Yuri Lyubchenko
List of publications with links to the article
1.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Frank-Kamenetskii, M. D., Vologodskii, A. V., Lazurkin, Y. S., and Gause, G. G., Jr. (1976) Fine structure of DNA melting curves, Biopolymers15, 1019-1036.
2.Lukashin, A. V., Vologodskii, A. V., Frank-Kamenetskii, M. D., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (1976) Fluctuational opening of the double helix as revealed by theoretical and experimental study of DNA interaction with formaldehyde, J Mol Biol108, 665-682.
3.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Vologodskii, A. V., and Frank-Kamenetskii, M. D. (1978) Direct comparison of theoretical and experimental melting profiles for RF II phiX174 DNA, Nature271, 28-31.
4.Pavlov, V. M., Lyubchenko, Y. L., Borovik, A. S., and Lazurkin, Y. S. (1977) Specific fragmentation of T7 phage DNA at low-melting sites, Nucleic Acids Res4, 4053-4062.
5.Borovik, A. S., Kalambet, Y. A., Lyubchenko, Y. L., Shitov, V. T., and Golovanov, E. I. (1980) Equilibrium melting of plasmid ColE1 DNA: electron-microscopic visualization, Nucleic Acids Res8, 4165-4184.
6.Amirikyan, B. R., Vologodskii, A. V., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (1981) Determination of DNA cooperativity factor, Nucleic Acids Res9, 5469-5482.
7.Gagua, A. V., Belintsev, B. N., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (1981) Effect of base-pair stability on the melting of superhelical DNA, Nature294, 662-663.
8.Tikchonenko, T. I., Dubichev, A. G., Lyubchenko, Y. L., Kvitko, N. P., Chaplygina, N. M., Kalinina, T. I., Dreizin, R. S., and Naroditsky, B. S. (1981) The distribution of guanine-cytosine pairs in adenovirus DNAs, J Gen Virol54, 425-429.
9.Lyamichev, V. I., Panyutin, I. G., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (1982) Gel electrophoresis of partially denatured DNA. Retardation effect: its analysis and application, Nucleic Acids Res10, 4813-4826.
10.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Kalambet, Y. A., Lyamichev, V. I., and Borovik, A. S. (1982) A comparison of experimental and theoretical melting maps for replicative form of phi X174 DNA, Nucleic Acids Res10, 1867-1876.
11.Panyutin, I. G., Lyamichev, V. I., and L., L. Y. (1982) A sharp structural transition in pA03 plasmid DNA caused by increased superhelix density, FEBS Lett148, 297-301.
12.Lyamichev, V. I., Panyutin, I. G., Cherny, D. I., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (1983) Localization of low-melting regions in phage T7 DNA, Nucleic Acids Res11, 2165-2176.
13.Kozyavkin, S. A., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (1984) The nonequilibrium character of DNA melting: effects of the heating rate on the fine structure of melting curves, Nucleic Acids Res12, 4339-4349.
14.Vologodskii, A. V., Amirikyan, B. R., Lyubchenko, Y. L., and Frank-Kamenetskii, M. D. (1984) Allowance for heterogeneous stacking in the DNA helix-coil transition theory, J Biomol Struct Dyn2, 131-148.
15.Kalambet, Y., A., Borovik, A. S., Lyamichev, V. I., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (1985) Electron microscopy of the melting of sequenced DNA, Biopolymers24, 359-377.
16.Kozyavkin, S. A., Naritsin, D. B., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (1986) The kinetics of DNA helix-coil subtransitions, J Biomol Struct Dyn3, 689-704.
17.Razlutskii, I. V., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (1987) The effect of nucleotide substitution on DNA denaturation profiles, Nucleic Acids Res15, 6665-6676.
18.Lyubchenko, Y. L., and Shlyakhtenko, L. S. (1988) Early melting of supercoiled DNA, Nucleic Acids Res16, 3269-3281.
19.Voloshin, O. N., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (1989) Localization of melted regions in supercoiled DNA, FEBS Lett243, 377-380.
20.Livshits, M. A., Amosova, O. A., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (1990) Flexibility difference between double-stranded RNA and DNA as revealed by gel electrophoresis, J Biomol Struct Dyn7, 1237-1249.
21.Lyubchenko, Y., Shlyakhtenko, L., Chernov, B., and Harrington, R. E. (1991) DNA bending induced by Cro protein binding as demonstrated by gel electrophoresis, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A88, 5331-5334.
22.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Lindsay, S. M., DeRose, J. A., Thundat, T., and Harrington, R. E. (1991) STM Studies of Individual DNA Molecules, J. BIOMOLEC. STRUCT. DYN.8, A125.
23.Naritsin, D. B., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (1991) Melting of oligodeoxynucleotides with various structures, J Biomol Struct Dyn8, 813-825.
24.Shlyakhtenko, L., Lyubchenko, Y., Chernov, B. K., and Harrington, R. E. (1991) Cro Protein Bends DNA. Circularization Experiments and Gel Electrophoresis Data, J. BIOMOLEC. STRUCT. DYN.8, A197.
25.Lindsay, S. M., Tao, N. J., DeRose, J. A., Oden, P. I., Lyubchenko, Y. L., Harrington, R. E., and Shlyakhtenko, L. (1992) Potentiostatic deposition of DNA for scanning probe microscopy, Biophys J61, 1570-1584.
26.Lindsay, S. M., Lyubchenko, Y. L., Gall, A. A., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., and Harrington, R. E. (1992) Imaging DNA Molecules Chemically Bound to a Mica Surface, SPIE PROCEEDINGS1639, 84-90.
27.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Gall, A. A., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Harrington, R. E., Jacobs, B. L., Oden, P. I., and Lindsay, S. M. (1992) Atomic force microscopy imaging of double stranded DNA and RNA, J Biomol Struct Dyn10, 589-606.
28.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Jacobs, B. L., and Lindsay, S. M. (1992) Atomic force microscopy of reovirus dsRNA: a routine technique for length measurements, Nucleic Acids Res20, 3983-3986.
29.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Lindsay, S. M., Gall, A. A., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., and Harrington, R. E. (1992) Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging 0f Long Double Stranded DNA, FASEB J.6, A149.
30.Jing, T. W., Jeffrey, A. M., DeRose, J. A., Lyubchenko, Y. L., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Harrington, R. E., Appella, E., Larsen, J., Vaught, A., Rekesh, D., and et al. (1993) Structure of hydrated oligonucleotides studied by in situ scanning tunneling microscopy, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A90, 8934-8938.
31.Lindsay, S. M., Lyubchenko, Y. L., Tao, N. J., Li, Y., Oden, P. I., DeRose, J., and Pan, J. (1993) STM and AFM Studies of Biomaterials at Liquid-Surface Interface, J. VAC. SCI. TECHNOL.A 11, 808-815.
32.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Appella, E., and Harrington, R. E. (1993) CA runs increase DNA flexibility in the complex of lambda Cro protein with the OR3 site, Biochemistry32, 4121-4127.
33.Lyubchenko, Y., Shlyakhtenko, L., Harrington, R., Oden, P., and Lindsay, S. (1993) Atomic force microscopy of long DNA: imaging in air and under water, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A90, 2137-2140.
34.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Oden, P. I., Lampner, D., Lindsay, S. M., and Dunker, K. A. (1993) Atomic force microscopy of DNA and bacteriophage in air, water and propanol: the role of adhesion forces, Nucleic Acids Res21, 1117-1123.
35.Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Appella, E., Harrington, R. E., Kutyavin, I., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (1994) Structure of three-way DNA junctions. 2. Effects of extra bases and mismatches, J Biomol Struct Dyn12, 131-143.
36.Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Rekesh, D., Lindsay, S. M., Kutyavin, I., Appella, E., Harrington, R. E., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (1994) Structure of three-way DNA junctions. 1. Non-planar DNA geometry, J Biomol Struct Dyn11, 1175-1189.
37.Bezanilla, M., Manne, S., Laney, D. E., Lyubchenko, Y. L., and Hansma, H. G. (1995) Adsorption of DNA to Mica, Silylated Mica, and Minerals: Characterization by Atomic Force Microscopy, Langmuir11, 655-659.
38.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Jacobs, B. L., Lindsay, S. M., and Stasiak, A. (1995) Atomic force microscopy of nucleoprotein complexes, Scanning Microsc9, 705-724; discussion 724-707.
39.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Blankenship, R. E., Gall, A. A., Lindsay, S. M., Thiemann, O., Simpson, L., and Shlyakhtenko, L. S. (1996) Atomic force microscopy of DNA, nucleoproteins and cellular complexes: the use of functionalized substrates, Scanning Microsc Suppl10, 97-107.
40.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Gall, A.A., Lindsay, S.M. and Shlyakhtenko, L.S. (1996) AFM imaging of DNA and other biological molecules: use of silylated mica, Biophys. J.70, A370.
41.Rekesh, D., Lyubchenko, Y., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., and Lindsay, S. M. (1996) Scanning tunneling microscopy of mercapto-hexyl-oligonucleotides attached to gold, Biophys J71, 1079-1086.
42.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Aki, T., and Adhya, S. (1997) Atomic force microscopic demonstration of DNA looping by GalR and HU, Nucleic Acids Res25, 873-876.
43.Lyubchenko, Y. L., and Shlyakhtenko, L. S. (1997) Visualization of supercoiled DNA with atomic force microscopy in situ, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A94, 496-501.
44.Perelroyzen, M. P., Lyamichev, V. I., Kalambet Yu, A., Lyubchenko Yu, L., and Vologodskii, A. V. (1981) A study of the reversibility of helix-coil transition in DNA, Nucleic Acids Res9, 4043-4059.
45.Herbert, A., Schade, M., Lowenhaupt, K., Alfken, J., Schwartz, T., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Lyubchenko, Y. L., and Rich, A. (1998) The Zalpha domain from human ADAR1 binds to the Z-DNA conformer of many different sequences, Nucleic Acids Res26, 3486-3493.
46.Lyubchenko, Y. L., and Lindsay, S. M. (1998) DNA, RNA and Nucleoprotein Complexes Immobilized on AP-mica and Imaged with AFM, in Procedures in Scanning Probe Microscopy (Engel, A., Ed.), pp 493-496, Wiley & Sons, Ltd., New York, Toronto.
47.Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Potaman, V. N., Sinden, R. R., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (1998) Structure and dynamics of supercoil-stabilized DNA cruciforms, J Mol Biol280, 61-72.
48.Engel, A., Lyubchenko, Y., and Muller, D. (1999) Atomic force microscopy: a powerful tool to observe biomolecules at work, Trends Cell Biol9, 77-80.
49.Oussatcheva, E. A., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Glass, R., Sinden, R. R., Lyubchenko, Y. L., and Potaman, V. N. (1999) Structure of branched DNA molecules: gel retardation and atomic force microscopy studies, J Mol Biol292, 75-86.
50.Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Gall, A. A., Weimer, J. J., Hawn, D. D., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (1999) Atomic force microscopy imaging of DNA covalently immobilized on a functionalized mica substrate, Biophys J77, 568-576.
51.Yodh, J. G., Lyubchenko, Y. L., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Woodbury, N., and Lohr, D. (1999) Evidence for nonrandom behavior in 208-12 subsaturated nucleosomal array populations analyzed by AFM, Biochemistry38, 15756-15763.
52.Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Potaman, V. N., Sinden, R. R., Gall, A. A., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2000) Structure and dynamics of three-way DNA junctions: atomic force microscopy studies, Nucleic Acids Res28, 3472-3477.
53.Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Hsieh, P., Grigoriev, M., Potaman, V. N., Sinden, R. R., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2000) A cruciform structural transition provides a molecular switch for chromosome structure and dynamics, J Mol Biol296, 1169-1173.
54.Bash, R. C., Yodh, J., Lyubchenko, Y., Woodbury, N., and Lohr, D. (2001) Population analysis of subsaturated 172-12 nucleosomal arrays by atomic force microscopy detects nonrandom behavior that is favored by histone acetylation and short repeat length, J Biol Chem276, 48362-48370.
55.Bolshakova, A. V., Kiselyova, O. I., Filonov, A. S., Frolova, O. Y., Lyubchenko, Y. L., and Yaminsky, I. V. (2001) Comparative studies of bacteria with an atomic force microscopy operating in different modes, Ultramicroscopy86, 121-128.
56.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Gall, A. A., and Shlyakhtenko, L. S. (2001) Atomic force microscopy of DNA and protein-DNA complexes using functionalized mica substrates, Methods Mol Biol148, 569-578.
57.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Gall, A. A., and Shlyakhtenko, L. S. (2001) Atomic Force Microscopy of DNA and Protein-DNA Complexes Using Functionalized Mica Substrates., in Methods Mol. Biol. DNA-protein interactions; Principles and protocols (Moss, T., Ed.), pp 569-578, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ.
58.Tiner, W. J., Sr., Potaman, V. N., Sinden, R. R., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2001) The structure of intramolecular triplex DNA: atomic force microscopy study, J Mol Biol314, 353-357.
59.Dahlgren, P. R., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2002) Atomic Force Microscopy Study of the Effects of Mg(2+) and Other Divalent Cations on the End-to-End DNA Interactions, Biochemistry41, 11372-11378.
60.Gaillard, C., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Lyubchenko, Y. L., and Strauss, F. (2002) Structural analysis of hemicatenated DNA loops, BMC Struct Biol2, 7.
61.Kato, M., McAllister, C. J., Hokabe, S., Shimizu, N., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2002) Structural heterogeneity of pyrimidine/purine-biased DNA sequence analyzed by atomic force microscopy, Eur J Biochem269, 3632-3636.
62.Limansky, A. P., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., S. Schaus, Henderson, E. and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2002) Aminomodified probes for atomic force microscopy, Probe Microscopy4, 1-6.
63.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Binus, M., Gaillard, C., and Strauss, F. (2002) Visualization of hemiknot DNA structure with an atomic force microscope, Nucleic Acids Res30, 4902-4909.
64.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Potaman, V. P. and Sinden, R. R. (2002) Global and Local DNA Structure and Dynamics. Single molecule studies with AFM, Microsc. Microanal.8, 170-171.
65.Potaman, V. N., Lushnikov, A. Y., Sinden, R. R., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2002) Site-specific labeling of supercoiled DNA at the a+t rich sequences, Biochemistry41, 13198-13206.
66.Sinden, R. R., Potaman, V. N., Oussatcheva, E. A., Pearson, C. E., Lyubchenko, Y. L., and Shlyakhtenko, L. S. (2002) Triplet repeat DNA structures and human genetic disease: dynamic mutations from dynamic DNA, J Biosci27 Suppl 1, 53-65.
67.Yodh, J. G., Woodbury, N., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Lyubchenko, Y. L., and Lohr, D. (2002) Mapping nucleosome locations on the 208-12 by AFM provides clear evidence for cooperativity in array occupation, Biochemistry41, 3565-3574.
68.Kato, M., Hokabe, S., Itakura, S., Minoshima, S., Lyubchenko, Y. L., Gurkov, T. D., Okawara, H., Nagayama, K., and Shimizu, N. (2003) Interarm interaction of DNA cruciform forming at a short inverted repeat sequence, Biophys J85, 402-408.
69.Lushnikov, A. Y., Bogdanov, A., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2003) DNA recombination: Holliday junctions dynamics and branch migration, J Biol Chem278, 43130-43134.
70.Potaman, V. N., Bissler, J. J., Hashem, V. I., Oussatcheva, E. A., Lu, L., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Lyubchenko, Y. L., Matsuura, T., Ashizawa, T., Leffak, M., Benham, C. J., and Sinden, R. R. (2003) Unpaired structures in SCA10 (ATTCT)n.(AGAAT)n repeats, J Mol Biol326, 1095-1111.
71.Riener, C. K., Stroh, C. M., Ebner, A., Gall, A. A., Klampfl, C., Romanin, C., Lyubchenko, Y. L., Hinterdorfer, P., and Gruber, H. J. (2003) A Simple Test System for Single Molecule Recognition Force Microscopy, Analytica Chimica Acta479, 59–75.
72.Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Gall, A. A., Filonov, A., Cerovac, Z., Lushnikov, A., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2003) Silatrane-based surface chemistry for immobilization of DNA, protein-DNA complexes and other biological materials, Ultramicroscopy97, 279-287.
73.Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Miloseska, L., Potaman, V. N., Sinden, R. R., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2003) Intersegmental interactions in supercoiled DNA: atomic force microscope study, Ultramicroscopy97, 263-270.
74.Virnik, K., Lyubchenko, Y. L., Karymov, M. A., Dahlgren, P., Tolstorukov, M. Y., Semsey, S., Zhurkin, V. B., and Adhya, S. (2003) "Antiparallel" DNA loop in gal repressosome visualized by atomic force microscopy, J Mol Biol334, 53-63.
75.Emadi, S., Liu, R., Yuan, B., Schulz, P., McAllister, C., Lyubchenko, Y., Messer, A., and Sierks, M. R. (2004) Inhibiting aggregation of alpha-synuclein with human single chain antibody fragments, Biochemistry43, 2871-2878.
76.Liu, R., McAllister, C., Lyubchenko, Y., and Sierks, M. R. (2004) Residues 17-20 and 30-35 of beta-amyloid play critical roles in aggregation, J Neurosci Res75, 162-171.
77.Liu, R., Yuan, B., Emadi, S., Zameer, A., Schulz, P., McAllister, C., Lyubchenko, Y., Goud, G., and Sierks, M. R. (2004) Single chain variable fragments against beta-amyloid (Abeta) can inhibit Abeta aggregation and prevent abeta-induced neurotoxicity, Biochemistry43, 6959-6967.
78.Liu, R., McAllister, C., Lyubchenko, Y., and Sierks, M. R. (2004) Proteolytic antibody light chains alter beta-amyloid aggregation and prevent cytotoxicity, Biochemistry43, 9999-10007.
79.Lushnikov, A. Y., Brown, B. A., 2nd, Oussatcheva, E. A., Potaman, V. N., Sinden, R. R., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2004) Interaction of the Zalpha domain of human ADAR1 with a negatively supercoiled plasmid visualized by atomic force microscopy, Nucleic Acids Res32, 4704-4712.
80.Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2004) DNA structure and dynamics: an atomic force microscopy study, Cell Biochem Biophys41, 75-98.
81.Oussatcheva, E. A., Pavlicek, J., Sankey, O. F., Sinden, R. R., Lyubchenko, Y. L., and Potaman, V. N. (2004) Influence of global DNA topology on cruciform formation in supercoiled DNA, J Mol Biol338, 735-743.
82.Pavlicek, J. W., Oussatcheva, E. A., Sinden, R. R., Potaman, V. N., Sankey, O. F., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2004) Supercoiling-induced DNA bending, Biochemistry43, 10664-10668.
83.Potaman, V. N., Oussatcheva, E. A., Lyubchenko, Y. L., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Bidichandani, S. I., Ashizawa, T., and Sinden, R. R. (2004) Length-dependent structure formation in Friedreich ataxia (GAA)n*(TTC)n repeats at neutral pH, Nucleic Acids Res32, 1224-1231.
84.Sankey, O. F., Potaman, V. N., Sinden, R. R., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2004) Thermodynamic and kinetic modeling of cruciform formation, J Mol Biolsuplement to J Mol Biol, 2004. 338(4): p. 735-743.
85.Dahlgren, P. R., Karymov, M. A., Bankston, J., Holden, T., Thumfort, P., Ingram, V. M., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2005) Atomic force microscopy analysis of the Huntington protein nanofibril formation, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine1, 52-57.
86.Dahlgren, P. R., Karymov, M. A., Bankston, J., Holden, T., Thumfort, P., Ingram, V. M., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2005) Atomic force microscopy analysis of the Huntington protein nanofibril formation, Dis Mon51, 374-385.
87.Karymov, M., Daniel, D., Sankey, O. F., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2005) Holliday junction dynamics and branch migration: single-molecule analysis, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A102, 8186-8191.
88.Kransnoslobodtsev, A. V., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Ukraintsev, E., Zaikova, T. O., Keana, J. F., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2005) Nanomedicine and Protein Misfolding Diseases, Nanomedicine1, 300-305.
89.Lonskaya, I., Potaman, V. N., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Oussatcheva, E. A., Lyubchenko, Y. L., and Soldatenkov, V. A. (2005) Regulation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 by DNA structure-specific binding, J Biol Chem280, 17076-17083.
90.McAllister, C., Karymov, M. A., Kawano, Y., Lushnikov, A. Y., Mikheikin, A., Uversky, V. N., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2005) Protein Interactions and Misfolding Analyzed by AFM Force Spectroscopy, J Mol Biol354, 1028-1042.
91.Potaman, V. N., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Oussatcheva, E. A., Lyubchenko, Y. L., and Soldatenkov, V. A. (2005) Specific Binding of Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase-1 to Cruciform Hairpins, J Mol Biol348, 609-615.
92.Spagnoli, C., Korniakov, A., Ulman, A., Balazs, E. A., Lyubchenko, Y. L., and Cowman, M. K. (2005) Hyaluronan conformations on surfaces: effect of surface charge and hydrophobicity, Carbohydr Res340, 929-941.
93.Uversky, V. N., Yamin, G., Munishkina, L. A., Karymov, M. A., Millett, I. S., Doniach, S., Lyubchenko, Y. L., and Fink, A. L. (2005) Effects of nitration on the structure and aggregation of alpha-synuclein, Brain Res Mol Brain Res134, 84-102.
94.Watson, D., Castano, E., Kokjohn, T. A., Kuo, Y. M., Lyubchenko, Y., Pinsky, D., Connolly, E. S., Jr., Esh, C., Luehrs, D. C., Stine, W. B., Rowse, L. M., Emmerling, M. R., and Roher, A. E. (2005) Physicochemical characteristics of soluble oligomeric Abeta and their pathologic role in Alzheimer's disease, Neurol Res27, 869-881.
95.Yamin, G., Munishkina, L. A., Karymov, M. A., Lyubchenko, Y. L., Uversky, V. N., and Fink, A. L. (2005) Forcing Nonamyloidogenic beta-Synuclein To Fibrillate, Biochemistry44, 9096-9107.
97.Lushnikov, A. Y., Potaman, V. N., Oussatcheva, E. A., Sinden, R. R., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2006) DNA Strand Arrangement within the SfiI-DNA Complex: Atomic Force Microscopy Analysis, Biochemistry45, 152-158.
98.Lushnikov, A. Y., Potaman, V. N., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2006) Site-specific labeling of supercoiled DNA, Nucleic Acids Res34, e111 (111-117).
99.Lyubchenko, Y. L., Sherman, S., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., and Uversky, V. N. (2006) Nanoimaging for protein misfolding and related diseases, J Cell Biochem99, 53-70.
100.Mikheikin, A. L., Lushnikov, A. Y., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2006) The effect of DNA supercoiling on geometry of Holliday junctions, Biochemistry45,12998-13006.
101.Uversky, V. N., Kabanov, A. V., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2006) Nanotools for Megaproblems: Probing Protein Misfolding Diseases Using Nanomedicine Modus Operandi, J Proteome Res5, 2505-2522.
102.Vetcher, A. A., Lushnikov, A. Y., Navarra-Madsen, J., Scharein, R. G., Lyubchenko, Y. L., Darcy, I. K., and Levene, S. D. (2006) DNA topology and geometry in Flp and Cre recombination, J Mol Biol357, 1089-1104.
103.Karymov, M. A., Krasnoslobodtsev, A. V., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2007) Dynamics of synaptic SfiI-DNA complex: single-molecule fluorescence analysis, Biophys J92, 3241-3250.
104.Krasnoslobodtsev, A. V., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2007) Probing Interactions within the synaptic DNA-SfiI complex by AFM force spectroscopy, J Mol Biol365, 1407-1416.
105.Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Gilmore, J., Portillo, A., Tamulaitis, G., Siksnys, V., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2007) Direct visualization of the EcoRII-DNA triple synaptic complex by atomic force microscopy, Biochemistry46, 11128-11136.
106.Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Yuan, B., Emadi, S., Lyubchenko, Y. L., and Sierks, M. R. (2007) Single-molecule selection and recovery of structure-specific antibodies using atomic force microscopy, Nanomedicine3, 192-197.
107.Walker, J. R., Gnanam, A. J., Blinkova, A. L., Hermandson, M. J., Karymov, M. A., Lyubchenko, Y. L., Graves, P. R., Haystead, T. A., and Linse, K. D. (2007) Clostridium taeniosporum spore ribbon-like appendage structure, composition and genes, Mol Microbiol63, 629-643.
108.Wang, D., Miller, S. C., Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Portillo, A. M., Liu, X. M., Papangkorn, K., Kopeckova, P., Lyubchenko, Y., Higuchi, W. I., and Kopecek, J. (2007) Osteotropic Peptide that differentiates functional domains of the skeleton, Bioconjug Chem18, 1375-1378.
109.Wei, C., Liu, N., Xu, P., Heller, M., Tomalia, D. A., Haynie, D. T., Chang, E. H., Wang, K., Lee, Y. S., Lyubchenko, Y. L., Bawa, R., Tian, R., Hanes, J., Pun, S., Meiners, J. C., and Guo, P. (2007) From bench to bedside: successful translational nanomedicine: highlights of the Third Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Nanomedicine, Nanomedicine3, 322-331.
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118.Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Lushnikov, A. Y., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2009) Dynamics of nucleosomes revealed by time-lapse atomic force microscopy, Biochemistry48, 7842-7848.
119.Shlyakhtenko, L. S., Gilmore, J., Kriatchko, A. N., Kumar, S., Swanson, P. C., and Lyubchenko, Y. L. (2009) Molecular Mechanism Underlying RAG1/RAG2 Synaptic Complex Formation, J Biol Chem284, 20956-20965.
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