil construction, plant operations and traffic management. It’s just stressful having to worry about paying bills and buying food each week because Idon’t have a secure job, I only work when companies need a laborer. This happened at Kingston work site in Maribyrnong with the labor service I’m currently employed with,Strategy One. This happened in the civil construction industry. I would give big construction companies money so they can train laborers into skilled laborers such as in my case give a plant operations company money so they can hire unexperienced laborers that have the certificates and competencies, then give them time on the machines and learning from the experienced operators.
Submission URL:
Anonymous,Brisbane (received via CFMEU)
A directly employed casual
Paid Fair: false / Safe work: false / Predictable Roster: false / Bills ok: true
Legal Employment: false / WorkSafe: false / Childcare: true / Accommodation ok: true
Could speak up: false / Could speak up: false / Leave: false / Future secure: false
I would start with enforcing the awards and NES. After that there are a million other things I would change.
I was a directly employed as a casual in my current job. A problem was not adhering to award nor National Employment Standards.I was constantly required to work outside of safe work practices. I was stressed from being overworked.Who knows what’s next after each job.This happened in Brisbane.This happened in the Construction industry. I would start with enforcing the awards and NES. After that there are a million other things I would change.
Submission URL:
Martin Howard,Melbourne(CFMEU received via CFMEU)
Contracting with an ABN but to one employer only @ Large plant hire
Paid Fair: false / Safe work: false / Predictable Roster: false / Bills ok: false
Legal Employment: false / WorkSafe: false / Childcare: false / Accommodation ok: false
Could speak up: false / Could speak up: false / Leave: true / Future secure: false
Ensure that all workers have bare minimum standards that reflect that reflect the current cost of living and experiences without penalizing those who are willing to go that extra mile
I was contracting with an ABN but to one employer only in my current job. No penalty rates RDO sick leave or annual leave super Incolink redundant or EBA Take chances whilst working under direction of other sub-contractors $$$$$$$$ Constantly This happened at Union / non Union / commercial/ domestic , melba when I was employed by all the large plant hire. This happened in the excavation industry. Ensure that all workers have bare minimum standards that reflect that reflect the current cost of living and expenses without penalizing those who are willing to go that extra mile
Submission URL:
Justin Milner Scoresby (CFMEU received via CFMEU)
Employed through a labor hire agency by Australia personnel global @ Caribbean Business Park
Paid Fair: false / Safe work: false / Predictable Roster: false / Bills ok: true
Legal Employment: true / WorkSafe: true / Childcare: true / Accommodation ok: true
Could speak up: false / Could speak up: false / Leave: false / Future secure: false
Put a limit on the number of casual rolls allowed on a site... put a cap on sub-contractors on site and limit sub contract to a 6 month compoundedmaximum before they must be made full time
I was employed through a labor hire agency less than 3 months ago. You can’t ask for more, not when you’re constantly reminded how good you have it... People who complain too much don’t keep jobs. I asked for a week off to undergo surgery, and lost my job because of it... I was constantly stressing about my future, where I was going to be in a month’stime, how I was going to pay the bills after that job finished... my sleeping pattern is still messed up from it this happened at Caribbean business park, Scoresby when I was employed by Australia personnelglobal. This happened in the Construction industry. Put a limit on the number of casuals allowed on a site... put a cap on sub-contractors on site and limit sub contract to a 6 month compoundedmaximum before they must be made full time.
Submission URL:
Anonymous (CFMEU received via CFMEU)
On a rolling contract
Pay and Conditions / Health and Safety / Personal Impact / Financial SecurityPaid Fair: true / Safe work: true / Predictable Roster: true / Bills ok: true
Legal Employment: true / WorkSafe: true / Childcare: true / Accommodation ok: true
Could speak up: true / Could speak up: true / Leave: true / Future secure: false
I was on a rolling contract in my current job. Because of the CFMEUEBA I'm only employed on an 8 hour contract
Submission URL:
Andrea Gideon,Melbourne (received via CFMEU)
Employed through a labor hire agency
Pay and Conditions / Health and Safety / Personal Impact / Financial SecurityPaid Fair: true / Safe work: true / Predictable Roster: false / Bills ok: false
Legal Employment: true / WorkSafe: true / Childcare: false / Accommodation ok: false
Could speak up: true / Could speak up: true / Leave: false / Future secure: false
I think it's really too late to do anything, the jobs have all gone for the older workers like me, I have no choice but to collect the age pension and be treated as a second class citizen living on the poverty line until I die. I do have a full time job now but my pay isn't very much. I'm a single mum so I've missed out on a lot of super and at 50 it’s just too late for me. I would do anything to improve my situation. I have a maxed out credit card and a bank loan that I had to take out in the past to pay bills and rent. Why are wages so low that we can't afford to live anymore?
I was employed through a labor hire agency more than a year ago. Amongst other things I could rely on a broke and depressing Christmas, while the "haves" are rushing around celebrating, shopping, having big Christmas do's.My family is sad and lonely. Despite the fact that I have worked bloody hard all year, knowing that I can NEVER have a holiday makes me kind of angry.I think it's really too late to do anything, the jobs have all gone for the older workers like me, I have no choice but to collect the age pension and be treated as a second class citizen living on the poverty line until I die. I do have a full time job now but my pay isn't very much. I'm a single mum so I've missed out on a lot of super and at 50 it’s just too late for me. I would do anything to improve my situation. I have a maxed out credit card and a bank loan that I had to take out in the past to pay bills and rent. Why are wages so low that we can't afford to live anymore?
Submission URL:
Anonymous (MUA received via CFMEU)
A directly employed casual
Pay and Conditions / Health and Safety / Personal Impact / Financial SecurityPaid Fair: true / Safe work: false / Predictable Roster: false / Bills ok: false
Legal Employment: true / WorkSafe: false / Childcare: false / Accommodation ok: false
Could speak up: true / Could speak up: true / Leave: true / Future secure: false
Make more full time secure jobs
I was a directly employed casual less than a year ago. There are too many casuals for the amount of work that had to be rationed out. Make more full time secure jobs.
Submission URL:
Anonymous (received via CFMEU)
Employed through a labor hire agency
Pay and Conditions / Health and Safety / Personal Impact / Financial SecurityPaid Fair: false / Safe work: false / Predictable Roster: true / Bills ok: false
Legal Employment: false / WorkSafe: false / Childcare: false / Accommodation ok: false
Could speak up: false / Could speak up: true / Leave: false / Future secure: false
Get rid of mining tax, it killed my industry straight away.
I was employed through a labor hire agency less than 3 months ago. There are bad conditions and a bad environment. I have to work in rain, dirt and grease. There are no breaks or 10 minute breaks.I am asked to do things that could endanger my safety and when Iquestioned it, “it was how we do it”.I have a family.I’m out of work again now. Get rid of mining tax it killed my industry straight away.
Submission URL:
Chris Breen,Brisbane (ETU received via CFMEU)
Employed through a labor hire agency by Hays @ Thiess/John Holland
Paid Fair: false / Safe work: false / Predictable Roster: false / Bills ok: true
Legal Employment: false / WorkSafe: true / Childcare: false / Accommodation ok: true
Could speak up: true / Could speak up: false / Leave: false / Future secure: false
Ensure all workers had equality through collective agreements... any company’s caught discriminating would face huge fines.
I was employed through a labor hire agency more than a year ago. I was working on airport link job in Brisbane. I was paid @ $50/hr (that was double time for night shit) whilst working alongside employees of the principle contractors who were being paid as per the airportlink agreement on nearly $80/hr. I was discriminated against for being a labor hire employee.Supervisors on the project pushed work crews to complete tasks at any cost, disregarding safety on many occasions. There was a lack of job security, never knowing if the axe will fall today or tomorrow. This happened at Thiess/John Holland, Brisbane when I was employed by Hays. This happened in the Construction industry. Ensure all workers had equality through collective agreements,any company’s caught discriminating would face huge fines.
Submission URL:
Alistair Parr,Darwin (CFMEU received via AMWU)
employed through a labor hire agency by Skilled. Placed at Argyle Diamonds.
Paid Fair: true / Safe work: false / Predictable Roster: false / Bills ok: true
Legal Employment: false / WorkSafe: true / Childcare: true / Accommodation ok: true
Could speak up: false / Could speak up: false / Leave: false / Future secure: false
Ban Labor-Hire for tradies. Also I would scrap the 457 system, especially in engineering trades. Most 457s aren't the back end of a tradesman. They are poorly trained and semi-skilled at best. They are also very dangerous. We have how many unemployed citizens? And how many 457s? It's out of control. The only time 457s are ok is even everyone has a job, and the employers still can't get people. Also, there would be no ABCC, either. Permanent employment only for metal and electrical men. The way it is is shocking.
I was employed through a labor hire agency more than a year ago. I worked for Argyle Diamonds/Rio Tinto on Labor-Hire T&Cs for 14 months. I was employed through Skilled. They were forever offering me a contract (which shouldn't by rights even exist) and it never even eventuated anyway. I'm a Boilermaker by trade, and because of my height (195cm) they put in a position where I was forced to weld in overhead position for 7-8 hours with my neck in hypertension. After about 5 hours of welding in that ridiculous position, the cervical disc prolapsed in the blink of an eye. It was a grindy kind of clicking sensation in my neck that lasted under a second, followed by a nervous tingle down my right arm that went for about 15-20 seconds. That was the annulus of the cervical disc failing and the jelly inside the disc squeezing out. The headshield had overloaded the cervical disc. Anyway I was stuck in the mine site like that for nearly a week, and had to wait another 2 weeks for spinal surgery in Perth. They didn't send me to hospital, they bailed me up in a hotel instead. And on the day of surgery, while on the table with a hole in my throat the size of a lemon, Argyle Diamonds terminated me. Yep. Fired on the table. Now I have 25.4% of permanent overall body impairment, and 62.5% of of permanent calculated injury to my cervical spine. For life. Show me an employer who will employ a Boilermaker with a prosthesis in their spine. You're joking. They won't go anywhere near me. That mining company destroyed my life and career. Personally I think that I'm better off as ash. I wasn't even compensated adequately. The mining company had a company plant in a rep position. I saw three hands go up when he was voted in...Everyone else looked sideways at each other pulling funny faces. We knew the dice was loaded. That happened about 11-12 months prior to my injury. I was on permanent Labor-Hire, meaning I could go any day. Even if I did nothing wrong or out of line, even if injured. Working under Labor-Hire is inappropriate for tradies when you consider what can happen to us. Labor-Hire is casual essentially....and in our line of work this can mean being casually injured or casually killed. Those T&Cs are inadequate and totally inappropriate. This happened at Skilled. Placed at Argyle Diamonds., Darwin when I was employed by Skilled. This happened in the Mining industry. Ban Labor-Hire for tradies. Also I would scrap the 457 system, especially in engineering trades. Most 457s aren't the back end of a tradesman. They are poorly trained and semi-skilled at best. They are also very dangerous. We have how many unemployed citizens? And how many 457s? It's out of control. The only time 457s are ok is even everyone has a job, and the employers still can't get people. Also, there would be no ABCC, either. Permanent employment only for metal and electrical men. The way it is shocking.