8th SEPTEMBER 2014
Sue Bailey, Jane Fison, Gwen Foster, Clair Fiddaman, Jan Hunt, Donna Cooper, Jenny Kennell, Megan Kennell, Emma Wilson, Almena Theobald, Caroline Dickinson, Rebecca Coombs, Sue Townend, Maggie Brown, Donna Vincent, Lauren Vincent, Sarah Holden, Heidi Wyncoll, Mandy Smart, Haydn Gross, Connie Gibbs, Vicki Brownsell.
1. / Apologies for absence
Alexa Burlow, Hazel Paige, Kesgrave HS, Northgate HS, Orwell Ladies, Tracey Butcher, Madeleine Jefferies, Donna Finch, Naomi Sanders.
2. / Welcome from The President
Good evening – thank you for attending this AGM.
Much has been achieved through dedicated work by the Suffolk Committee and Club officials -
all volunteers - this past year which should and must be applauded and recognised.
On a very sad note: the death of Dawn Blake last May, was felt deeply not only by the County and Ipswich Ladies’ Netball Club but by other Clubs and numerous netball players throughout the area.
Without doubt, Dawn was very special – always smiling and a wonderful example of what a true sports person should be.
May I ask you all to stand, please, and observe a minute’s silence in memory of Dawn.
3. / Approval of the Minutes of the AGM held on the 9th September 2013
Carried (none against). Signed as a true record.
4. / Matters Arising
No matters arising
5. / Chair’s Report
our annual reports where submitted to the East and we have a few updates
1.  Officiating – once again we have held 2 Beginner and 1 “C” course which have been fully subscribed, we will be looking once again to have a rules evening/update this year which will be open to umpires and players. Mentoring workshop is also on the agenda this year and we are looking at it from a slightly different angle. Passes since Sept 2013 7 “C’s”, 17 beginners and 20 youth awards.
2.  Volunteering – Pass on your passion, Suffolk intend to support our young volunteers for those young people between 12 – 25 years who have been involved with England netballs Pass on your passion, this is a maximum of 2 years for members to reach 400 hours, Suffolk would like to encourage these young people to continue and remain volunteering, we will assist with their development as umpires and coaches.
3.  Schools – funding from the SSSA may be depleted from 2014, this is to give notice that Suffolk may have to ask for a Affiliation Fee going forward.
4.  Club development – U14 U16 County Round of National Clubs on 25th October 2014
5.  Communication – Website continues to be updated and has a lot of non-county users too.
6.  Performance again this has been a success and our youngsters are now progressing in the regional and development academies. We shall be having an update at the end of the meeting.
7.  Coaching – we have more passes in the UKCC level 1, 2 and upgrade.
6. / Adoption of Annual Reports – Season 2013/14
Proposed by Jan Hunt, Seconded by Heidi Wyncoll, Carried (none against)
7. / Affiliation Fees 2013/14
All clubs had previously been circulated with the agenda which detailed the cost of EN affiliations, which included the Suffolk County payment.
Club Affiliation Fees / England Netball / Regional / Suffolk / Total
Senior / £25.50 / £1.20 / £3.80 / £30.50
18 and Under / £16.00 / £0.60 / £1.70 / £18.30
14 and Under (new category) / £8.40 / £0.30 / no charge / £8.70
11 and Under (new category) / £5.20 / no charge / no charge / £5.20
School Affiliation Fees / England Netball / Regional / Suffolk / Total
Middle/Secondary Schools / £26.00 / £5 (per school) / no charge / £31.00
Junior/Primary Schools / no charge / No charge / no charge / no charge
8. / Election of County Committee for 2014/15
§  President – Sue Bailey
§  Vice President – Jane Fison
§  Chair – Clair Fiddaman
§  Vice Chair – Donna Cooper
§  Secretary – vacant
§  Treasurer – Gwen Foster (temp)
§  Officials – Jan Hunt
§  Performance – Heidi Wyncoll
§  Coaching – Alexa Burlow
§  Competition and Development – Clair Fiddaman
§  Communication and Marketing – Clair Fiddaman
§  Schools – Sarah Holden
§  Volunteering – Tracey Butcher
We have unfortunately still been unable to find a Treasurer for the county. This was not down to the lack of trying as we have advertised both in our newsletter and website and on the Suffolk Sport website with no luck. The bills are still being paid and the money is being banked and it is my project this year to get a treasurer on board and to be able to have the accounts audited – Gwen Foster.
Proposed by Maggie Brown, Seconded by Almena Theobald, Carried (none against)
9. / Appointment of Auditor
It was agreed that Barry Reader would continue as Auditor.
10. / Presentation of Rose Bowl – Donated by the late Mrs L P Taylor MBE
It is never easy to decide to whom this rose bowl (given by the late Pat Taylor) should be awarded because so many women work for our game tirelessly – some for many years – without recognition. This year’s recipient has been associated with Suffolk Netball for many years - as a player, official and a great ambassadress for netball, and I thought it was about time her name was added to the illustrious list of people who have held this trophy.
I have pleasure in awarding the President’s Rose Bowl to Jan Hunt.
11. / AOB
Presentation from Heidi Wyncoll – Performance TSG Lead
The Performance group are a team (with the support of SNA) that oversee and implement the England Netball Performance Academies in Suffolk. Within Suffolk we run 2 Satellite and one County Academy as part of the England Netball Performance Pathway. We also run two Academies that are a Suffolk initiative – Development and Talent. This year we are working with talented players with potential, from grass roots and up in the aim to progress players through to the Regional Academy.
Currently Suffolk have to achieve success with at least two athletes gaining a place in the Regional Academy but this number is set to increase within the next year. This year we have reached this target and have 4 athletes accepted into the RA. It is important to understand that we are governed by England Netball requirements but do our best to adhere to these whilst bearing in mind the needs of Suffolk. Some of these changes that have taken place over the last couple of seasons have been:
·  County Academy increased to 30 sessions
·  Suffolk can only run 1 County Academy
·  The County Academy cannot be run from Bury due to its close proximity to Cambridge
We are keen for coaches and teachers to come along and observe an Academy session and operate an open door policy. The training is individually player focused and is not about creating the best team. If you were interested in coming along details of the sessions can be found on the Suffolk netball website.
Meeting Closed: 8pm