Revolutionary War People Project
You will select one person listed from the American Revolutionary War Era who you will research then complete the following activities based on what you learn.
Activity One: Create a visual of the person assigned to you. You may consider some the following options:
-Make a puppet of your person dressed in that time period.
-Draw or paint a picture of your person.
-Create a life-size model of your person or come dressed as that person.
-You can come up with your own visual idea, but get it approved by the teacher.
Activity Two: Create a poster, PowerPoint, play or video with the following information:
-A biographical sketch about your person, including background and interesting facts
-Outline their leadership abilities and contributions to the Revolutionary War.
-State the side of the war this person supported and why.
-Discuss the impact this person had on the outcome of the war; how might the war have been different if not for the person’s contributions?
-Include at least 3 pictures of this person showing major events or contributions with captions explaining each picture. At least one of the pictures must be drawn by you and the others may be from clipart or an image from the Internet (sources must be cited).
Activity Three: Class Presentations (All work is due on this day.) There are three parts to this presentation with activity two being first.
-Present your work from Activity One and Two to the class in a 3-5 minute presentation in which you teach classmates about your person; you may be creative in your presentation (i.e. include a skit that you act out, include music, become the role of “teachers” and set up a lesson, etc.)
Activity Four: (separate grade) “Who am I?” Review Quiz after all presentations are completed.
*** It is important to pay attention to all of the presentations, since presentation day will end with a quiz. Based on notes from your presentations, your teacher will give you hints about a particular person you met in class by saying, “I am a person who______.” You must identify the Revolutionary person being described on your quiz.
PROJECT DUE DATE ______OCT. 25, 2012______
Rubric for Revolutionary War People Project
Period______Date______Topic: ______
Level / A (4 points) / B (3 points) / C (2 points) / D (1 point)Visual Representation / Authentic representation that is accurate and detailed and neat / Accurate representations with some minor errors / Accurate representation with major errors / Representation that is hard to identify
Informational Poster / Accurate and appropriate information contains all required facts, creative and neat / Accurate and appropriate information, neatly organized but one missing fact required / Accurate information with some minor errors or two required facts missing and organized / Mostly accurate information with some errors and three required facts missing
Poorly organized.
Presentation / Interesting/creative, organized/prepared with eye contact and proper speaking volume at all times. / Interesting/creative, organized/prepared, with eye contact and proper speaking volume most of the time / Interesting, organization/preparation had some difficulty, with eye contact and proper speaking volume some of the time / Interesting, organization/preparation problems with little eye contact and/or low speaking volume
Audience Participation / Actively taking notes, respectful at all times, and not interruptions / Actively taking notes, respectful at all times, and 1 or 2 interruptions / Actively taking notes most of the time, respectful at all times, and 3-4 interruptions / Actively taking notes most of the time, respectful at all times, and 5+ interruptions
Total columns
Overall Points/Grade
Any project not reaching at least a D description in all four categories will receive an F.
Grading Scale:
A+ = 16/ 100 B+ = 13/ 91 C+ = 10/ 83 D+ = 7/ 76
A = 15/ 96 B = 12/ 88 C = 9/ 80 D = 6/ 73
A- = 14/ 93 B- = 11/ 85 C- = 8/ 77 D- = 4/ 70