Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
GERMAN 121 Syllabus
Autumn 2010
German@wiu is now on



Weijia Li



Morgan Hall 305 (c)



(309) 298-1496



Office hour


M W F: 03:15 – 04:00 pmT: 1:20 – 3:00 pmor by appointment

Goals & ObjectivesGerman 121 is an introduction course to the German language and German cultures. This course is designed to help you develop all four language skills: speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and writing. In addition, you will gain intercultural experience and competence.

Required Textbook & Materials

1. Di Donato, R. Deutsch: Na klar! 5th Ed.

2. Workbook to Accompany Deutsch: Na klar! 5th Ed.

3. Laboratory Manual to Accompany Deutsch: Na klar! 5th Ed.

4. Audio Program CDs to Accompany Deutsch: Na klar! 5th Ed.

Access to Course Content Online

This course is using a customized course website embedded in Western Online. Students are supposed to log on Western Online EVERYDAY to check out course announcements, homework assignments, and other course related information.

Assessments & Grading All tests and assessments will be graded on percentage basis. Missed tests or assessments will count as ZERO. Only in the case of verifiable (documented) illness or emergency will a make-up be given. Your grade in this course will be based on following assessments.

·  Class Participation 15%

·  Homework 10%

·  Quizzes (announced and unannounced) 10%

·  Role-plays 10%

·  In-class Presentations in English 5%

·  Chapter Tests 20%

·  Final oral exam 10%

·  Final written Exam 20%

Grading ScaleGerman classes use the following scale:

B+ = 87 – 89 / C+ = 77 – 79 / D+ = 67 – 69 / F = below 60
A = 93 – 100 / B = 83 – 86 / C = 73 – 76 / D = 63 – 66
A- = 90 – 92 / B- = 80 – 82 / C- = 70 – 72 / D- = 60 – 62

Your grade of each assignment will be posted on Western Online. Please log on Western Online to check where you stand throughout the semester.

Course Policies

Class Participation

Your attendance is mandatory and your active participation in the class is expected. Your class participation grade will be based on two components: a) your attendance, and multiplied by b) your degree of preparation and participation when you are in class.


Homework assignments are due on the day indicated on the course website. They will still be accepted within 3 days after the due date. You are required to correct all the errors on your homework assignments.

Make-up Policy
In case you missed classes, you will be given the opportunity to make up quizzes, tests and role plays only if you 1) notified the instructor about your absence in advance, 2) your absence has been excused by your instructor, 3) you will make up the missed tests as soon as you return to the school.

Opportunities for Practice

German program at WIU organizes weekly “Kaffeestunde” and semi-monthly “German Movie Night”. You are encouraged to attend these events where you can practice your German skills and socialize with other people interested in German language and culture. You will be informed about other opportunities to practice your German as well as to attend events related to the German-speaking countries.

Students Rights and Responsibilities

Western Illinois University, like all communities, functions best when its members treat one another with honesty, fairness, respect, and trust. Students have rights and responsibilities ( and students should realize that deception for individual gain is an offense against the members of the entire community, and it is the student's responsibility to be informed and to abide by all University regulations and policies on Academic Integrity.

Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty constitute a serious violation of University conduct regulations. Students who engage in dishonesty in any form shall be charged with academic dishonesty.

Disability Support Services

Western Illinois University is committed to justice, equity, and diversity. Providing equal opportunities for students with disabilities is a campus-wide responsibility and commitment in which Disability Support Services ( ) plays a primary role. All students who have been admitted to the university and feel they will require accommodations in order to pursue a degree at WIU must register with DSS.


Assessment Rubric for Speaking

Overall (40%) / Grammar (25%) / Vocabulary (25%) / Pronunciation (10%)
100-90 / all task demands met
message clear
consistently demonstrates understanding / highly accurate
very few errors / excellent range of vocabulary
accurate using / Error-free intonation and pronunciation
89-80 / most task demands met
message fairly clear
usually demonstrates understanding / good control of major (basic) structures
errors do not compromise meaning / vocabulary range adequate for level and task
fairly fluent with minor breaks or hesitations / Pronunciation free of major errors
intonation accurate
79-70 / some task demands not adequately addressed
parts of message unclear
demonstrates some miscomprehension / inconsistency and errors on major (basic) structures
some errors compromise meaning / word choice limited, relies on simple vocabulary
performance characterized by hesitations or breaks / Pronunciation shows some major errors
intonation acceptable
69-60 / does not fulfill most task demands
frequently demonstrates miscomprehension of details / errors on major (basic) structures
errors often compromise meaning / word choice inadequate for task or level
performance characterized by hesitations or breaks / Pronunciation or intonation errors compromise understanding
below 60 / almost none of responses appropriate to task/situation
avoids using the target language, resorts to English or no response / grammar highly predominated by errors/inaccuracies
errors severely compromise meaning / word choice inadequate for task or level
performance characterized by major breaks and hesitations / Pronunciation or intonation errors compromise meaning


Assessment Rubric for Writing

100% - 90% / Excellent command of the language
Writing is appropriate to current level
Thorough response to the writing prompt
Wide variety and accurate using of grammar, vocabulary
Spelling and punctuation are mostly accurate
89% - 80% / Good command of the language
Most of writing is appropriate to current level
Generally thorough response to the writing prompt
Some grammar errors
Some spelling and punctuation errors
79% - 70% / Limited command of the language
Writing is below current level
Length is adequate, but brief
Noticeable grammar errors compromising understanding
Noticeable amount of spelling and punctuation errors
69% - 60% / Poor command of the language
Writing is well below current level
Insufficient response to the writing prompt
Grammar errors predominate
Predominance of spelling and punctuation errors
59%-0% / Unacceptable or not turned in
Response falls below the above descriptions or is inappropriate

German 121 Planning Calendar for Autumn 2010[1]

/ Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Week 1
August / 23
Classes Begin / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27
Week 2
September / 30 / 31 / 1 / 2 / 3
Week 3
September / 6
Labor Day
No classes / 7
In-class Presentation / 8 / 9 / 10
Week 4
September / 13
In-class Presentation / 14
Role Play # E-1 / 15
Chapter Test # E-1 / 16 / 17
Week 5
September / 20
In-class Presentation / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24
Week 6
October / 27
In-class Presentation / 28 / 29 /


/ 1
Role Play #2
Week 7
October / 4
Chapter Test #2 / 5
In-class Presentation / 6 / 7 / 8
Week 8
October / 11
In-class Presentation / 12 / 13
/ 14 / 15
Week 9
October / 18
In-class Presentation / 19 / 20
Role Play #3 /


/ 22
Chapter Test #3
Week 10
October / 25
In-class Presentation / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29
Week 11
November / 1
In-class Presentation / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Week 12
November / 8
In-class Presentation / 9
Role Play #4 / 10
Chapter Test #4 / 11 / 12
Week 13
November / 15
In-class Presentation / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19
Week 14
November / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26
Week 15
December / 29
In-class Presentation / 30 / 1 / 2 / 3
Week 16
December / 6
Chapter Test #5 / 7
In-class Presentation / 8 / 9 / 10
Week 17
Decmeber / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17


[1] All dates and assignments are subject to change.