Present : Cllr L Guinn, Cllr A Guinn, Cllr L Beadle and Cllr P Walker

Also present: Cllr R Webber (OCC) Cllr Gervase Duffield (VWHDC)

Apologies: Cllr Sue Harris, Mr P Gale (Bradstock’s Trust)

18 parishioners

1. Minutes of the Annual Parish Open Meeting of 14th May 2015 having been circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting.

2. Matters Arising from the Minutes

In response to a question from the floor requesting information about the proposed further development in the village discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting in 2015, the Chairman confirmed that the Parish Council was not aware of a planning application having been submitted. There had been an exhibition in the Village Hall in July 2015, when the Parish Council had conducted a “straw poll” of residents attending the meeting – the initial results of which that the Village overwhelmingly opposed the proposals. The owners had been invited to attend a Parish Council meeting, and the council was waiting to hear any further developments.

Another question concerned developments about Great Western Railways (GWR). Cllr Beadle advised the meeting that he had received differing information from all the people he had spoken to. Initially he was told that post holes needed to be moved because they were in the wrong place, and a third rail would be installed, the next day he was advised that no third rail is planned. However it does appear that electrification is slowly moving towards Didcot, and the current overhead cable is to be replaced with a cable 5 metres underground.

Representatives of SSE have met members of the Community Orchard Project to discuss their proposals – the Community Orchard group would like to see SSE providing an entrance to the Community Orchard in accordance with the drawings prepared for the group and a water connection, but, subject to this, they have no other issues with the proposals.

Cllr Guinn advised the meeting that the Parish Council was considering making the Community Orchard part of the Centenary Field project, which is supported by Prince William.

3. Report from the Chairman of the Parish Council

Cllr Guinn welcomed Parishioners to the meeting. She reported that during 2015/16 the Parish Council had been heartened by the increased activity from different groups in the Village. The Appleford Community Group had been particularly active, and the Appleford Rail users Group had been formed to lead discussions with great Western Railways about train services stopping in the village.

The Parish Council received a grant of £7861 from Southern and Scottish Electricity to provide equipment to improve the village’s resilience in the event of an emergency. This grant ha , so far, been used to purchase a defibrillator for the village, now we are looking for volunteers to undertake defibrillator and first aid training.

This year the Parish Council raised the precept by a small amount, to ensure that the Council had sufficient funds to carry out works requested by the Community.

A resident congratulated the Parish Council on their achievements over the year, but it was agreed that at least two more dog bins were needed in the Village – one by the Community orchard and another in the playing field. There is also a need for a clearer sign concerning the use of the recreation ground.

Finally she advised attendees that the Parish Council had a new web site funded jointly by the Parish Council andAppleford Trust; she urged residents to visit it and see what information it supplied, and village groups to use it. If an email is sent to her she will arrange for the content to be added to the web site.

4. Report from County and District Councillors


Cllr Richard Webber advised the meeting he had recently returned from visiting family in Australia and found his in box filled with emails about Fullamoor Quarry. He had managed to persuade OCC to install a mirror at Appleford Bridge and part of the Main road had been recently re surfaced.

Having supported Drayton through its neighbourhood Plan process he was now aware of the information and contacts needed and would be available to help the Appleford Community if they decided to proceed with a Neighbourhood Plan.

He was pleased to observe that the relationship between residents and FCC had improved, with FCC being much more reactive, although he could not say the same for the relationship with Hansons.

The drainage scheme proposed for the FCC land had now largely taken place.

Having been involved in Sutton Courtney with discussions between the village and Thames Water he was concerned that Thames Water did not appear to understand the need to take action to ensure that drainage was sufficient for planned future needs.

Fullamoor Quarry

He explained that the decision on Fullamoor Quarry will be taken based on planning need and material considerations, not weight of public opinion against any development. He suggested that there should be a 2 pronged approach:-

1.  Objections to the planning application

2.  Discussions to ensure that, should the development proceed, the impact is minimised and the community benefits.

Finally he updated the meeting on the current discussions around Unitary Authority status. The proposals from the 4 District Councils had needed to change as the Government would not permit the inclusion of areas outside Oxfordshire as these would require primary legislation. Both the Districts and the County have employed consultants to advise on the proposals. If OCC are successful in their unitary bid there is likely to be increased delegation to parish Councils, and he urged the Parish Council to consider what activities they would be prepared to take on and how much additional funding that would require.

The Chairman reminded Cllr Webber that Batchport, the joint committee of the Parish Councils, had employed consultants to put together a good case against the current proposals.

Cllr Beadle reminded the meeting that the boundaries of Appleford Parish Council included 2 small tracts of land on the other side of the Thames.


Cllr Duffield reported that he supported the proposals being put forward by the District Councils, but there will be 2 separate views and parishes will be consulted.

The VOWH, jointly with SODC have appointed a new Chief Executive – David Hill, to replace David Buckle, when he retires.

Cllr Duffield reminded the meeting that there was a network of footpaths and bridleways on the Hanson site, which could be available for the new River crossing, and which would mean the cost of the work would be reduced.

He expressed concern that the pressure for housing development meant that planners and developers were agreeing proposals before they had received local input. To counteract this he and Cllr Webber were now meeting with proposed developers at an early stage.


The Clerk reported that the Parish bank balance, at the end of March 2016 was £21615.67. This was mainly due to the Parish Council receiving the Resilience grant. AS residents had noted it had spent some of its balance on purchasing some more dog bins, and was now in a health position to move forward. The parish accounts will be placed on the Village web site for all to see

6. Open Forum and Reports from Village Organisations

Appleford Rail Users group.

This group was formed in July 2015, following timetable changes by FGW. The group has undertaken a questionnaire so that it can better understand the wishes of the Village, and it would appear that residents would like more trains stopping at Appleford during the day. They held a public meeting, attended by Councillors and Ed Vaizey – the local MP and they have had 2 meetings with Tom Pierrepoint (GWR Didcot). It is clear that footfall at the station has fallen since 2005, probably due to the reduced number of trains stopping at the station, and the challenge for the Village is to obtain a quantum increase in the number of train users – preferably to 2005 levels.

The group, having noted that GWR is under no obligation to consult with passengers about timetable changes, is pressing GWR for some forewarning of these.

The group believe that , to achieve the increase in passenger numbers, a car park is essential. They are [planning to hold discussions with FCC to ascertain whether they have any suitable land in the right location for parking for some 20 cars, and some bicycles.

There have also been some safety issues as trains have failed to stop, or overshot the platform on a couple of occasions over the past few weeks.

A question from the floor asked about GWR’s obligations when trains are cancelled – particularly as there can be several hours before the next train stopping at Appleford station. She was advised that, if Didcot are aware of the issue they have confirmed that they will send over a taxi; in some circumstances they can arrange for the next train passing through to make an unscheduled stop at Appleford station.

The Parish Council agreed to make the appropriate telephone number for Didcot station available on its web site and also on the Noticeboard at the station.

Appleford Community project.

The project received a donation of £500 from a new resident, and its finances are healthy.

They held a cold, but successful outdoor film night when 120 people attended, a wonderfully successful bonfire night and a successful fete. They provided the refreshments for the church “Donkey Nativity” and are considering better fireworks for the display in 2016.

10 more trees have been planted in the Community Orchard, and they are looking at new gates into the site.

On 12th June they are holding a “Bring and share” tea, when the Trust have funded a jazz band; later in the year there will be another film night and the bonfire will be on 4th November.

They are now looking at starting a “pop up pub” meeting in the Village Hall once a month.

There was some concern that people were reluctant to pay £1 parking fee for the fete, and therefore there was considerable obstruction along the main road where parking was free. The Parish Council agreed to ask OCC about the possibility of a temporary “No parking” Traffic order for the next fete.

The Meeting thanked members of the project for all their hard work and observed that their activities are going from good to even better.

Appleford Parish Trust Report

Steve Sherwood form the Appleford Trust reported that the Trust opened in 1997 with £67000, and even now it has a similar balance. It has made some book grants totalling about £1000, and, on 10th March, it consulted the village on proposals for expenditure. From this village vote it is clear that residents’ priorities are to resurface the Village Hall car park, and construct a patio in front of the main doors to the Village Hall. The parish Trust is now looking for other suggestions for capital works that would be of benefit to the community..

Appleford Village Hall Committee – Barbara Clarke

It has been a very successful year for the hall, with 2 elections generating more income. There are 3 regular bookings and the table tennis group is going strong during the day.

St Edmunds Football Club is moving its main operation to Abingdon, but it is likely that their U18 team will continue to play at Appleford.

The present Administrator is preparing a job description for her successor, although she enjoys being involved with the bookings.

Mrs Clarke was invited to receive a presentation to recognise her years of involvement with the Village Hall at a ceremony in Wantage, organised by the Vale of White Horse District Council. This was a very enjoyable event.

Appleford Church

See attached report.


Thanks to the activities of a resident (Alan Oldfield) there have been over 550 objections to the Fullamoor quarry proposals – it would appear that every resident likely to be in any way affected by the quarry proposals has objected. Batchport ( a joint Committee of Appleford, Clifton Hampden Culham and Long Wittenham parish Councils) is finalising its formal response for adoption by the Parish Council and onward transmission to OCC planners..

The Bradstock’s Trust

Christopher Owen one of the Trustees advised the meeting that Bradstock’s will was proved in 1608. It is not clear where Edmund Bradstock was born, but he was married in the village, lived in the village and died in the village. The trustees are now trying to raise awareness of his life and activities in the village.

At the end of the meeting the Chairman thanked everyone for attending. There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 9.30pm.
