2015 John Oxley Library Fellowship

State Library of Queensland is a leading collector of Queensland’s documentary heritage and aims to make these resources more visible and accessible to Queenslanders and the rest of the world.

The John Oxley Library has a wide range of contemporary and retrospective content chronicling events, people, places and ideas that continue to shape Queensland and its memory for current and future generations.

The John Oxley Library Fellowship, an initiative of the Queensland Library Foundation, is used by an individual in connection with the research and writing of Queensland history from original sources, making use of the resources contained within the collections of State Library and specifically the John Oxley Library. Subject to this general consideration, State Library allows the Fellow to determine expenditure of the funds and may require the Fellow to account for the funds awarded.

Fellows are required to provide multiple research outcomes both tangible and intangible, during and at the conclusion of the Fellowship.

Application requirements

Please complete all details on the application form.

The application should demonstrate the project’s relevance to Queensland history, originality and contribution of new knowledge about Queensland, use of the John Oxley Library and State Library collections, and the existence of clear and defined outcomes.

The panel will take these points into account when assessing applications. Please see terms and conditions for detailed criteria information.

Note: Fellowships are not intended to support research projects which are a component of postgraduate studies.

Please keep a copy of the application for your records.

The completed application must be submitted before 5pm Monday 16 March 2015 to:

The John Oxley Library Fellowship
Queensland Memory
John Oxley Library
State Library of Queensland
PO Box 3488
South Brisbane Qld 4101

Or by email to

Enquiries or requests for further information should be directed Queensland Memory,
State Library of Queensland on 07 3840 7887 or

More information, including previous Fellows’ details, is available at http://www.slq.qld.gov.au/whats-on/awards/slqawards/jolfellow/prevwinners

Contact details

1. / Name in full
2. / Home address
3. / Postal address
(if different from above)
4. / Telephone numbers
5. / Email

Please type your responses to questions 6–17 and 19 noting the word limit.

6.  Brief title of project (No more than 30 words)

7.  Summary of project (No more than 300 words)

8.  Relevance of project to the collections of the John Oxley Library

Please list resources already identified and outline how the John Oxley Library is a critical resource for the work you are undertaking.

9.  Outline your research methodology for this project

10.  Has the project commenced?

Yes No

If yes, please outline when the project was started and the current state of progress on the project.

11.  Will this project be undertaken as part of the requirements for a formal qualification?

Yes No

Please note: the John Oxley Library Fellowship is not intended to support research projects which are a component of postgraduate studies.

12.  What will be the outcome of your research?
For example, publication, online engagement, exhibition, film, performance, etc.

13.  Have you applied to any other funding body for this project?

Yes No

If yes, please give details of the funding body, the amount requested and the result of the application, if known.

14.  Current position or occupation

15.  Education record

Please give details of degrees (including university, area of study or major, year of graduation), special prizes or other distinctions.

16.  Scholarships or awards previously or currently held

17.  Writing and research

Please list a selection of articles, books and/or papers you have written. Attach a separate list if necessary.

18.  Names and contact details of three referees familiar with your work







19.  How did you become aware of the John Oxley Library Fellowship?

SLQ website

SLQ staff

SLQ enewsletter. Please specify:

Advertising. Where:

Word of mouth

Social media

Other, please specify:

20.  How often do you engage with the John Oxley Library onsite or online (eg. for research purposes, attending events such as A Night in the JOL, commenting on blog articles etc)?




Once or twice a year


Other, please specify:

21.  How do you engage with the John Oxley Library onsite or online? (tick all that apply)

Research purposes

Attend events (eg. White Gloves Experiences)

Attend talks or lectures (eg. A night in the JOL)

Attend workshops or training clinics

Attend symposiums or forums

Read the JOL blog and/or WWI blog

Contribute to the JOL blog and/or WWI blog

Follow State Library on social media

Other, please list:


I have read the Terms and Conditions relating to the John Oxley Library Fellowship. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all the information in this application is correct. If my application is successful, I agree to abide by the conditions for appointment as a John Oxley Library Fellow.

Signature: / Date: / / /

Terms and conditions

The amount of the Fellowship to be awarded will be $20,000. This amount may be used to supplement the researcher’s income during work on his/her project or to meet any necessary travel and research cost, within the parameters of the Fellowship.

The John Oxley Library Fellowship is not intended to support research projects which are a component of postgraduate studies.

The project must be completed within 12 months of the appointment of the successful Fellow.

A final report is to be submitted to the project supervisor prior to completion of the project as well as maintaining close contact with the designated project manager.


·  It is expected that the project will deliver a minimum of one tangible outcome. Examples of acceptable outcomes include a publication, exhibition, website, cultural production such as a play, a significant acquisition for, or a substantial curatorial contribution to, the John Oxley Library collection.

·  An annotated bibliography will be compiled as a result of the research undertaken and presented to State Library for its collection.

·  The recipient of the Fellowship will be expected to compose and contribute at least five articles to the John Oxley Library blog related to his/her research.

·  Present at least one public seminar at State Library of Queensland and to make a presentation on the progress of the project to the Library Board of Queensland and/or the Queensland Library Foundation.

·  It is desirable that all outcomes give due acknowledgement of the award.

Additionally, the Fellow is to be available for publicity purposes relating to the Fellowship.

A State Library committee will consider all applications for the John Oxley Library Fellowship and interview short-listed applicants.

The recipient will be notified before any public announcement. All applicants will be notified in writing regarding the outcome of their application after the decision is announced.

The decision of the selection panel is final and no discussion or correspondence will be entered into in regards to the panel’s decision. It should be noted that State Library of Queensland staff are not eligible to apply.

The panel reserves the right to offer an additional award(s) which allows a Fellowship applicant(s) special privileges in relation to the use of John Oxley Library facilities.

In the event of no suitable applicant being found in a particular year, the panel reserves the right to withhold the Fellowship for that year.

Assessment of applications

The panel will consider the following points when assessing applications:

1. Relevance to Queensland history

Does the project enhance our knowledge or understanding of Queensland history, development or cultural life?

Is the project original or does it duplicate existing studies?

2. Use of John Oxley Library/State Library collections

Does the project make relevant use of the information sources within John Oxley Library/State Library or will it contribute to filling a gap in the collection?

Will the project raise awareness of the content and/or importance of the John Oxley Library/State Library collections?

3. Project outcomes

Is the project achievable within the timeframes or taking into account accessible information resources?

Are clear outcomes defined?

Is there a tangible outcome, e.g. a book, website, play, exhibition, curatorial contribution?

4. Obstacles

Copyright implications?

Moral rights obligations?

Any cultural sensitivity?