For Dogs Only, LLC
Personal Information for Dog Training Classes with JoAnn Hoffpauir
Please fill out one form for each dog. You only need to do this once for each dog.
Date: ______
Your Information:
Name: ______
Tel (Home)______(Work)______(Cell)______
Address: ______
Your Dog's Information
Name: Breed:
Gender: Age:
(Circle One):Spay/Neutered Intact
Veterinarian Name: Phone:
Health Problems:
Where did you obtain dog (Breeder, shelter, etc.)?
How long owned?: Dog Lives: Indoors / Outdoors
Potty Trained: Yes / No Dog Sleeps:
Is dog crate trained?: Yes / No Fed How Often?: Food Brand:
Other Family Members
Other Adults in Home:
Children: Names: Age:
Other Pets: Names: Sex: M / F Species: Age:
Sex: M / F Species: Age:
Enrollment Information for Dog Training
Please fill out one form for each dog.
Your Name: Best Phone #:
Dog's Name: Age:
Circle Classes of interest:
Rally Classes (All Levels)
Basic Obedience (8 Week Class)
Competitive Obedience Classes: Pre-Novice class Novice/Open Class Utility Class
Private Lessons
Start Date/Time:
Describe exercise routines:
Any Previous Training?:
Describe any behavior problems you need help with:
Has the dog ever bitten or injured another person or animal-if yes, list incidents and details on back of page:
Services Agreement:
Full payment is due prior to the start of group classes or private instruction. Subsequent to the first class, no refunds will be made.
Owner's Name: ______
Waiver of Liability:
I understand and agree that the instructor Jo Ann Hoffpauir shall not be liable for
any injury or damage to any person, animal, or property, which results from the training or behavior of my pet. I also understand and agree that an adult must accompany any child in attendance under the age of 18. I further agree that the instructor or employees shall not be held liable for any costs or expenses incurred in connection with any claim occurring as a result of my pet's participation in the training program.
Owner's Signature: ______
Date: ______
Note: Group classes are not appropriate for dogs that are dangerously
aggressive to people or other animals. These dogs require special training or referral to a certified behavioral specialist.
Contact: Jo Ann Hoffpauir 281-581-9151 or 713-299-5900 email: