/ Programme Monitoring and Annual Reporting
Annual Programme Report
Session 2017/18 (2016/17 Provision)
Programme Title
Submitted by: (Programme Leader)
QEAP attached

Points to Note:

  • Please remember that when completing this pro forma the expectation is that statements and examples of best practice will be evidenced.
  • Please do not cite other documents in lieu of providing a full response. This document should contain all relevant information for its readership.
  • Authors should reflect on alignment with or adjustments to the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Strategy in Annual Programme Reports. The Learning and Teaching Enhancement Strategy is published on the GSA website.
  • Authors should reflect on all elements of the programme (including Design History and Theory /Fine Art Critical Theory if appropriate).
  • Authors should reflect on feedback provided at Boards of Studies by professional support departments.
  • Authors should reflect on relevant Programme-level equalities issues.

Critical Reflection

  1. Please briefly outline the themes and issues which have been prominent over the course of session 2016/17 within your programme providing context and narrative which present an overview of the year.

  1. Please detail key staff and student successes in 2016/17 and how these have informed programme enhancements or enhancements to the learning experience of all students.

  1. Please highlight key aspects arising from critical reflection undertaken throughout 2016/17 and reference any themes arising from programme team discussions.
(for example: are the Intended Learning Outcomes, the curricula and the assessment processes still fit for purpose? Are there current and future challenges and opportunities which may necessitate development of curricula or resources?

Feedback Mechanisms

  1. Please provide an overview on the ways in which feedback was obtained from students and make an evaluation of the effectiveness of those processes.
(Please include an account of the levels of engagement and participation, both in feedback on each individual course, and on the programme as a whole. It should also reflect on how all students, including those from protected characteristic groups, were enabled to provide feedback)
  1. What were the notable themes and issues raised by students and how were these addressed?

  1. With particular reference to NSS/PTES results, what were the notable themes and issues raised and how were these addressed? (Please provide examples using the NSS/PTES free text comments.)

  1. Please provide detail of any actions arising from student feedback, which will be taken forward as part of the programme’s Quality Enhancement Action Plan.

  1. What were the notable themes and issues raised by External Examiners and how were these addressed? Where appropriate, please quote from the External Examiner’s Report and the Programme Leader’s response to the Report.

  1. If applicable, what were the notable themes and issues raised by Public Statutory Regulatory Bodies (PSRB’s) and how were these addressed?

  1. Name of Critical Friend for APM

  1. Critical Friend pro forma attached with Programme Leader response included

Quality Enhancement Action Plan

  1. Please provide details of enhancements made to the programme this year, referring to the previous programme QEAP, any Equality Impact Assessment you have undertaken, and to the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Strategy as appropriate.

  1. Please provide details of enhancements made to systems or provision of programme support at programme level during session 2016/17.

  1. Please highlight any particular issues relating to Assessment and Moderation and detail enhancements made as appropriate.

  1. How has the programme engaged with the current QAA Enhancement Theme Student Transitions?

  1. Has an Equality Impact Assessment of the programme been undertaken? If yes, please append the Equality Impact Assessment Report(s) to the Annual Programme Report
/ Yes / No
  1. If an Equality Impact Assessment has been undertaken, please confirm that all completed actions and any outstanding actions from this exercise have been detailed on the QEAP:
/ Yes / No
  1. If an Equality Impact Assessment has not yet been undertaken, please provide confirmation below regarding when this is scheduled to take place:

  1. Please reflect on good practice and include examples for dissemination (please indicate in brackets whether dissemination is appropriate to School or wider GSA.)

  1. What support does the programme require from the School or GSA to make progress against the Quality Enhancement Action Plan?

  1. School

  1. GSA


  1. Does theprogramme participate in any current articulation agreements (please tick)
/ Yes / No

If no, please continue to Q 22.

If yes, please provide details of:

  1. Engagement with articulation activity in session 2016/17, identifying successes and/or issues to be addressed:

Programme Statistics

  1. Please reflect and comment on the programme statistics provided by Academic Registry as they apply to the operation, management and academic quality of the programme, comparing the current academic session with the previous three sessions.

  1. Regarding the admissions data and any trends identified in this year’s data compared to the previous three sessions

  1. Regarding the progression rate data and any trends identified in this year’s data compared to the previous three sessions

  1. Regarding the classification rate data and any trends identified in this year’s data compared to the previous three sessions

  1. Regarding the data on protected characteristic groups and any trends identified in this year’s data compared to the previous three sessions

  1. Please summarise how you have used this analysis to inform your Quality Enhancement Action Plan.

Postgraduate Taught Programmes

  1. Does your Programme include Stage 1 Core Research Skills courses, Stage 2 Elective courses or Elective courses provided by the University of Glasgow (please tick)
/ Yes / No

If no, please continue to Q 24.

If yes, please consult with the Senior Academic Fellow for Digital Learning and provide details of:

  1. Developments undertaken this session or planned for next session

  1. Identification of future challenges or opportunities

SPSO and Student Complaints

  1. Please confirm that there are appropriate local SPSO mechanisms in place.
/ Yes / No
  1. If no, please explain:

  1. Please provide a commentary on any student complaints received in 2016/17.

International Partnerships (including incoming and outgoing Exchange and Study Abroad)

  1. If applicable, please evaluate the effectiveness of the operation of the international partnerships in which students on the programme have participated.

  1. With reference to the GSA’s International Partnership policy (see Academic Policies page on GSA website) and to feedback from participating students, please identify any specific issues of concern and explain how these have been addressed.


  1. Please confirm that there are appropriate local UKVI mechanisms in place.
/ Yes / No
  1. If no, please explain:

Programme Resources

  1. Please comment on the provision and suitability of the teaching spaces and equipment used bythe programme this year.

  1. Please comment on staff development undertaken in 2016/17 and its anticipated impact on the learning experience of all students.

  1. Please explain how the VLE is used to support your programme and state what enhancements have been made to content this year.

Alignment with School Priorities (topics may vary from year to year)

  1. Please comment on how the programme has in the past year further aligned with your School’s Priorities:

  1. Is there any other matter of general concern that you would like to bring to your School or Board of Studies attention? (this refers to, for example, the School of Fine Art rather than GSA)

Thank you very much for providing this information.

/ Programme Monitoring and Annual Reporting
Critical Friend Consultation Pro Forma
Session 2017/18 (2016/17 Provision)
Programme Title
External Critical Friend’s Name
  1. What were the notable themes and issues arising from the AnnualProgramme Report?

  1. What evidence of good practice has been identified and could be shared across the School/GSA?

  1. Please comment on the evidence based analysis provided in the Annual Programme Report and how this analysis has been applied in the Quality Enhancement Action Plan.

  1. Is there any matter of concern that you would like to bring to the School’s attention? (This refers to, for example, the School of Fine Art rather than the GSA)

Response from Programme Leader

  1. Please provide your response regarding the above comment(s), noting any changes made as a result of Critical Friend comments:

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