Program Planning and Assessment (PPA)
for Academic Programs
Comprehensive Review, Annual Review & Action Plan
Spring 2016
The purpose of Program Planning and Assessment at Hartnell College is to obtain an honest and authentic view of a program and to assess its strengths, opportunities, needs, and connection to the mission and goals of the college. The process is based on the premise that each academic program reviews assessment data and uses these data to plan for improvement. The results of these annual cycles provide data for a periodic comprehensive review that shows evidence of improvement and outlines long-range goals.
The Program Planning and Assessment process improves and increases the flow of information about student learning, student success and student behavior at Hartnell College. The result of the process also improves institutional effectiveness.
Program/Discipline / Date Completed (must be in final form by 4/28 /16)* / Date Submitted to DeanMusic / 4/28/16 / 4/28/16
*Please note that you should work with your colleagues and dean/director to ensure that this report is completed, revised as needed, in its final form and submitted no later than the end of April.
List of Contributors/Reviewers, including Title/Position
Name / Title/PositionSteve Ettinger / Music Instructor
Sandy Rudo / Music Instructor
______Celine Pinet______May 5 2016______
Typed Nameof Area Dean/DirectorDate
Dean’s Comments (Optional):
For Comprehensive Review:
______Lori Kildal______June 29 2016______
Typed Name of VPAA Date
VPAA Comments (Optional):
This PPA report is organized in 3 sections and 10 subsections as follows:
I.Comprehensive Review – a. Overall Program Effectiveness, b. Instructional Staffing, c. CTE Programs – Labor Market & Achievement, and d. Program Goals.
II.Annual Review – a. Course Data & Trends, b. Curriculum,
c. Outcomes, and d. Previously Scheduled Activities.
III.Annual Action Plan – a. New Activities and b. Resource Requests.
➔ For programs/disciplines scheduled for comprehensive review in spring
2016, please complete Sections I, II, and III.
➔ For programs/disciplines scheduled for annual review, please complete
Sections II and III.
Please complete this section for programs/disciplines scheduled for comprehensive review in spring 2016. Go to Section II for programs/disciplines scheduled for annual review in spring 2016.
1. Describe your program in terms of its overall effectiveness over the past several years.
Please consider the questions below in describing your program/discipline/area.
∙How are students/employees served by the program?
∙What are the unique aspects of the program?
∙How does the program relate to the needs of the community?
∙How does the program interface/collaborate with other programs on campus?
∙What is working well and not working well in the program/discipline?
[Begin response here]
- In the table below enter the number of sections offered and the number of full time and adjunct faculty in your program/discipline by term over the past 3 years.
R:\\PPA Spring 2016
Term / No. of Active Sections / Full-time Faculty / Adjunct Faculty / FTEFTaught
(if data available)
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
Fall 2013
Spring 2014
Fall 2014
Spring 2015
2. What staffing factors/challenges have influenced the effectiveness of the program?
Please complete this section if the program is Career Technical Education
(CTE). Go to subsection D if the program is not CTE.
1. Provide your assessment of your programs effectiveness in job placement and transferring students to four-year institutions. Does your program have a standard for job placements or transfer rates?
[Begin response here]
2. Describe the activities/actions of and recommendations resulting from advisory committee meetings that
have occurred over the past two years.
[Begin response here]
3. Does labor market data and/or the need for additional education indicate that changes should be made to your program? Does the program (continue to) meet a labor market demand and/or fulfill an important step toward higher/additional education?
[Begin response here]
4. Does your program have a standard for graduation rates, licensing exams, and/or certification exams? If so, please include details.
[Begin response here]
1. List and describe program/disciplinary goals for the next comprehensive review cycle. Be sure to highlight innovative, unique, or other especially noteworthy aspects.
In considering your program’s future goals, please review Hartnell’s vision and mission statements.
Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community.
Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success.
[List and describe program goals here]
This section must be completed for ALL academic programs, including those scheduled for a comprehensive review in spring 2016.
Please evaluate the 3-year trend of enrollment and success of courses in your program/discipline. Identify the
courses you are choosing to examine this current year in the list below. You do NOT need to evaluate trends for
each course every year. R:\\PPA Spring 2016
Please use the data that have been provided. Analyze trends that you observe with respect to the data for the identified courses and answer the following questions.
- Review the enrollment data. Describe and analyze any patterns or anomalies that you notice. How do Face to Face, Hybrid and DE courses compare? What do you make of these patterns or anomalies? What actions should be taken to ensure continuous improvement?
The numbers of students enrolling in music classes has had some increases and decreases, but is generally on the rise, with 775 enrollments in Fall 2012 and 829 in Spring of 2015. The MUS 5 classes showed considerable growth, going from 187 enrollments to 266 by Spring 2015. This was clearly due to the number of sections added within the past two years.
- Review the success data. Describe and analyze any patterns or anomalies that you notice. How do Face to Face, Hybrid and DE courses compare? What do you make of these patterns or anomalies? What actions should be taken to ensure continuous improvement?
The success rate in the music classes was good in general, as, overall, 78% of students in music classes were successful, whereas 74% of students college-wide were successful. The one area of concern might be MUS 2 (69% success rate), in which students need more support because of the sequential nature of the classes. Students in this class may need some extra tutoring or supplemental instruction. The ensembles have particularly high success rates.
- Describe the demonstrated effectiveness of the program over the past several years with trends in degree and certificate completions/awards.
While I was unable to find any information about number of music degrees conferred within the past several years, my guess is that we have seen a gradual increase in the number of students who are eligible to get an AA in music. The music theory courses, MUS 50A-53B, represent the biggest challenge to music students who are getting a degree in music. By my estimates, we had 4 students complete the series in 2012, 5 complete the series in 2013, 7 completing the series in 2014, and 6 in 2015. This would indicate that we are preparing many students for upper-level University level coursework and for a job in the music industry
4. Describe any other relevant factors regarding diverse teaching modalities and environments, such as specific
Locations and scheduled times.
We do not offer hybrid classes. We do, however, offer classes at both the main campus and King City campus.
B. CURRICULUM R:\PPA Spring 2016\Curriculum Data
Please answer the following questions. The data point above will take you to a chart that contains all courses in Curricunet, the last time they went through the Curriculum Committee, and when they are due to go through again. Any course with a “*” next to the date or just in the box in the Last Time column have an active draft that someone may be working on. Any date in the Last Time column that is over 5 academic years old is in red and needs to be revised through the committee as soon as possible. The courses without dates in the Last Time column did not have a date of last approval listed.
- Are all courses reviewed and up to date?
- If your courses are not up to date, what is your plan to get them done?
- Are there any plans to add new curriculum?
All courses are up to date with a few exceptions. The 29.1, 29.2, and 29.3 classes were revised and approved by the curriculum committee in November, 2014, but for some reason, they are listed as “pending.” I will be investigating why they are listed as pending and do what I need to do in order to get them listed as “active.” I plan to do this at the 1st curriculum committee meeting in May. All other courses are up to date and do not need to be revised until Fall 2016.
As for new curriculum, I am discussing the possibility of adding non-credit/community education classes with Kathy Mendelssohn. We would ideally like some of our ensemble classes to be offered in one of these formats.
Use your Program Outcome Maps to assist you in this subsection. As you plan your course assessments, keep the higher level program outcome in mind. While course level assessment serves the purpose of examining the teaching and learning for that particular course, it also provides the data that will be viewed collectively for assessment of the associated program level outcomes.
1. Please answer the following questions. An outcome list of your program can be found in your file at the end of the data point. R:\Student Learning Outcomes\Program Level Assessment Reports\Program Level Assessment Reports 2014 - 2015
1) What PLO did you assess? Please see chart below
List Program level outcome(s) scheduled for assessment as previously specified / What changes have occurred in the program/discipline as a result of dialogue? / Was the Program Outcome Assessment Summary completed?1. analyze the harmonic structure of music from the Common Practice Period. / Changes in teaching methodology / No
2. demonstrate piano proficiency at the lower-intermediate level. / Purchasing of more keyboards / yes
3.perform individually on an instrument or with the voice, and collaboratively in an instrumental or vocal ensemble. / Purchasing of equipment, revision of curriculum / No
4. aurally identify the genre and stylistic period of examples from the western art music tradition.
. / Changing teaching methodology / yes
5. utilize computer applications for audio recording and notation. / Purchasing of equipment / yes
2) What did you find?
We found that all of the above actions increased student learning. We are still waiting for a few areas (purchasing of equipment for the ensembles and the funding of regular staff meetings). When those items have been granted, we will assess whether they have increased student learning.
3) What plans did you make as a result?
Was there review and analysis of the data? How did the discipline faculty engage in discussion? Were any interventions conducted? Are there any plans to make changes to certificate/degree programs or improvements in teaching and student learning?
We were unable to do much discussion as to the review of program outcomes due to a lack of funding for departmental meetings. I have, however, gotten comments from other staff members on an informal basis on how to improve our AA and AAT programs. One specific suggestion dealt with enrollment management and ensuring that classes are not cancelled until the second week of class for all classes required for the AA or AAT.
2. Describe how Core Competencies (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness, Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility) were specifically addressed by the program/discipline during the past year. For example, were data gathered at the course level? Was there review and analysis of the data? How did the discipline faculty engage in discussion? Were any interventions conducted? Are there any plans to make changes to courses or improvements in teaching and student learning?
We were unable to do much discussion as to the review of core competencies due to a lack of funding for departmental meetings. We will continue to share data based on informal conversations but are hampered by the college’s inability to fund official department meetings to discuss these issues. One suggestion that has been provided by instructors in past years is to create a listening library and a list of concerts for students to attend. This would help students achieve core competencies of Aesthetic Appreciation and Critical Thinking/Problem Solving.
Please answer the following questions. A list of what you should have assessed can be found using the provided data link. Your actual results can be found in Elumen.
1) What SLO did you assess in Spring 2015 and Fall 2015? See table below
List courses scheduled for SLO assessment as previously specified / In what term was the course assessed? / Was the Course Assessment Summary Report completed?MUS 42 / Spring 2015 / Yes
MUS 43 / Spring 2015 / Yes
MUS 34.1 / Spring 2015 / Yes
MUS 34.4 / Spring 2015 / Yes
MUS 26 / Spring 2015 / Yes
MUS 29.1 / Spring 2015 / Yes
MUS 46 / Spring 2015 / Yes
MUS 52A / Spring 2015 / Yes
MUS 52B / Spring 2015 / Yes
MUS 11 / Fall 2015 / Yes
MUS 29.3 / Fall 2015 / Yes
MUS 34.1 / Fall 2015 / Yes
MUS 34.4 / Fall 2015 / Yes
MUS 46 / Fall 2015 / Yes
MUS 48 / Fall 2015 / Yes
MUS 5 / Fall 2015 / Yes
MUS 7 / Fall 2015 / Yes
2) What did you find?
We found that we are doing many things well, but need to coordinate our program to a greater extent.
3) What plans did you make as a result?
We plan to continue to ask the college for funding to allow us to meet in a way that respects us as professionals and the amount of time we will need to put into making these changes.
4) Do and assessment activities need to be strengthened or improved? What are the challenges to achieving these improvements?
Assesment activities need to be paid and mandated for all instructors. The college has been reluctant to do this because there is a culture that discourages face-to-face communication.
- What academic support services do the students in your program utilize and how frequently? Are there any other services that could enhance students learning in your program?
Students are utilizing many of the services provided by the college, including early support, tutoring, counseling, the DSPS office, and other student services. I think these services could be better utilized if all students were required to take a class that had exposing them to these services as a specific goal or objective of the class. This might be done most easily through one of the existing counseling classes.
Using your previous PPA as a template, please complete the table.
Activity scheduled / What success has been achieved to date on this activity? / What challenges existed or continue to exist? / When do you expect this activity to be completed?1. enhanced performance opportunities for the choirs / The choirs ended up fund-raising to buy their new attire. They have used this attire to perform in a variety of places. / The college has not responded to our request for new attire for the choirs. / Hopefully, the college will grant this request in September 2016
2. enhanced security for computer lab / A security camera and tie-down technology have been purchased. The camera has been installed and the tie-down technology is in the process of being installed. / We need one more camera to make the building fully secure / We will be applying for funding for this camera right away. Perhaps it will be granted in September of 2017
3. enhanced use of computer lab, music library / None / The college has not granted this request. / We will continue to ask for this. Perhaps it will be granted this year
4. enhanced performance opportunities for orchestra, Hawaiian music class, jazz band / An agreement was negotiated with the Western Stage so that our performing ensembles can reserve the auditiorium for a week in May and December / We hope to continue this collaboration with the Western Stage / We will be meeting this summer to discuss concerts for the 2017 calendar year.
5. enhanced collaboration between music department faculty members / None / The college has not granted this request. / We will continue to ask for this every single year that I am working at this school. If the college is sympathetic to this idea, we should be able to have it granted in September 2016
* For each activity that will continue into AY 2016-17 and that requires resources, submit a separate resource request in Section III.
- Evaluate the success of each completed activity since your last PPA. What measurable outcomes were achieved? Did the activities and subsequent dialogue lead to significant change in student learning or program success?
As I wrote above, the cameras have allowed us to securely store our computers and have really benefited our students in the electronic music class. They have been able to create amazing projects without the interruptions of having the equipment they have been using stolen. The purchase of additional piano keyboards have also allowed more students to take the piano classes (13A, 13B, 14, and 15). None of the other items have been granted.