MARCH 23-27, 2009 in English and March 28-29 in Spanish
Enrollment and Registration Form (Please print)
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Email: ______El Charco member Yes No
(Please note email addresses will not be shared or used for any other reason than correspondence regarding this program.)
Botanical Art & Illustration Workshop (in English)
March 23-27 $235US members of El Charco $265US non-members
Taller de Ilustración Botánica a la Tinta China (en espanol)
March 28-29 $120US members of El Charco $150US non-members
Please make checks payable to El Charco del Ingenio A.C. (and put Botanical Illustration Workshop on the memo line)
From outside Mexico, please mail your completed registration form and deposit ($50US) to:
El Charco del Ingenio
9902 Crystal Court #107
Laredo, TX 78045
Or deliver the form and deposit to the Botanical Garden’s reception area between 9a.m.-5p.m. or to Border Crossings, Mesones #57 (corner Reloj) in an envelope with El Charco’s name on it.
Policy: When we receive your registration form and a check for $50, we will send you a letter confirming your place in the course. The remainder of the fee is to be paid on March 22nd. Students who withdraw from a class 14 days or more in advance will receive a full refund. No refunds will be given after that time.
MARCH 23-27, 2009 in English
(20 hours in 5 sessions; 15 participants)
Workshop Description: Charlotte Staub Thomas will give classes Monday through Friday, 9a.m. to 1p.m., March 23-27. The workshops are appropriate for both beginners and more advanced students. Using the botanical garden as laboratory, model and studio, the workshop will consist of instruction in the techniques used in botanical art. Classes begin with an hour of sketching in the Conservatory or nearby and then move to a classroom situation, discussing a different technique each day. Students select a plant from the propagation garden to use as a model. Classes are limited to 15 people.
DAY 1: Drawing skills—the basis of all work – and the use of photography to gather information for later use. Line work as well as the use of tonality to achieve form will be explored.
DAY 2: Pen and ink techniques.
DAY 3: Colored pencil as a medium. Basic color theory, mixing, layering colors.
DAY 4: Watercolor—Students may explore watercolor techniques or continue to work on their skills in the three media already taught.
DAY 5: Aspects of composition. Students continue work at their pace and the medium of
their choice, with individual attention from the instructor.
Students will receive a list of materials before the workshop, and each day, a printed summary of information about the technique discussed.
Charlotte Staub Thomas teaches workshops at Art Center Manatee, and the Corcoran School of Art and Design (in conjunction with the United States Botanic Garden) in Washington, D.C.
She paints landscapes as well as botanical subjects, using a variety of media (watercolor, gouache, pen & ink, color pencil, Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop). After receiving her Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from the Rhode Island School of Design, she studied botanical art at the New York Botanical Garden and was awarded the Certificate in Botanical Illustration. Ms Thomas painted twenty-five watercolors for the book, Common to This Country:Botanical Discoveries of Lewis and Clark(Artesan 2003). Those paintings were exhibited at the South Florida Museum, New York Botanical Garden, Smith College, and the Missouri Botanical Garden. Two are now in the collection of Garden Club of America. Many of her paintings are in private collections and have been in juried shows at such venues as Longwood Gardens, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, and New York Horticultural Society.
Artist’s Statement :In our increasingly urban, technology-driven environments, involvement with plants providesthe humanizing balance we need. Whether we cultivate them, study their structure or chemistry, or strive to immortalize them on paper, we ourselves are nourished. Inevitably, the delight we experience in our work delights those who open themselves to it.
Taller de Ilustración Botánica a la Tinta China
28-29 Marzo en Espanol
(Taller de ocho horas en dos sesiones; 5 personas)
Que el alumno comprenda las bases de la ilustración botánica a la tinta china
Sesión 1
- Investigación del ejemplar : Nombre científico y popular, caracteres taxonómicos; Explicación de la importancia del trabajo con botánicos y taxónomos; Uso del material bibliográfico, de herbario y fotográfico.
- Dibujo y composición: Definición de las estructuras que aparecerán en la ilustración; Composición; Hacer boceto con líneas generales en el papel bond; Ejes y formas geométricas.
- Proporción: Explicación de la utilización del compás de puntas.
- Escalas: Cómo escalar y cómo incluir las escalas en la ilustración.
Sesión 2
- Pasar al papel original: Utilización del papel albanene: hacer negativa la ilustración, hacer positiva la ilustración; Fijación del papel albanene a la opalina con clips y papel engomado. Importancia del canto de la mano, dedo meñique o “mano alzada” en el trazo.
- Limpieza: Utilización de las franelas, papel absorbente, canto de la mano, dedo meñique y “mano alzada” en la conservación de la limpieza.
- Blanco del papel: Utilización del blanco natural del papel en el claroscuro de la ilustración.
- Sombreado: Puntillismo e intensidad con la tinta china; Volumen.
Alifie Rojas Candanedo : Ilustrador Científico. Temas de Ilustración moneras, protistos, fungi, plantas y animales. Técnicas: acuarela y tinta china. Formación pictórica autodidacta desde 1993.
Desempeño Profesional
Exposiciones Individuales
Pintura Escultura (arte objeto)
Café Galería “Azúl Indigo”. Cozumel, Q. Roo. Diciembre, 1999, Centro de Intercambio Bilingüe “Experiencia”, Cuernavaca, Morelos. Noviembre, 2000.
“De La Razón A La Emoción”, Mesón de los poetas, Guanajuato, Gto. Enero 2007
Participación en Los talleres de ilustración infantil para los libros:
“Al Téquerreteque” Jaime Sabines, 1999
“Alma Mía de Cocodrilo” Efraín Huerta, 2000
“En los Cabellos del Árbol” Elías Nandino, 2001
publicados por CONACULTA
Ilustraciones botánicas para el libro:
“La Riqueza de los Bosques Mexicanos”
más allá de la madera
Experiencias de comunidades rurales
Editores: Citlalli López, Susana Chanfón, Gerardo Segura
Primer Encuentro Cultural del Sotavento, Taller de mural Infantil 2001 (CONACULTA), Festival Cultural de la Huasteca, Mural Infantil Mosaico, 2002. (CONACULTA)
Participación en diversas exposiciones e instalaciones para el Instituto de Cultura del Estado de Morelos
Otras Actividades
Apoyo Artístico en talleres de pintura y fotografia con: René Freire, Pericles Lavat, Edgar Ladrón de Gevara, Philippe Roland, Roberto Parodi, Huascar Taborga, Enrique Torresagatón, Pedro Vázquez Nieto, Ignacio Maldonado, Margarette Dawit
Como Ilustrador Científico
Laboratorios CENAPA (INIFAP), Laboratorios LAPISA, Laboratorios NOVARTIS, UAEM (Facultad de Biología,) INAH, Morelos, CONABIO