849 Port Way – Clarkston, WA
Tuesday, July 11, 2017 -- 1:00 p.m.
The Port of Clarkston’s regular meeting for July 11, 2017, was brought to order at the Port of Clarkston office by Commissioner Wayne Tippett Chairman, at 1 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. (This meeting was rescheduled from the second Thursday, due to a traveling conflict with the Port Manager.) A quorum was present.
[P] Commissioner Marvin Jackson [P] Commissioner Rick Davis
[P] Commissioner Wayne Tippett [P] Port Manager – Wanda Keefer
[P] Port Auditor/Bookkeeper - Jennifer Bly [A] ED Assistant – Belinda Campbell
VISITORS: Bud Greene – Larry Schroeder
1. Any approved absences (none applicable)
2. Approval of Minutes – Minutes of the Meetings of June 8, 2017
3. Review of Accounts Receivable
4. Approval of Vouchers
Type of Check Check Numbers Date Amount
Payroll EFT 19967 – 19977 06/15/2017 $10,949.29
Expenses 19978 – 19990 06/27/2017 $63,149.74
Payroll EFT 19991 – 20001 06/30/2017 $17,761.95
Expenses 20002 – 20034 07/11/2017 $51,475.09
Motion to approve consent calendar was made by Commissioners Jackson/Davis. Motion carried.
Larry Schroeder reported that he had received a phone call from Jim Palmeri with American Cruise Lines. He said they are receiving complaints from passengers with the Empress having to dock at the crane dock and having to ride a bus to the cruise dock to take the jet boats upriver. There was a long discussion regarding this issue. The high water due to unusual spring weather resulted in sediment deposition in our cruise dock area. Larry will tell them that they need to speak with Port personnel regarding this issue.
Approve 5-year lease with A-L Compressed Gas for 1024 and 1026 Port Drive to expire in June 2020. Motion made by Commissioners Jackson/Davis approving the 5-year lease with A/L Compressed Gas. Motion carried.
Ratify no cost use agreement with Clarkston School District (for conduit & poles): Motion made by Commissioners Jackson/Davis ratifying the no-cost agreement with Clarkston School District and authorizing the Port Manager to sign the agreement. Motion carried.
Permitting in progress:
1. Improvements (building expansion) at Dave’s Golf Shop report: The Port Manager reported that we should have permission with another week.
2. EZ1 to DAHP for F&W shelter and SEPA Determination of non-significance on Fish and Game “shelter” at 1049 Port Way: Motion made by Commissioners Davis/Jackson finding a Determination of Non-significance on the Fish and Wildlife building at 1049 Port Way. Motion carried.
3. EZ1 to DAHP and SEPA Determination of non-significance on Port shop expansion: Motion made by Commissioners Davis/Jackson finding a Determination of Non-significance on the addition to the shop building. Motion carried.
4. Discuss “lead agency” role for Port on City of Asotin boat basin project: Motion made by Commissioners Jackson/Davis allowing the Port of Clarkston to be the lead agency for the City of Asotin boat basin project should the City not wish to fulfil that role. Motion carried.
1. Approve minor changes on IRON Master Lease Agreement (broadband/Southway Bridge): Motion made by Commissioners Jackson/Davis approving the minor changes to the IRON Master Lease Agreement. Motion carried.
2. Ratify transaction to purchase PocketiNet telecom assets on and near Clarkston School District – including sales tax (broadband): Motion made by Commissioners Davis/Jackson ratifying the transaction to purchase PocketiNet telecom assets on and near the Clarkston School District. Motion carried.
3. Additional broadband connections in progress – The Port Manager discussed additional connections at Community Bank and Hells Canyon RV Park, moving forward due to authority granted the Manager. Other interest has been expressed, but connections for those are quite costly. It was decided to review those requests during the next budget cycle.
4. Update on constructing shelter for Washington Fish and Game (bids close July 18): The bid packet is out and will close on July 18th. The Commissioners reaffirmed the granting of authority to the Port Manager to award the bid and proceed with the contract.
5. Update on changes at cruise boat dock - compactor is in and working partially. Commissioner Tippett requested placement of a high voltage sticker on the electrical box.
6. Update on Lower Granite Master plan: The Port Manager provided background as facilitator for the Confluence Waterfront Coalition. This group is made up of representatives from the Ports of Clarkston & Lewiston, Cities of Lewiston, Asotin & Clarkston, Asotin & Nez Perce County, CEDA, SEWEDA, Valley Vision, MPO Director and others. At this time, the coalition is aware that the local Corps of Engineers office will be using ½ acre of land for a 150’ shed along the shoreline. It is the opinion of the group that this is not the highest and best use of the property. The Port Manager asked how much staff time should be using staff time to develop alternative locations for USACE office. Construction of the shed will preclude expansion of the RV park. The Commissioners expressed reservations about the Port being the lead on an alternative location discussion.
Commissioner Jackson & Tippett Nothing to report
Commissioner Davis reported on the Valley Vision meeting he attended, saying he enjoyed the speaker from Howell Machine.
1. Calendar – Wanda provided the Commissioners with a copy of her calendar.
2. Wanda is planning a vacation for Aug 18-25.
3. She shared with Commissioners the results of Northwest River Partners latest survey results.
4. Staff Professional Development – Leadership LCV Chamber training camp: Feedback from the Commissioners was for staff to exercise discretion on these opportunities.
5. Palouse RTPO selected City of Rosalia as Lead Agency and has moved to WSU Research Park in Pullman.
6. Info from PNWA – Wanda gave the Commissioners an update from the May PNWA meeting.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – At 2:55 p.m., the Commissioners went into executive session to discuss the following for a period of 25 minutes: Litigation – 10 minutes; personnel 15 minutes. At 3:15 p.m., the Commissioners came out of executive session and asked for an additional 10 minutes for “personnel.”
EXECUTIVE SESSION Wrap-up – There were no decisions at the conclusion of Executive Session.
Next Meeting – August 10, 2017 Regular Meeting Commissioner Davis did announce a conflict; the meeting date was ultimately changed to August 17, 2017.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Rick Davis - Secretary
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