AL No / Amended by / Signature / Date
01 / P. Duggleby / 30/09/08
02 /
  1. Clark
/ 14/01/09
03 / A. Clark / 1/02/10
04 /
  1. Clark
/ 25/11/10
05 /
  1. Clark
/ 24/01/11
06 /
  1. Clark
/ 16/05/11
07 /
  1. Clark
/ 20/03/12
08 / A. Clark / 10/07/13
09 /
  1. Clark
/ 2/10/13
10 / A Ward(Change Lyndhurst to Pocklington Prep) / 15/07/14
11 /
  1. Clark
/ 3/2/15



General and Educational Health & Safety Statutes and Regulations


1.General Statement

2.Pocklington Foundation Responsibilities

3.Objectives and Commitment

4.Legal Obligations

5.Employee Obligations

6.Health and Safety Audit Arrangements (monitoring)


8.Organisation Structure

Section 2 - health and safety Responsibilities


2.Specific Responsibilities

3.Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

and Role Specific Responsibilities

3.10 Allocation of Resources

3.14.1 Governors

3.14.2 The Headmaster

3.14.3 Deputy Headmaster

3.14.4 Assistant Head

3.14.5Boarding & Pastoral Co-ordinator

3.14.6 Head of Pocklington Prep School

3.14.7 Deputy Head of Pocklington Prep

3.14.8 Heads of Teaching Departments

Specific Responsibilities Heads of Science Departments Head of Design and Technology of Art of Drama of Curriculum IT of PE of Music of CCF Contingent of Staff Development

3.14.9 Teaching Staff

3.14.10 Boarding Housemistress/master

3.14.11 Bursar

3.14.12Heads of Bursarial Departments Premises Manager Team Leader Minibus Co-ordinator Domestic Bursar

3.14.13Health and Safety Advisor

3.14.14Senior Nurse

4.Employee Responsibilities– Legislation

4.2 – 4.6 Obligations upon the Employee

4.7 Fulfilling the Obligations of Code of Conduct in the Induction Pack

4.8 General Safety Rules

5.Health and Safety Policy Arrangements

5.1 Health Surveillance

5.2 Information, Instruction and Training

5.3 Induction Training

5.3 Refresher Training

5.4 Supervision

5.5 Employee Notification and Consultation

5.6 Health and Safety Monitoring

5.7 Lone Working

6.Enforcement Notices, Penalties and Disciplinary Procedures.

7.Health and Safety Structure

7.1 Health and Safety Committee

7.2 Health and Safety Working Group

SECTION 3 - Fire precautions

1.Fire Doors

2.Fire Escape Routes

3.No Smoking

4.Electrical Fire safety

5.Lightning protection


7.Personal Danger

8.Fire Wardens

9.Fire Extinguishers General

10.Maintenance and Testing of Fire Extinguishers

11.Description of Our Fire Alarm System

12.Alarm Testing & Procedures

13.Alarm Maintenance

14.Fire Alarm/Warning Control Panel

15.Fire Alarm Break Glass Points

16.Emergency lighting

17.Locations of Special Interest to Emergency services

18.Training General

19.Extinguisher Training

20.Evacuation Training


Annex A. Fire Safety Responsibilities

Annex B. Fire Safety Responsibilities Flow Chart

Section 4 - First Aid and accident reporting

1.First Aid Personnel

2.First Aid Materials and Containers/Kits

3.Reporting of Accidents/Incidents and Record Keeping

4.Dangerous Occurrences

5.Occupational Diseases


7.Annex A: Number of First Aid Trained Personnel

8.Annex B: Contents of First Aid Kits/Containers

9.Annex B (cont.) Contents of Travelling First Aid Kits (Locations of both)

10.Annex C Managing Spillages of Blood and Bodily Fluids

Section 5 – WORK equipment


2.Selection and Use


4.Information, Instruction and Training


6.Dangerous Parts

7.Specified Hazards




Section 6 -CONTROL OF Hazardous substances


2.Duties under the Regulations

3.Prevention or Control of Exposure


5.Control Measures

6.Maintenance, Examination and Test of Engineering Control Measures

7.Assessment Training

8.Monitoring Exposure

9.Health Surveillance

10.Information, Instruction and Training

11.Record Keeping

section 7 - manual handling








2.Arrangements and Inspections










9.Windows and Doors

10.Welfare Facilities

section 11 – GENERAL RISK ASSESSMENT - safety guidance notes

1. Introduction

2. Arrangements for risk assessment

Annex A Risk Assessment Register

Annex B Risk Assessment Form

section 12 – FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT – safety guidance notes

  1. Introduction
  2. Arrangements for risk assessment

Annex A Fire Risk Assessment Form

SECTION 13 – RECORDS, registers and returns

1.General Register

2.Fire Precautions Log Book / Record Pages

  1. Accident Reporting Form

Annex A Accident report Form

  1. Records of Inspection, Testing & Maintenance
  2. Department Records
  3. Annual Health and Safety Return Form

Annex B Annual Health and Safety Return

  1. Hazard Reporting Form

Annex C Hazard Reporting Form

  1. Near miss report form

Annex DNear Miss Report Form

  1. Bi Annual Departmental Audits


Specific instructions for safe operation of certain equipment’s and activities

  1. Asbestos Management Policy
  2. Minibus Policy
  3. Legionella Policy
  4. Noise at Work Guidance
  5. Loan Working Policy
  6. Vibration at Work Guidance
  7. Working at Height policy



1957 Occupiers’ Liability Act and Occupiers’ Liability Act 1984

1973 Education (Work Experience) Act

1974 The Health & Safety at Work etc. Act

1995 Activity Centres (Young Persons’ Safety) Act

1996 Employment Rights Act

2005 Disability Discrimination Act

2006 Road Safety Act

2011 Education Act


1970 Food Hygiene (General) Regulations

1977 Safety Representatives & Safety Committees Regulations

1981 Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations

1989 Nurse at Work Regulations

1989 Electricity at Work Regulations

1990 The Health & Safety (Training for Employment) Regulations

1991 Food Premises (Registration) Regulations

1992 The Manual Handling Operations Regulations

1992 The Work place (Health & Safety & Welfare) Regulations

1995 Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations

1995 Food Safety (Temperature Controls) Regulations

1995 Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations

1996 Health & Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations

1996 Health & Safety (Safety Signs & Signals) Regulations

1997 Confined Spaces Regulations

1998 The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations

1998 The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations

1998 Employers Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations

1999 Education (School Premises) Regulations

1999 The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations

2000 The Pressure System Safety Regulations

2002 The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations

2002 The Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations

2002 The Personal Protective Equipment Work Regulations

2005 Work at Height Regulations

2005 Control of Vibration at Work Regulations

2005 Control of Noise at Work Regulations

2005 Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order

2006 Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations (Updated 2012)

2007 The Construction(Design and Management) Regulations

2007 Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007

2010 Food Hygiene (Amendment) Regulations




HEALTH & SAFETY Policy statement

1.General Statement

The Health and Safety of all our staff, pupils, parents, contractors, visitors and members of the public is of paramount importance to the Governors of the Pocklington School Foundation.

The Headmaster, through the Foundation Management Group, will take steps so far as is reasonably practicable to ensure that the workplace is a safe and healthy environment. They have reviewed the Health, Safety, and Environmental Legislation when considering their responsibilities and setting the Foundation’s Health and Safety Policy objectives.


The Pocklington School Foundation will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees. It will manage its business in such a way, and so far as is reasonably practicable, that the safety and welfare of persons not employed by the Pocklington School Foundation are not exposed to risks.

This policy document explains in broad terms, what must be done by everyone within the Pocklington School Foundation to achieve these objectives. The aim is to provide a sound basis for the co-operation between management and employees and is intended to encourage continuous improvement of our Health, Safety and Environmental performance.

3.Objectives and Commitment

3.1Our objectives toward fulfilling this policy are to:

Concentrate on the elimination of risks to persons, as a first priority, then on risk reduction, prevention of injury and loss due to damage.

Identify the health and safety hazards and manage those hazards so that the risks are effectively controlled, in accordance with this Pocklington Foundation policy.

Work to safety standards, which satisfy our statutory requirements and reflect good industry working practices.

Review and develop these standards continuously and when changes in Legislation, industry practice or technology occur, revise them accordingly.

3.2We are committed to consult with employees on health, safety and welfare issues by:

Ensuring that our employees are trained to understand and carry out their job responsibilities. This will involve, but will not be limited to, selection, training, re-training, supporting and continuous assessment of employee performance.

Continually monitoring this policy by auditing and reviewing its effectiveness in the workplace.

4.Legal Obligations

The Pocklington School Foundation recognises the legal obligations placed on it by the Health & Safetyat Work etc. Act 1974 and other Statutory Legislation, as may be applicable to our undertaking.

The master copy of the Foundations Health and Safety Guidance System and Health and Safety documentation are kept in the Health and Safety Advisor’s Office and will be made freely accessible to employees, contractors, visitors, members of the public and any other person(s) who may be affected by our operations.

Employees will be made aware of this facility and hard copies of these documents will be available for reference in various locations around the schools, they can also be found on the extranet.


All aspects of Health and Safety remain a Management responsibility. However, a safe and healthy workplace can only be achieved with the full co-operation of each employee. Employees are obliged to familiarise themselves with the contents of the Manual as it contains essential information for their health, safety and welfare. Should any employee have any questions on any health and safety related matter they must raise it with their immediate supervisor. Employees are duty bound to act responsibly and to do everything possible to prevent personal injury to themselves and to others. They must also safeguard all persons who come into contact with the Foundation’s operation.

Employees should be in no doubt that the Foundation will apply disciplinary procedures to any Employee who is in breach in this Policy.


Health and Safety Performance will be monitored through periodic site inspections by senior management and the Health and Safety Advisor and regular reviews of the accident book to identify any emerging trends.

Site Inspections will consider adherence to performance standards and safe working procedures identified in the risk assessments and relevant safe working guidance. Any contravention or non-compliance will be referred to the relevant departmental head responsible for immediate correction and a record retained. Successive incidents of non-compliance will result in the disciplinary procedure referred to below being invoked.

Regular review of the accident report book is also referred to under sub-section 3.7 of Section 2. This process will then result in relevant risk assessments being reviewed to identify if amendments are warranted. An accident investigation process will also be initiated as appropriate.


The formal statement of General Health and Safety Policy is dated January 2010 and is on display around the Foundation.







1.1Health and Safety Legislation defines various levels of responsibility for the Pocklington School Foundation as well as the individuals within it. The Governors and the Headmaster have allocated the following responsibilities to jobholders within the organisational structure of the Pocklington School Foundation.

1.2The Headmaster retains the overall responsibility to ensure that employees fully understand and comply with their duties imposed by Legislation. The Main Responsibilities contained within the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HSWA 1974) are stated below.

1.3The Board through the Headmaster has the primary responsibility to ensure the Health and Safety of all employees whilst they are at work.

1.4The Pocklington School Foundation accepts this principle and will manage its activities accordingly.

1.5Section 2(3) of the (HSWA 1974) places a legal duty on the Foundation to “have in place a written statement of general policy”. This document should identify the arrangements in place to ensure the Health and Safety at Work of all its employees, together with others who may be affected by its undertaking.

1.6It is the responsibility of the Headmaster to ensure that this Policy is regularly reviewed and updated when changes occur in operations and/or activities. Notwithstanding this, the Policy is reviewed at least annually.

1.7Employees are made aware of this policy document when they join the organisation. Changes and/or amendments, to any supporting Health and Safety information, are brought to their attention through the appropriate consultation process.

1.8Responsibility for co-ordinating health and safety has been allocated to the Bursar, through the Health and Safety Committee.

2.Specific Responsibilities

2.1Section 2(2) a. requires “plant and systems of work that are, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risk” to the health and safety of all employees.

2.2The principal responsibility to ensure that tools, work equipment and systems of work are safe and that individuals required touse or operate equipment, systems of work, etc. are trained and competent to do so has been allocated to the Headmaster.

This function is delegated toHeads of Department, both Academic and Bursarial, with specific responsibilities as shown:

Premises Manager – Plant and Electrical Equipment

Domestic Bursar – Food preparation and the kitchen

Premises Manager – Tractor and grounds equipment

Transport Co-ordinator – Other vehicles

Tom Stoppard Theatre Artistic Director – The Theatre

2.3Section 2(2) b requires that “arrangements for ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances”.

2.4The principal responsibility to ensure that individuals required to use, handle, store, or transport, articles and/or substances, in connection with their daily tasks have been properly trained in these activities to enable them to perform these tasks safely and without risk to health has been allocated to the Headmaster.

This function is delegated to the Heads of Department.

2.5The principal responsibility to ensure that employees and pupils carry out their tasks in the correct and safe method, as is detailed in any safe systems of work developed for that purpose has been allocated to the Heads of Department. This includes the issue of personal protective equipment (PPE), supplied by the Foundation, that may be necessary for ensuring employee safety, with the insistence that it is worn at all times when appropriate.

2.6Section 2(2)c requires that employers provide “such information, training as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practical, the health and safety at work of his employees”.

The principle responsibility for ensuring that Health and Safety information, instruction, training and supervision are provided to staff has been allocated to the Headmaster.

This function is delegated to Heads of Department.

2.7The management responsibility for co-ordinating training activities is allocated principally to the Assistant Head (Academic) who organises training as and when required.


3.1Under Regulation 3(1) of the above Regulations employers have a duty to make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to the health and safety at work of employees of Pocklington Foundation and those not in their employment who are affected by their activities.

These risk assessments must be recorded in writing and employees notified of the significant findings.

3.2Management are responsible for putting into action any points raised to reduce any identified risks to an acceptable level, preferably by elimination.

Where this is not practicable, then formal suitable and sufficient safe systems of work, including, where appropriate, the use of personal protective equipment, will be implemented following the provision of adequate and documented training.

3.3The principle responsibility to ensure that risk assessments are conducted in respect of the activities undertaken in Pocklington School is allocated to the Heads of Department.

Elements of this function may be more specifically allocated and or delegated to a competent member of staff.

3.4Regulation 5 of these Regulations requires the provision by the employer of appropriate health surveillance, identified as being necessary by relevant risk assessments.

3.5Regulation 7 requires employers to establish and give effect to procedures to be followed in the event of serious and/or imminent danger to persons working in their undertaking and others who may be affected by any such event/emergency.

3.6The Management of Health and safety at Work Regulations 1999 and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 require employers to conduct a “fire risk assessment” of the workplace. Accordingly the responsibility for this function has been accepted by the Health and Safety Advisor who is appointed the Fire Safety Manager, although elements of this may be further delegated within the Pocklington School Foundation as required. Further details are available at Section 12.

3.7The Headmaster, assisted by the Bursar, has accepted the responsibility to ensure that accident/injury records are regularly reviewed and statistics are updated. Where applicable any adverse trends are to be brought to the attention of respective Heads of Department. The responsibility for accurate record keeping and investigation has been allocated to the Health and Safety Advisor.

3.8Young Persons - From the 3 March 1997, employers may not employ any young person under 18 without first reviewing their risk assessments to determine the particular risks facing young persons in the light of their relative immaturity, lack of experience and unfamiliarity with the workplace.

When doing this theFoundation will take account of the fitting and layout of the workplace, relating to the machines, plant and equipment in use. In addition, consideration will be given to the risks that young persons are likely to face, including the amount of training they can expect to receive, before they are put to work.

The responsibility to undertake risk assessments in relation to young persons has been allocated to the Heads of Department. Advice is available from the Health and Safety Advisor.