Keep track of all time working on this project. At the end of each week, report total number of hours to Barb.
If the entry on the list is highlighted in yellow, ignore entry.
Open catalog and acquisitions clients.
- Search Voyager by call number. Review index checking for title changes, partially analyzed and bound with records. Display bib record with bib id number from list.
- Display holding record. If the location in the holding record is olin,anx, write “olin,anx” next to bib id number on the list. This holding record will not need to be split.
- Review holdings in holding record.
- Select one of the following sections based on holdings in holding record.
- Data in holding record is 2003 or newer holdings
- Holding record will not need to be split. Write “no split” next to the bib id number on the list.
- Data in holding record has pre-2003 and newer holdings
- Holding record will need to be split.
- Create an additional holding record. To create holding record, click on “Record” tab and scroll down to “Make a Copy”
- Tile all open records (bib, existing holding record and new holding record). Close the bib record and tile open records again (existing holding record and new holding record). Do not save new holding record until updates to new record and to existing record is completed.
- Update new holding record
- Update 008 field.
- Delete all 014 fields.
- Update 852 field –
- Add |x olnrnv note.
- Keep |x dbe=c note.
- Keep only |x and |z notes pertaining to pre-2003 holdings. Delete all other notes.
- Display item records of existing holding record. Determine where you will split Olin’s holdings.
- 866 and 867 fields –
- Keep only holdings up to pre-2003 or earlier, depending on date in item record where you decided to split. Delete all other holdings.
- Delete only 868 fields for individual bound indexes. Indexes stay with existing record unless it is bound with main volume going to Annex.
- Update existing holding record
- Keep only |x and |z notes pertaining to 2003 and later holdings or where you decided to make the split.
- Delete holdings (866 and 867 fields) that were added to new holding record created.
- Delete holdings (868 field) that were added to new holding record created.
- Review both records (new record created and existing holding)
- Holdings from the original record should be represented in the 2 holding records.
- SAVE both records
- Relink item records
- Display item records attached to original holding record.
- Select item records with ENUM and CHRON data which match holdings on the new record created.
- Relink item records to new record created.
- Display new holding record created
- Open linked item records. Verify that item records are linked to the correct holding record.
- Display original holding record
- Open linked item records. Verify that item records are linked to the correct holding record.
- Display bibliographic record
- Add 948 field statistic code ,,mc to record.
- Write “done” next to the bib id number on the list.
- Data in holding record is only pre-2003 holdings
- Holding record will need to be checked in the acquisitions client. Click on “Record” tab and scroll down to “View line items in Acquisitions” or do ctrl+m to see if a Purchase Order is attached to the holding record.
- Select one of the following sections based on if a purchase order is attached.
- Purchase Order is attached.
- Holding record will need to be split.
- Create an additional holding record. To create holding record, click on ‘Record” tab and scroll down to “Make a Copy”
- Tile all open records (bib, existing holding record and new holding record). Close the bib record and tile open records again (existing holding record and new holding record). Do not save new holding record until updates to new record and to existing record is completed.
- Update new holding record.
- Update 008 field.
- Delete all 014 fields.
- Update 852 field –
- Add |x olnrnv note following the call number. This should be the first note in the 852 field.
- Keep |x dbe=c note.
- Keep only |x and |z notes pertaining to holdings. Delete all other notes (ex. |x CHECK-IN RECORD CREATED)
- Keep 866 and 867 fields.
- Keep 868 field.
- Update existing holding record.
- Keep only |x and |z notes that were not added to new holding record. Delete all other notes.
- Delete 866 and 867 fields.
- Delete 868 field.
- No other holdings should exist on the holding record, suppress holding record from OPAC. Add |x note “Any new items added need to be checked into Olin; unsuppress holding record”
- If other holdings does exist on the holding record, STOP and show Barb.
- SAVE both records
- Relink item records
- Display item records attached to original holding record
- Select item records with ENUM and CHRON data which match holdings on the new record created.
- Relink item records to new record created. Notify Barb if any item records are left linked to the existing holding record.
- Display new holding record created.
- Open linked item records. Verify that item records linked match holdings in holding record.
- Display bibliographic record
- Add 948 field statistic code ,,mc to record.
- Write “done” next to the bib id number on the list.
- No Purchase Order is attached.
- Holding record will not need to be split. Write “no split—no PO” next to the bib id number on the list.
- Add |x olnrnv note to the 852 field.
- Add 948 field statistic code ,,mc to bib record