Poet Presentation Rubric Name:______
Visual: 25 points
Biographical Info (include poet’s photo) ______/10
Poem (at least one) ______/10
Creativity, Neatness, Originality ______/5
Consider a shape that relates to your poet or poem.
Do NOT cut and paste info from the Internet.
Make the info readable from a distance.
Delivery: 50 points
Poise and Eye Contact ______/20
Use of Note cards (as minimal as possible) ______/15
Voice (loudness & tone) ______/15
Total: ______/50
Information: 25 points
Significant information about the poet’s personal life ______/10
Significant information about professional life ______/10
(Include anything unique, most notable awards and works)
Reading and interpretation of at least one poem by the poet ______/5
The interpretation may be your own or one found through research.
Do NOT read your poem from the poster. Make another copy.
Total :______/25
Class Participation: 5 points
Listening to other speakers & took notes Total: ______/5
Time: 5 points
3-5 minutes ______Total:______/5
Grade: 100 points Final: ______/100