We would like to make you aware of some rules that will prevent problems with your stay at Pooh and Piglet’s Place.
1) To turn on the TV and cable you really only need the one large control remote. (The black one is for the TV only, but the big remote controls both). It’s hard to describe, but make sure the green power light in the bottom right of the TV screen is lit, and the blue light on the black cable box above the TV is lit. Then, the TV should display “Westinghouse”. After a few seconds, “HDMI” will display. A few seconds later, the TV should be on. The small gray remote is for the DVD player underneath the cable box.
2) The remote for the stereo is usually near the armoire that the stereo is in. Look for the very small gray Panasonic remote – just a little larger than a pack of matches. The stereo also plays DVDs. Radio reception is limited.
3) Please do not flush feminine products down the toilet. The septic system is only a small system as are most systems for beach properties.
4) We do not recommend running the washer/dryer, taking a shower, washing dishes and flushing the toilet all at the same time. The water system is small and may not perform as you desire.
5) Absolutely no grilling is allowed on the deck. The wind conditions from the ocean make this an extremely dangerous fire hazard. Some idiot (the owner) did it before and nearly burnt the house down.
6) If you are a “Preferred” guest (paying a reduced rate), then you are responsible for cleaning the unit before you leave. One of the pages following this rule page will tell you what you should be cleaning before you depart.
7) The storage area below the unit is not available for your use.
8) If the weather is extremely windy when you are departing, please be kind enough to use the special door lock so that the storm door won’t blow open. Beach winds could (and have) completely detached the door and it could be a safety hazard.
9) Please don’t leave the air conditioning running really high or the heat blazing when you leave at the end of your stay.
10) We try to maintain ample supplies of cleaning products (cleansers, soaps, etc.) We also leave other amenities (coffee, coffee filters, etc.) But we have no idea how much will be used by any one group of tenants. So, if you use something up, be courteous and replace it before you leave. If everyone chips in, no one will pay a lot for these extras and everyone will have them for their pleasure.
11) If you leave something in the refrigerator, make sure it’s something that someone will use. Examples would be: unopened beverages, butter, mustard, ketchup. Use your best judgment and common sense. Nobody is going to eat your leftover pizza.
12) Please do not pour cooking grease down any of the sinks, bathtub or toilet. This has been known to clog the drain lines in the septic system.
13) Please put the trash can “right side up” at end of the driveway before you leave. There are arrows on the top of the can indicating which side should face the street. Refer to the schedule posted on side of the refrigerator for the collection days. And obey recycling laws by using the blue container for recyclables like plastic and glass. Please be kind and be sure to put out the trash the night before. Don’t leave a lot of trash for the next tenants to deal with.
14) If you lock yourself out of the house, the nearest locksmith is Reid Barbie and he can be reached at 910-389-3326. But, if you’re locked out, you’re probably not able to read this, so make a mental note – call us. We have another method to get you in.
15) The Wi-Fi network at Pooh and Piglet’s is named NETGEAR52. The password for it is “wideraccoon428”. (You do not need the “quotes”).
16) If you bring a pet, you may want to use the Adams Flea and Tick Carpet cleaner when you leave the unit for several hours (i.e.; while you’re at the beach). The reason we suggest this is that we have no control over whether tenants that bring pets treat them for fleas. So, if the tenant before you had an infected pet, you might want to take precautions for your own pet. We suggest on your first long departure from the unit to sprinkle the powder on the carpets and upon your return, vacuum the carpets. You should only need to do this once near the beginning of your stay to protect your pet. You can find the Adams powder under the bathroom sink.
17) We realize that there is no way we can enforce a non-smoking policy. Nevertheless, we do request that if you do smoke, please do so outdoors. It is not much of an inconvenience and some of our regular tenants do have smoke-related allergies. Your compliance is appreciated.
18) Do not move the parking posts located on the edge of the yard facing 7th Avenue for any reason. Vehicles may only be parked in the driveway and are not to be parked on the yard. The septic system is located in this area and the drainage lines run under the soil in the yard. Parking a car on them may crush them and could result in thousands of dollars in damages for which you will be held responsible if you ignore this rule.
19) The website plainly states this, but a recent episode with a tenant has persuaded me to add this to the house rules as a reminder. Unless you have made prior arrangements with us, then the absolute check-in and check-out times are always as follows: Check-In is any time after 1PM on Saturday, and Check-Out is always the following Saturday at 11AM. If you have booked more than one week, then naturally your check out is on the last Saturday of your stay. We rarely modify this protocol and will only do so during off-season weeks (if we do).
20) We have had to change this policy during the 2015 season. We recommend you either bring your own linens or rent them from a linen service. We leave linens in the unit, but we make no guarantee as to their cleanliness. You are welcome to clean them and use them, but who wants to do that on their vacation? We have had to change this policy because of a few tenants that left every towel and linen dirty and then just left the unit. We only have two hours between check-out and check-in and that is not enough time to wash and dry everything. And we’re not a hotel! You can rent linens from Topsail Beach Home Cleaning at 910-327-2308.
21) Please note that the washer/dryer is an apartment sized unit. If you overfill the washer, it will get off balance and during the spin dry cycle will make a heck of a racket. You will think the house is going to fall over, because it shakes the house which is built on stilted pilings. So, don’t overload. Also, be sure to remove any lint from the dryer vent. This is a well-known fire hazard. What a way to end your vacation! It only takes a few seconds to remove the cover and pull out any lint. Reach as far down as you can!
22) North Topsail Beach has water bugs (some call them roaches). While we pay Terminix for quarterly pest services, bugs still make appearances in the house occasionally. Usually just after a spraying, some turn up dead on the floor. But if you see live ones, you can either call us or you may go ahead and call Terminix directly and they will come and spray again for free. Terminix also has keys to both upstairs and downstairs, so you don’t have to be there to let them in. If you want to call them yourself, the number is 910-465-7784. Just reference our account number which is #586293. They usually come within 24-48 hours.