English, US History, Photography/Creative Script Writing and Drama/Oral Interpretation

1. Students are expected to read and follow the school policies set out in the student handbook.

2. Students are expected to read and abide by all the policies set forth in the CAP Code of Academic Integrity.

3. Students are expected to complete and hand in all work on time.

  • Late work will be penalized.
  • All written assignments are due at the beginning of the class period.
  • Interdisciplinary and long term projects and assignments in individual classes will lose one grade (10%) if handed in late, but by the deadline.
  • Daily class and homework assignments will lose one grade (10%) if handed in late, but by the next class with that teacher (deadline).
  • Work turned in after the deadline will not receive credit.
  • All major assignments must be typewritten.

4. Students are expected to be in class everyday. Frequent or prolonged absences may make it impossible to keep up with the workload and could jeopardize a student’s participation in the CAP. Attendance:

In accordance with the new MCPS Attendance Policy, a student who earns 5 or more unlawful absences may not receive course credit. The student will receive a warning letter (electronically through Edline or by US post) after 3 unlawful absences. All students who earn more than 5 unlawful absences will have to appeal for credit restoration to the administration team.

5. If absent, students are expected to make-up work in a timely manner. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the teacher regarding make-up work.

  • All students will use the plan book (or other method as determined by the teacher) to keep a record of daily objectives and assignments.
  • If a student is absent on the day a major project is due, s/he must be prepared to turn it in on the day of return to school.
  • If students are absent, it is their responsibility to check with other students in the section to see what they missed, to obtain worksheets or other materials for the classes they missed and to be prepared for class when they return to school.
  • Except in cases of extended absences (more than 3 days) all make-up classwork, quizzes, tests, etc. must be completed within 3 school days of returning to school.
  • If a student is absent for more than 3 days, s/he should discuss with teachers how to make up missed work.
  • Students are expected to pass between classes in an orderly fashion.
  • The 9th Grade CAP block requires that students change classes while other students in the building are in classes. Also, there are no bells to mark the period of passing between classes.
  • This is a privilege; with it comes the responsibility of changing class with a minimum of talking, socializing. Students must be aware of others during the passing time and report directly and promptly to their next class.

6. Students are expected to check Edline regularly for notices and updates.

7. All students in CAP must maintain a minimum of a 2.75 GPA.

Turnitin Policy & Procedures

Ninth grade CAP teachers require that students submit selected work to a website called Turnitin, located at: Teachers and students have found this requirement to be valuable in:

decreasing the number of incidents showing evidence of plagiarism on a paper by informing the student of potential problem areas and allowing the student to edit his/her paper before final submission; and

informing the teacher what needs to be re-taught.

Please note that the required submission of selected papers to Turnitin is not a supplement to an assignment but is rather a key component to the learning objective. Students will receive Turnitin training in the Media Center and will have the opportunity to submit a paper in a trial run.

Due Dates & Deadline Requirements / Strong Recommendations:
For 100% credit / DUE DATE: A student must submit work to turnitin.com by the end of *5A lunch on the due dateAND must submit a hard copy at the beginning of their first CAP class on the due date. / The student should submit work to Turnitin immediately upon completion. Submitting a paper before it is due will prevent problems caused by computer glitches, human error, forgetfulness, inability to get on a computer during school lunchtime, etc.
For 90% credit / DEADLINE: A student must submit work to turnitin.com by the end of *5A lunch and the teacher must have a hard copy of the work at the beginning of 5B. Unless otherwise noted, the deadline will be three school days after the due date. / To avoid problems, students should not wait until the last minute before the deadline to submit work to Turnitin. The student should set up reminders such as writing the due date in the planbook or sending a text message.
For 50% Credit / The designated teacher receives a hard copy of the assignment but the student does not submit work to Turnitin by the deadline OR the designated teacher does not receive a hard copy of the assignment but the student has submitted the assignment to Turnitin by the deadline. / Student and teacher will confer to come up with strategies so that this will not occur again.
0% Credit / The teacher does not receive a hard copy of the paper and the student has not submitted work to Turnitin by the deadline. / Student and teacher will confer to come up with strategies so that this will not occur again.

*Note: Turnitin.com submissions are programmed to shut off at the designated time; for this reason, attempts to submit papers even seconds after the due dates and deadlines will not be successful.



SIGNATURE - We have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Expectations for Ninth Grade CAP Students and we have read the letter regarding the Cinematic Analysis Project Assignment and viewed the Movie List:


Print Student NameStudent ID #


Student SignatureDate


Parent or Guardian SignatureDate