Fall 2016 Mr. James Stiltner
Phone: (619)223-3121 x4151
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Chemistry is a two semester course that emphasizes the major concepts of chemical science as well as the scientific method, problem solving, group work and laboratory safety.
We cover the following CA State Standards in Chemistry:
Fall 2016 Mr. James Stiltner
Phone: (619)223-3121 x4151
1) Atomic and Molecular Structure
2) Chemical Bonds
3) Conservation of Matter and Stoichiometry
4) Gases and Their Properties
5) Acids and Bases
6) Solutions
7) Chemical Thermodynamics
8) Reaction Rates
9) Nuclear Processes
10) Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
11) Chemical Equilibrium
Fall 2016 Mr. James Stiltner
Phone: (619)223-3121 x4151
Expected Student Learning Results (ESLRS)
Complex Thinkers: Students will use the scientific method to develop higher level thinking skills. Students will demonstrate this skill by writing laboratory reports.
Effective communicators: Students will develop writing and oral communication skills while taking chemistry.
Documents supporting this ESLR will be laboratory reports, written essays and reports.
Responsible Self Directed Learners and Workers: Students will be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning. Documents supporting this ESLR will be completed individual assignments.
Involved Citizens: We will discuss chemistry and ways students can become involved. Documents supporting this ESLR will be essays and letters written about chemistry and the environment.
Healthy Life Style Advocates: Students will make connections between their knowledge of chemistry and problems such as global warming, pollution, energy utilization, and water shortages and use evidence to support their conclusions. Documents supporting this ESLR will include reports on chemistry.
Instructional Methods:
Teaching strategies are based on engagement, exploitation, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation. Application of these will include direct instruction, guided and independent practice, group work, whole class discussion, and laboratory investigation. Student goals include the acquisition of content, skills in reading scientific information, critical thinking, and technical writing.
COURSE MATERIALS: You need to bring the following materials to class EVERY DAY
1. Your organized chemistry binder with 5 dividers organized by: Notes; HW: Do Nows; Labs; Tests/Quizzes.
2. A black or blue pen, a sharpened pencil, and paper, a red pen (for correction).
3. An electronic scientific calculator (Sorry, your cell phone does not count!).
4. (Recommended) A Daily Planner to record assignment due dates, can also be used for other classes!
5. When requested, bring your chemistry textbook to class.
Each student’s grade will be calculated as follows, with +/- for high/low grades:
100 - 90 = A; 89.5 - 80 = B; 79.5 - 70 = C; 69.5 - 60 = D; 59.5 - 0 = F
Quarter Grade: Semester Grade:
20% for homework & warm-ups 20% First Grading Period
30% for labs & activities 25% Second Grading Period
20% for tests 25% Third Grading Period
20% for quizzes 15% Term Project (REQUIRED)
10% for Participation/Behavior 15% Final Exam
HOMEWORK: It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of what/when homework is due via a planner or by checking with the teacher or classmates regularly. The teacher stamps homework when it is due; it is the student’s responsibility to keep all stamped homework until it is collected (after every unit test). Stamps may be given based on completion or accuracy. Lost homework results in lost points.
Late work policy: For excused absences, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain make-up work from the teacher with an excused note, and all late work must be turned in the next day of returning to school. Unexcused late work will be accepted for 50% of its original value up to one week late. After that time, the work will not be accepted.
Work missed because of an excused absence can be made up provided the student can show a written excuse from the attendance office. It is the student’s responsibility to get the missed work from either another student or from the teacher at tutoring the within the same number of days as the length of the absence. Note it is VERY DIFFICULT to make up laboratory work - you need to see the teacher as soon as possible to find out how to make up a lab!
Project: Mandatory semester project will consist of oral and written presentations on current social and ethical topics in chemistry or health fields. Detailed information about the project will be given later.
Test: Comprehensive test covering main concepts and objective of the chapter, the lab, film, and any other materials discussed. There will some quiz questions on the test. Make-up test for excused absences will be administered on the day returning to school only during lunchtime with appointment.
CITIZENSHIP: Citizenship is based on attendance, behavior in class, and ability to work with others. Poor citizenship will also result in lowering of the participation/behavior portion of the grade.
ATTENDANCE: Excuse note is due on the day returning to class. Participation points will be taken off for excessive tardies/unexcused absences, and will result in either a W (Warning) or a U (Unsatisfactory) Citizenship grade.
FAMILY PARTICIPATION: Strong parental involvement is one of the keys to student success. I encourage parents and guardians to contact me (Either by email or Remind) or arrange to meet me in person regarding their child’s performance in my class, as well any other questions they may have about the course.
TUTORING/STUDY TIME: Lunchtime tutoring is available nearly every day. Students are strongly encouraged to get help from either their fellow students or the teacher if they find they are having difficulties. In addition, success in this course requires setting up a regular study routine. Every student should expect to spend at least 30 minutes to 1 hour every day on this course if they plan to succeed.
1. Come prepared! Bring required materials to class every day, be ready to participate and take notes.
2. Students are dismissed when work area is clean.
3. No chewing gum, drinking, or eating in class.
4. No combing hair and applying make-up in class.
5. No hats or electronic devices i.e. cell phones in class. Confiscated items will be taken for the entire day of school.
6. No charging of phones. If a phone is out and charging it will be confiscated.
7. Raise your hand to speak when others are speaking.
8. Refrain from making distracting noises like tapping feet or pencils. If you need, move outside momentarily to “shake.it off.”
9. Do not get out of your seat to throw away trash. Hold the trash at your desk until the end of the period or individual.work time. Do not throw your trash; instead walk all the way to the trash can and set the trash inside.
10. Most importantly, give RESPECT to others in the classroom. Inappropriate and inconsiderate behaviors, such as interruption, laughing, mocking, talking back to teacher, and using foul language, will NOT be tolerated.
All other Point Loma/SDUSD-wide expectations are to be followed.
*Warning: Points taken off, detentions given, and parents will be contacted for not following the above rules!!!!
Further misconduct will result in calls home to parents and referrals.
NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES: Failure to follow the behavior expectations outlined above will result in consequences of increasing severity with each violation:
1. Warning.
2. Seat Change/Time-out/Hallway Meeting/Lowering of Lab Grade (When in lab)
3. Call Home
4. Referral to the deans and further lowering of citizenship.
*** Severe misbehavior will result in immediate removal from class and a referral. ***
Remind App:
"Remind" will be used to provide reminders for homeowrk, quiz, test, project, etc. It can be accessed by students AND parents!
- Students are REQUIRED to make an account.
- The app can be downloaded/accessed on the app store, google play store, or on any computer.
- Text, email, or app notifications can be turned on
- Reminders about assignments will be sent regualrly
- Parents are encouraged to create an account. If your grade is low, parents may be contacted and suggested to download the app.
- You or your parents may contact me outside of school using this app! Feel free to message me with any questions related to the class.
For Chemistry: Download the app, go to "join class," then enter: @7d247e4
********************************** * * Please complete, sign and return to Mr. Stiltner. * * *******************************
Dear Mr. Stiltner,
I, ______, ______period, and my parent/guardian, have read the course plan. We support the rules and policies set forth by you for the upcoming semester. My parents understand that they are able to check assignments from this class on Remind app. I will follow these rules and policies to the best of my ability. (Parents: Please contact Mr. Stiltner if this warrants further discussion.)