(From the meeting held on

Wednesday, May 22, 1991)


Mayor J. ReimerDeputy Mayor S. McKay

Alderman J. Bethel

Alderman B. CampbellAlderman B. Campbell

Alderman K. KozakAlderman K. Kozak

Alderman L. WhiteAlderman L. White


Alderman L. Staroszik*

R. Picherack, City Manager

J. Basey, City Solicitor

D. Edey, Office of the City Clerk

* Present for part of the meeting.

The meeting convened at 9:31 a.m.


RECOMMENDATION:That the Minutes of Meeting No. 75 be adopted as circulated.

MOVED Alderman Campbell:

That the recommendation be concurred with.AGREED

FOR THE MOTION:Deputy Mayor McKay, Aldermen Campbell, White

ABSENT:Aldermen Bethel, Kozak


MOVED Alderman White:

That Items B.12.(h) and C.3 be added to

the agenda.AGREED

FOR THE MOTION:Deputy Mayor McKay, Aldermen Campbell, White

ABSENT:Aldermen Bethel, Kozak

MOVED Alderman White:

That Items B.14.(b) be brought forward and

dealt with at this time.AGREED

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May 22, 1991

FOR THE MOTION: Deputy Mayor McKay, Aldermen Campbell, White

ABSENT:Aldermen Bethel, Kozak


B.14.(b)Cumming Engineering Corporation Ltd. Energy Conservation

Program for the Centennial Library Parkade Addendum

RECOMMENDATION:That no further action be taken at this time.

The Committee considered a report prepared by the Public Works Department

dated May 21, 1991.

MOVED Alderman White:

That Item B.14.(b) be tabled until the

May 29, 1991 Executive Committee meeting.AGREED

FOR THE MOTION:Deputy Mayor McKay, Aldermen Campbell, White

ABSENT:Aldermen Bethel, Kozak

Alderman Kozak entered the meeting.


MOVED Alderman White:

That the Committee concur with the recommendations

for all "B" and "C" Items with the exception of the following items:

B.7.(a), B.8.(a), B.8.(c), B.8.(d), B.8.(g), B.11.(a), B.12.(a), B.12.(d), B.12.(e),

B.12.(g), B.12.(i), B.14.(a) and C.2.AGREED

FOR THE MOTION: Deputy Mayor McKay, Aldermen Campbell, Kozak, White

ABSENT:Alderman Bethel


B.2.(a)International Symposium on Cold Region Development Request

for Funding

RECOMMENDATION: That The City of Edmonton contribute a maximum of

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May 22, 1991

$1,500.00 to this symposium, to match financial

assistance offered by the Edmonton Economic Development

Authority. Source of funds: General Council Contingency.

The Committee considered a report prepared by the Office of the City Manager dated May 8, 1991.

(Recommendation concurred with.)


B.3.(a)Estimated Retainer and Actual Legal Costs of Legal Consultants for The City of Edmonton

RECOMMENDATION:That the reports contained in Enclosure I and Enclosure II be received as information.

The Committee considered a report prepared by the Office of the City Solicitor dated May 9, 1991.

(Recommendation concurred with.)


B.8.(b)CBylaw No. 9797 Lane Lighting Local Improvements Property

Share as per Attached Appendix

RECOMMENDATION:That Bylaw No. 9797 be forwarded to City Council for appropriate readings.

The Committee considered a report prepared by the Finance Department dated May 2, 1991.

(Recommendation concurred with.)

B.8.(e)Letter (779) dated January 23, 1991 from County of Warner

No. 5 re: Alberta Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS)

RECOMMENDATION: That the 1991 funding request for the Alberta Shock

Trauma Air Rescue Society by the County of Warner No. 5 be denied.

The Committee considered a report prepared by the Finance Department dated May 6, 1991.

(Recommendation concurred with.)

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May 22, 1991

B.8.(f)Letter (2623) dated April 16, 1991 from Winnifred Stewart

Association for the Mentally Handicapped, 11130 131 Street,

Edmonton, Alberta, T5M 1C1, Signed: Mr. R. F. Jickling,

Executive Director re: Property at 12923137 Avenue,

Plan 5570KS, Block 28, Lot 9, Roll No. 2276533

RECOMMENDATION:That the refund for taxes for the period of September 1,

1990 to December 31, 1990 in the amount of $341.48 plus

accrued interest, be approved.

The Committee considered a report prepared by the Finance Department dated May 2, 1991.

(Recommendation concurred with.)


B.12.(b)Doorswing Encroachment Boardwalk Building Northwest

Corner, 103 Street at 102 Avenue N.A. Properties

RECOMMENDATION:That the enclosed Agreement with N.A. Properties,

permitting the doorswing at the southeast corner of the

Boardwalk building to encroach over the City sidewalk, be


The Committee considered a report prepared by the Planning & Development Department dated May 2, 1991.

(Recommendation concurred with.)

B.12.(c)Payment of Landowners $321.00 Legal Fee Incurred due to the

City Purchase of a Utility Right of Way Located at 8010 29

Avenue from Frances C. MacGillivray and Kevin Don MacGillivray

RECOMMENDATION:That the City pay the $321.00 legal fee incurred by

Frances C. MacGillivray and Kevin Don MacGillivray due to

the City purchase of a utility right of way located

within Lot 9, Block 16, Plan 7723074.

The Committee considered a report prepared by the Planning & Development Department dated May 6, 1991.

(Recommendation concurred with.)

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B.12.(f)Amendment to a Land Exchange Agreement dated December 15, 1990

between The City of Edmonton and Homestead Holdings Ltd. et al in NW 1/4 335324W4

RECOMMENDATION:That an amendment to the Land Exchange Agreement dated

December 15, 1990 between The City of Edmonton and

Homestead Holdings Ltd. et al extending the closing date

to May 31, 1991, be approved.

The Committee considered a report prepared by the Planning & Development Department dated May 1, 1991.

(Recommendation concurred with.)

B.12.(b)CBig Lake Area Structure Plan (Draft), County of Parkland No.

31 Addendum

RECOMMENDATIONS: 1.That the City of Edmonton request that the County of

Parkland prepare an environmental impact study

before the adoption of the Big Lake Area Structure

Plan (Draft) to determine the capacity of the lake

and its wildlife habitat to withstand the proposed


2.That the City of Edmonton advise the County of

Parkland of concerns regarding the extent of

residential development in the Big Lake Area

Structure Plan (Draft) and propose that development

be limited to the area east of Highway 60.

3.That the Administration meet with the County of

Parkland and discuss the City's position and other

issues including servicing, effects of runoff,

transportation linkages, integration of resource

extraction facility sites and population


The Committee considered a report prepared by the Planning & Development Department dated May 10, 1991.

(Recommendation concurred with.)


C.1.C.1991 Audit Schedule

RECOMMENDATION:That the Auditor General's revised 1991 Audit Schedule

(Enclosure I) be received as information.

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The Committee considered a report prepared by the Office of the City Clerk dated May 9, 1991.

(Recommendation concurred with.)

C.3CUtilities & Finance Committee Report #30 Addend

C.3.(a)Proposed Amendment to the Public Works Department Capital

Budget Addendum

RECOMMENDATION: That the Public Works Department Capital Budget be

increased by $11,053,000 as identified in Enclosure I.

The Committee considered the Utilities & Finance Committee Report #30 dated May 22, 1991.

(Recommendation concurred with.)

Alderman Staroszik entered the meeting.


A.5.(a)Alderman White re: Grass and Trees on River Road

Alderman White requested that the Parks & Recreation Department report back on the number of times the grass is cut on River Road and whether the new tree plantings are being cared for.

A.5.(b)Alderman McKay re: Advertising for an Art Coordinator

Alderman McKay requested that the Administration report back on whether the Art Committee had the authority to advertise for an Art Coordinator

without the permission of City Council. Alderman McKay requested that this report be available for the May 28, 1991 meeting of City Council.


A.7.(a)Proposed Resolution To Declare That A Condition On Land Or

Premises Municipally Described as 1173384 Street, Edmonton,

Alberta, is in an Untidy and Unsightly Condition

RECOMMENDATION: That the following resolution be passed.


NOW THEREFORE the Executive Committee of the City of Edmonton, duly assembled, hereby orders that:

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May 22, 1991

1.The property legally described as: PLAN RN50 (L), BLOCK

104, LOT 11, Edmonton, Alberta, is in an untidy and

unsightly condition.

2.Prior to June 5, 1991, the registered owner of the said

property, Cheryll Mason, is required to remove from the

property any auto parts, tires, wood, wire, tarp, and any

other material contributing to the untidy and unsightly

condition of the said property.

3.In the event that the owner fails, neglects or refuses to

comply with this Order within the time period set forth

herein, the Director of the Investigation/Enforcement

Section and his appointees shall be hereby authorized to

enter upon the property in order to affect such work as

may be necessary to eliminate the untidy and unsightly

condition, and the cost of that work shall be charged to

the owner of the land.

4.In default of payment within twentyone (21) days of the

said work being done, the cost incurred therein shall be

charged as a debt due to the municipality and may be

charged against the land concerned as taxes due and owing

in respect of the land and may be recovered as such by

the municipality.

The Committee considered a report prepared by the Finance Department dated April 30, 1991.

Deputy Mayor McKay asked if there was anyone present to speak to this item.

Mr. J. Tidridge, Bylaw Enforcement Section, Finance Department, spoke to this item.

No person representing the owner was present.

MOVED Alderman Kozak:

That the recommendation be concurred with. AGREED

FOR THE MOTION: Deputy Mayor McKay, Aldermen Campbell, Kozak, White

ABSENT:Alderman Bethel

A.7.(b)Proposed Resolution To Declare That A Condition On Land Or

Premises Municipally Described as 1130893 Street, Edmonton,

Alberta, is in an Untidy and Unsightly Condition

RECOMMENDATION: That the following resolution be passed.


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May 22, 1991

NOW THEREFORE the Executive Committee of the City of Edmonton, duly assembled, hereby orders that:

1.The property legally described as: PLAN RN43 (XLIII), BLOCK 38, LOT 28, Edmonton, Alberta, is in an untidy and unsightly condition.

  1. Prior to June 5, 1991, the registered owners of the said property, Donald Wirblich, Christopher Wirblich and Ralph

Wirblich, are required to remove from the property any

rugs, box spring, scrapwood, doors, tires, auto parts,

boxes, and any other material causing or contributing to

the untidy and unsightly condition of the said property.

  1. In the event that the owners fail, neglect or refuse to comply with this Order within the time period set forth herein, the Director of the Investigation/Enforcement Section and his appointees shall be hereby authorized to

enter upon the property in order to effect such work as

may be necessary to eliminate the untidy and unsightly

condition, and the cost of that work shall be charged to

the owners of the land.

  1. In default of payment within twentyone (21) days of the said work being done, the cost incurred therein shall be charged as a debt due to the municipality and may be

charged against the land concerned as taxes due and owing

in respect of the land and may be recovered as such by

the municipality.

The Committee considered a report prepared by the Finance Department dated April 30, 1991.

Deputy Mayor McKay asked if there was anyone present to speak to this item.

Mr. J. Tidridge, Bylaw Enforcement Section, Finance Department, spoke to this item.

No person representing the owner was present.

MOVED Alderman White:

At the request of the Administration, that Item

A.7.(b) be struck from the agenda.AGREED

FOR THE MOTION:Deputy Mayor McKay, Aldermen Campbell, Kozak, White

ABSENT:Alderman Bethel

MOVED Alderman White:

That Item C.2. be brought forward and dealt

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May 22, 1991

with at this time.AGREED

FOR THE MOTION:Deputy Mayor McKay, Aldermen Campbell, Kozak, White

ABSENT:Alderman Bethel


C.2.Province of Alberta Natural Resources Conservation Board Act

Chapter N5.5 1990

RECOMMENDATION:That this report be discussed and direction provided to

the Administration for their response.

The Committee considered this item.

Alderman L. Staroszik spoke to this item.

MOVED Alderman White:

That Item C.2 be referred to the Administration

to address the questions raised by Alderman


FOR THE MOTION:Deputy Mayor McKay, Aldermen Campbell, Kozak, White

ABSENT:Alderman Bethel

The Committee requested that the Administration report back on the following issues.

  1. In the proposed Natural Resources Conservation Board Act are there areas that impinge on the City of Edmonton's

responsibilities to carry out various and sundry works,

e.g. Golf Course Development, the Relocation of Water

Intakes in the River Valley and Storm Water Lakes?

2.Which projects would require an environmental impact study?

3.Which projects would be reviewable by the Natural Resources Conservation Board?

  1. That the Administration delineate the responsibilities

between the Natural Resources Conservation Board as they

relate to the City of Edmonton in any areas where there

may be deemed overlap.

5.That the Funding for Intervenors be clarified.

6.What is the environmental impact in the use of pesticides?

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7.What is the future of the Capital City Park?


B.7.(a)C1991 and 3 Year Cast Iron Water Main Renewal Plan

RECOMMENDATION:That approval be given to use $2.8 Million from the 1991

Cast Iron Water Main Renewal Program to replace cast iron

water mains in Athlone and Sherwood, to be coordinated

with the Transportation Department 1991 Neighbourhood

Rehabilitation Program.

The Committee considered a report prepared by the Environmental Services Department dated May 7, 1991.

Mr. A.B. Maurer, Public Works Department, spoke to this item.

MOVED Alderman White:

That the recommendation be concurred with. AGREED

FOR THE MOTION: Deputy Mayor McKay, Aldermen Campbell, Kozak, White

ABSENT:Alderman Bethel


B.8.(a)CBylaw No. 9794 Construction of a Street Mall and Amenities

Thereto Streetscaping Along Stony Plain Road 123 to 125

Streets Local Improvements Property Share as per Attached


RECOMMENDATION:That Bylaw No. 9794 be forwarded to City Council

for appropriate readings.

The Committee considered a report prepared by the Finance Department dated May 1, 1991.

Mr. A.B. Maurer, Public Works Department, spoke to this item.

MOVED Alderman White:

That the recommendation be concurred with. AGREED

FOR THE MOTION: Deputy Mayor McKay, Aldermen Campbell, Kozak, White

ABSENT:Alderman Bethel

B.8.(c)Open Tender and Consultant List Dated May 9, 1991

RECOMMENDATION: That this report be received as information.

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May 22, 1991

The Committee considered a report prepared by the Finance Department dated May 9, 1991.

Mr. A.B. Maurer, Public Works Department and Mr. S.J. Armstrong, Materials Management Branch, Finance Department, spoke to this item.

MOVED Alderman White:

That the recommendation be concurred with. AGREED

FOR THE MOTION:Deputy Mayor McKay, Aldermen Campbell, Kozak, White

ABSENT:Alderman Bethel

The Committee requested that the Administration report back on the following:

1.That the Administration bring forward a cost

breakdown by department with respect to Tender

812805 Office Furniture, and what are the checks and

balances in place to avoid last minute spending of funds

by departments at fiscal year end.

2.The direction and options considered with respect to

Tender 816060 Downtown Housing Strategy, and the number

of staff members assigned from the Planning & Development

Department and the Community & Family Services Department

to deal with Downtown Housing.

B.8.(d)CBoard of Directors for the Proposed Alberta Municipal

Assessment Corporation

RECOMMENDATION:That Council request, through the Municipal Statutes

Review Committee, that the Board of Directors for the

proposed Alberta Municipal Assessment Corporation be

comprised of no more than eight members and that the

cities of Edmonton and Calgary each appoint one member

and that the A.U.M.A. appoint two members.

The Committee considered a report prepared by the Finance Department dated May 6, 1991.

MOVED Alderman Kozak:

That the recommendation be concurred with.AGREED

FOR THE MOTION:Deputy Mayor McKay, Aldermen Campbell, Kozak

OPPOSED;Alderman White

ABSENT:Alderman Bethel

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B.8.(g)Contract/Consultant Report for March 1991

RECOMMENDATION: That this report be received as information.

The Committee considered a report prepared by the Finance Department dated May 3, 1991.

Mr. A.B. Maurer, Public Works Department and Mr. S.J. Armstrong, Materials Management Branch, Finance Department, spoke to this item.

MOVED Alderman White:

That the recommendation be concurred with. AGREED

FOR THE MOTION:Deputy Mayor McKay, Aldermen Campbell, Kozak, White

ABSENT:Alderman Bethel

The Committee requested that the Corporate Communications Office report back on the cost of advertising for the Civic Agencies vacancies.


B.11.(a)CEqual Opportunities Policy C101

RECOMMENDATION:That Policy C101, as revised, be approved by City


The Committee considered a report prepared by the Personnel Department dated May 7, 1991.

MOVED Alderman Kozak:

That the recommendation be concurred with. AGREED

FOR THE MOTION:Deputy Mayor McKay, Aldermen Campbell, Kozak, White

ABSENT:Alderman Bethel


B.12.(a)Alderman White re: "Motoraunt" Restaurant on Jasper Avenue/

114 Street

RECOMMENDATION: That this report be received as information.

The Committee considered a report prepared by the Planning & Development Department dated May 2, 1991.

Mr. I. Beauchamp, Planning & Development Department, spoke to this item.

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MOVED Alderman White:

That the recommendation be concurred with. AGREED

FOR THE MOTION: Deputy Mayor McKay, Aldermen Campbell, Kozak, White

ABSENT:Alderman Bethel

B.12.(d)Sale of Land to Alberta Battery Corporation for the Sum of $81,000.00 Located North of Yellowhead Trail, West of 66


RECOMMENDATION:That the sale of portions of Lots 21 to 24 inclusive,

Block 21, Plan 1307 P. to Alberta Battery Corporation for

an estimated purchase price of $81,000.00 be approved

subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in

Enclosure I. The final sale price shall be calculated at

$63.27 per square metre based on an estimated area of

1,281 square metres and shall be finalized upon