

Sussex Inlet Neighbourhood Centre Cnr, Jacobs Drive and Nielsen Lane, Sussex Inlet

Commencing 7.30 pm16th January 2017

PRESENT:The attendance book records40 residents and ratepayersand Councillor Patricia White present at the meeting.

APOLOGIES:Graham Williams,Craig Meyers, Katrina Roche and Heather Dunnett


Chairperson Gwen Downieopened the meeting with our Mission Statement, Acknowledgement of Country and welcomed all attendees.

Gwen welcomed the Guest Speaker, Mariam Chizari, NBN Community Affairs Manager NSW


Moved John Lang, seconded David Tarbert:”That standing Orders be suspended to allow for Guest Speaker’s presentation.”


Mariam ChizariNBN Community Affairs Manager NSW

Mariam gave a most informative presentation of what the provision of toe NBN would mean to our community and individuals and how it would impact on and affect technology already in our homes.

The nbn network will be replacing most existing landline phone and internetnetworks so home phones and internet may stop working unless switched over.

She gave steps to follow to switch to the to the nbn network.

Mariam advised that people had 18 months to switch to the nbn and that they could check on whether the network was in place for connection to their home by using a Google search, online- nbn.com.au or call 1800 687 626

Throughout the presentation and information session, Mariam answered general and specific technical questions such as speed of the network, put by the attendees.

A booklet explaining the steps everyone needs to follow to switch to the nbn network was provided to every attendee. Some booklets will be available at the February meeting.

What to Do

Step 1 Check to see if the nbn network is available to you

Step 2Contact your phone or internet provider and tell them you want to switch to the nbn network

Step 3Choose a plan that suits your needs

If you have a medical alarm, autodiallier or emergency call button, it is important that you register your alarm with nbn by calling 1800 227 300 or at nbn.com.au/medicalregister. You will also need to call your medical alarm, autodialler or emergency call button provider for advice before moving to the nbn network.

Mariam was thanked by a round of acclamation and for her excellent presentation and for being open and able to answer the many queries and concerns of the attendees.

Thanks was also extended to Russell Neeves for provision of Computer technology to enhance the presentation.



Resolved on a motion of John Lang,secondedDawn Pearse,that the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 21stNovember 2016be accepted as read and confirmed.


159/11SCC Jessica Rippon- Reminder Council current Community Consultation on rates

160/11SCC Kate Ryan- CCB Exec meetingfor November 29thand SCAT meeting- at Council rooms

161/11NBN – Mariam Chizari – confirmation as Guest Speaker January 16thmeeting

162/11Peter van Ovost- request further information and Council website link re Waste Management Facility Proposals

163/11 Craig Meyers- interest in strategic action and request electronic copy of Plan- he may be able to assist

164/11SCC Kate Ryan – CCB Executive and SCAT meetings reminder

165/11SCC General Manager Russ Pigg- CCB Newsletter - November Issue

166/11SCC Planning Dept - Council submission re the proposed Medium Density Code and Draft Design Guide - on exhibition

167/11CBSPA- Association News- no December meeting

168/12SCC Councillor Greg Watson- Forward to all CCBs- letters to editor South Coast Register by Paul Dean – President Ratepayers Association – regarding proposed rate increases

169/12James Coburn – suggestions possible nominees for Council Australia Day Awards

170/12SCC Russ Pigg-General Manager – CCB Newsletter December

171/12Sussex Inlet CTC- forward letter to SI Road resident regarding Proposed Verons Estate Special rates levy and meeting

172/12 SCC Kate Ryan CCBs- Request copy of Strategic Action Plan and comment on process

173/12Safer community Action Team- Minutes of November meeting

174/1CBSPA- Notice of January meeting

175/1 Peter van Ovost – Response to SCC Presentation, Community Engagement and Review of Waste Services ––SI Facility

176/1 SCC Community Development Officer- Calendar for Seniors Festival 2017 - 3rd-12th March

177/1 CBSPA- minutes January meeting

178/1 NBN- Mariam Chizari- Various emails in and out regarding Guest speaker

179/1 Vincentia Rate payers Association and other CCBs - Various emails - proposed united stance re Rate rise by SCC CCBs

180/1 SCC Traffic Nielsen Lane Boat Ramp Car and trailer Parking Zone to be implemented in near future works

181/1 SCC- Planning Dept- Notice of proposed special rate Variation Verons Estate and notice information meeting 19th Jan

182/1 SCC K Ryan CCBs – Notice of Parvovirus Epidemic and Discount Vaccination Day Lyrebird Park 11th Jan (email 10th Jan)

183/1 SCC K Ryan – Draft Shoalhaven Coastal Hazard Review on Public Exhibition -website or view at Nowra and Ulladulla

SCC Offices or Aquatic Centre, Vincentia.

184/1 SCC Traffic – proposed changes to Bus Zone Operating Times River Rd – NAB area

185/1 SCC Nov. Dec Jan – SCC publication In Your Neighbourhood

186/1 and

187/1 please note that individuals can subscribe to electronic form of this Newsletter via SCC website

188/1 Peter van Ovost - Notice of motion regarding S I Waste Management Facility – Opening Times -submission


11/049 to SCC Councillor G Watson- request copy letter to Editor re rates P Dean, #2- Q: Which model Greg preferred?

11/050 to SCC Kate Ryan reply to request forward Strategic Action Plan

11/051to all registered - Minutes November Meeting S I and Districts Community Forum and notice of January meeting

Moved Chris Keywood,seconded Gwen Downie, that the correspondence be accepted as read.Unanimous


* Council Submission to the Proposes State Govt Medium Density Housing Code- Dec 2016. Medium Density Housing is designed to fill the need for the differentiation of housing design and provisionto better serve the changing demographics of our societywith of up to 2 storey terraces,duplexes and other structures and to streamline the process in the approval and development of such across NSW.

Secretary commented that in her reading of the submission by Council she found no mention of parking for extra or visitor cars and found no reference to the lack of public transport in many areas of Shoalhaven. What was included in the submission was Council’s concern that there may be too little space for trucks to collect garbage in the draft design proposal.

* Proposed Car and Trailer only Parking Nielsen Lane Boat Ramp work to be undertaken as priorities permit SCC

* Draft Shoalhaven Coastal Hazard Review -on Public Exhibition until 3rd February. Document can be accessed on Council website.

An important issue and document for our whole District- Sussex Inlet (estuary) is included and referred to as St Georges Basin. Written comments To: General Manager PO Box 42 Nowra NSW 2541

* Proposed changes to Bus zone Operating Times- River Road -Sussex Inlet. Secretary is to write to Council expressing Forum support for changes as notified: BUS ZONE ¼P(15 minute)

7.00am-9.00am9.30am-1.30pm 1.30pm-2.30pm 2.30pm-6pm

Monday- FridayMonday-Friday

7.30am-9.00am9.00am- 11.00am


* In Your Neighbourhood Weekly Council Newsletter- Can be accessed on Council website or you can subscribe via website

* Correspondence and Matter Relating to Rates to be dealt with in General Business

* CCB Executive Meeting attended by Chairman and secretary- report to follow in rates discussion


TREASURER’S REPORT- Sussex Inlet and District Forum

INCOME AND EXPENDITURE for November/December 2016

Balance brought forward fromOctober 2016 $1 234.45


November Bank Interest$ 0.56

December Bank Interest$ 0.56

TOTAL$1 235.47

EXPENDITUREChq 45 Bamboo Empire (RSL) sandwichesNov meeting$ 100.00

BALANCE as at 1stOctober 2016 $.1135.57

Moved, Jan Lang, seconded Carol Butler,that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted.



Council Recommendation and Sussex Inlet and Districts Community Forum Response

Submission Regarding Operating Hours Sussex Inlet Recycling and Transfer Facility

This matter was carried over from the November meeting.

The community had been asked to consider various options regarding opening hours of the facility within the constraints applied by Council being: 3 days per week. Open every day during Summer Vacation Period and Closure on all Public Holidays, with opening the next day.

Peter van Ovost put his the motion as advised in the agenda:

“That the Sussex Inlet Transfer station opening hours be amended to:

Friday 12 noon to 4pm Saturday 8.amto 4pm Sunday 8am to 4pm Monday 8 to 12noon

Where there is a public holiday, the waste depot be closed on the public holiday, but open the next day with the exception of Easter Monday.

In addition the Christmas holiday period for the waste depot be reduced to 27th December to Monday 22nd January 2108.”

Peter explained why he had put this motion up for discussion.

Councillor White provided background information on the future waste management operations, new methods of dealing with waste and other reasons for the need to cut Council expenditure on local tips and clarified the position.


Secretary read Council’s proposal for Sussex Tip and reported her discussion with SI Tip staff that day regarding the number of transactions mid January to gauge the possibility of saving hours by closing a couple of days in January to allow for a opening on Easter Monday-a public holiday. Patricia confirmed that all 10 tips experienced high demand on Easter Monday.

Robyn Queripel having contacted Caravan Park owners reported the outcomes of that consultation, concerns of these businesses and their preferences. They wanted tip to remain open as now keep it open four days lose a day 8nhrs take 2 hrs off each day and save a day. A lot of businesses are using various methods such as SITA , or using empty holiday letting bins.

Phil Queripel suggested that 9.00 am to 3.00 pm each day would be a better option than the varying times in the motion as put.

In debating the issue and options, the meeting considered that it was better to have uniform opening hours on the four days and that the facility must be open on Easter Monday because, as shown by Council’s figures and survey the usage and demand on the facility is the greatest with almost double the number of transactions of average usage on that one day.

Russell Neeves suggested that time could also be saved by closing some days in mid January if this period was not a busy time. The general feeling was just to reduce service, as requested by Council, by one day ie 8 hours. Phil Queripel said that businesses need the tip open every day in the holiday period and that leading up to Australia would be very busy.


Amended Motion

“That the Sussex Inlet Recycling and Waste Transfer station opening hours be amended to: 9.00 am to 3.00 pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

That the e facility be closed on Public Holidays with the exception of Easter Monday and open 9.00am to 3.00pm on that day.

And That the Christmas Holiday opening period remain as for 2016.”

Moved Peter van Ovost, seconded WilgaCrehan. Unanimous

Secretary to write to Council and submit community’s decision.


Secretary explained the Council rationale for a rate rise; the role of IPART and the process through which the percentage future rate rise would be decided and presented and the three models of rate increase that Council will put to IPART. Council contends that a rate increase is necessary to maintain current assets and infrastructure, as there is a backlog of maintenance required as successive councils have redirected funding for new infrastructure, as they are able to do, but that the current rate peg is insufficient. It was also noted that S C Council was, in 2016 considered “Fit for the Future” with a proposed 7.5% rate increase over two years.

It was pointed out that a rescission motion relating to the resolution adopted at the October 4th meeting was lost and so the resolution stands.

+ The three models of rate increase that will be applied for are:

  1. Option 1 - 11.5% over 2 years (plus the rate peg
  2. Option 2 - 6.27% over 4 years (plus the rate peg)
  3. Option 3 - 5% over 7 years (plus the rate peg)

+ Council will work on identifying any anomalies within the rating categories that would possibly produce additional rate income- eg holiday rentals of weekenders and Defence and National Parks do not pay rates, but use infrastructure such as roads.

+ Council will receive a report modelling the community’s capacity to pay for rate increases

+ Council resolved to undertake an extensive community engagement program explaining the reason for the rate increase and seek the community’s comments.

Council website has extensive modelling of the impact on typical residential properties through out the Shoalhaven and individuals will be able to determine the rate rise on their own property on the site.

Mayor Amanda Findley addressed Forum November Meeting on the matter and urged everyone to go to the Council website to access Your Rates, Your Future, complete the online survey, contact a councilor or request a hard copy to be sent from Council.

Forum Secretary went to the online survey on Jan 16th. The results of the survey of option preferences to that date were as follows: Option 1 47% actual number of respondents – 14.1

Option 223%actual number of respondents – 6.9

Option 330% actual number of respondents- 9.0


Perhaps a letterbox drop may have been more successful for the wider Shoalhaven community.

Councillor White urged everyone to make a submission regarding the rates proposal because all individual submissions go onto IPART and are considered in their decision- making process.

Fire levy is now to be paid through Council rates to NSW Govt – could be $150.00 per property on top of rates This is to be decided on your rates so people pay according to the valuation. This is an emergency services fee.Secretary noted that Forum needs to have this fee and to whom, how and why this levy is to be paid explained.

Councillor White said that an accountant questioning Councils accounting in public, had not given council his figures, despite requests from Council.

She went on to give the example of a previous 6.5% rate increase for which there were only a couple of submissions objecting form the whole Shoalhaven rate payer population, so IPART let the rise got through.

Variation in property Value by NSW Govt redone this year, rates may be different- Different property categories pay different rates eg dairy, beef rural properties, residential.

Mentioned Council tried Residents Jury 2 yrs ago but did not work – members came to one meeting only.

Secretary asked if Forum wished to have representatives attend the joint CCB meeting Wednesday 18th January to consider a unitedapproach to the Special Rate Variation, but alsourged everyone to send in their own thoughts on the proposal.

Moved Jan Lang, seconded Russell Neeves“That the Chairman and Secretary attend the Meeting of CCBs regarding rates and report to Forum.” Unanimous

Chairman asked Meeting if Forum was to put a submission to Council after the combined CCB meeting.


Agreed. Secretary will ask Council for an extension – as Council wanted to put the proposal before IPART early February. Suggested that with CCBs Combined meeting and the need for further clarification and consultation and education of ratepayers this may be postponed.

It was suggested that the meeting vote on the various options however this was not carried by a show of hands.


Council Proposal : $2.13 million required to upgrade roads to current planning requirements. Council will pay 17% (to cover SI Road residents backing onto Verons Roads and who may benefit from improved roads)-

Verons landowners to pay the balance 83%. Those without building permission to pay 4%- others balance – not allowed to pay all upfront, but must pay over term of loan due to uncertainty of Economic forecast- ie interest rates.

This is in addition to any other special or general rate increases or variations for all ratepayers.

Secretary noted that further information on this Estate and its interesting history in regards zoning was available on Council website. It was also noted that ratepayers on Council owned canals are to pay a special rate variation in future and there is an interesting situation there also so we should expect Public Consultation and information on those rates when they are to be set as well.

Notice of Public MeetingInformationVerons Estate

19th January – Thomson St. 7.30pm Further information and some history available on Council website.

Submissions due 20th January.


Moved Gail Drummond, ’That due to unavoidable circumstances, March Meeting and Annual General Meetingof the Sussex Inlet and Districts Community Forum be held on Monday 27th March, 2017 instead of 20th March 2017”

Considering another community group meeting on the 27th the following motion was moved, seconded and passed.


“ That due to unavoidable circumstances, the March meeting and the Annual General Meeting of the Sussex Inlet and Districts Community Forum be held on Tuesday 28th March, 2017 instead of Monday 20th March, 2017.”

Moved Gail Drummond, seconded Chris Keywood. Unanimous

Nomination forms to be distributed and advertised.


* Water Over Sussex Road- Surface and Remediation Action (802 SUSSEX RD)

Question: What is Council going to do about the water over Sussex Inlet Road?

Secretary read notice of motion to 4 October Council Meeting and General Manager’s note prepared by Director of Assets and Works.

Answer: From GM’s note” The design was completed by local consultants in early 2016 and is planned for construction in early 2017”