PLTS ~ Mapped to PAA/VQSET Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Processing Industries Operations (QCF)
Personal, learning and thinking skills (PLTS) are necessary for work and for general learning. Learners will have opportunities to develop, apply and assess all the personal, learning and thinking skills within their chosen Apprenticeship / Advanced Apprenticeship Framework.
The Framework comprises six groups of skills that, together with the functional skills of English, mathematics and ICT, are essential to success in learning and learners chosen discipline. It is these skills that will enable young people to enter work and adult life as confident and capable individuals.
The titles of the six groups of skills are set out below:
For each group of skills, a focus statement sums up the range of skills. This is accompanied by a set of outcome statements that are indicative of the skills, behaviours and personal qualities associated with each group.
Each group is distinctive and coherent. The groups are also interconnected. Young people are likely to encounter skills from several groups in any one learning experience. For example, independent enquires set goals for their research with clear success criteria (reflective learners) and organise and manage their time and resources effectively to achieve these goals (Self-manager).
In order to acquire and develop fundamental concepts such as organising oneself, managing change, taking responsibility and perseverance, learners will need to apply skills from all six groups in a wide range of learning contexts from ages 11 to 19.
The majority of personal, learning and thinking skills are required to be covered and assessed during the delivery and assessment of
the mandatory units contained within the Level 3 Diploma in Processing Industries Operations qualification.
This section outlines the relationship between the Level 3 Diploma in Processing Industries Operations, and the nationally recognised ‘Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills’ (PLTS). PLTS plus Functional Skills define those generic work-related skills that individuals need in order to be effective, flexible and adaptable workers.
The table below details the:
Mandatory Units of the Level 3 Diploma in Processing Industries Operations (NVQ) (QCF):
Unit Number: / Unit Title:PIO 1.12c / Handover Within Processing Industries Environments
PIO 1.12k / How to Handover Within Processing Industries Environments
PIO 1.13c / Work Effectively in a Team Within Processing Industries Environments
PIO 1.13k / How to Work Effectively in a Team Within Processing Industries Environments
PIO 3.10c / Carry Out Emergency Procedures Within Processing Industries Environments
PIO 3.10k / How to Carry Out Emergency Procedures Within Processing Industries Environments
The table below summarise the links between each of the PIO units, and the Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills areas.
UnitsPLTS / PIO 1.12c / PIO 1.12k / PIO 1.13c / PIO 1.13k / PIO 3.10c / PIO 3.10k
Independent enquirers
1 identify questions to answer and problems to resolve / P / P
2 plan and carry out research, appreciating the consequences of decisions / P / P / P
3 explore issues, events or problems from different perspectives / P / P / P
4 analyse and evaluate information, judging its relevance and value / P / P / P / P / P
5 consider the influence of circumstances, beliefs and feelings on decisions and events / P / P / P / P
6 support conclusions, using reasoned arguments and evidence / P / P
Creative thinkers
1 generate ideas and explore possibilities / P / P / P / P
2 ask questions to extend their thinking / P / P / P
3 connect their own and others’ ideas and experiences in inventive ways / P / P / P
4 question their own and others’ assumptions / P / P / P / P
5 try out alternatives or new solutions and follow ideas through / P / P
6 adapt ideas as circumstances change / P / P
Reflective learners
1 assess themselves and others, identifying opportunities and achievements / P / P / P / P / P / P
2 set goals with success criteria for their development and work / P / P / P / P / P
3 review progress, acting on the outcomes / P / P / P / P
4 invite feedback and deal positively with praise, setbacks and criticism / P / P / P / P
5 evaluate experiences and learning to inform future progress / P / P / P / P / P / P
6 communicate their learning in relevant ways for different audiences / P / P / P / P / P
Team workers
1 collaborate with others to work towards common goals / P / P / P / P / P / P
2 reach agreements, managing discussions to achieve results / P / P / P / P / P / P
3 adapt behaviour to suit different roles and situations, including leadership roles / P / P / P / P / P
4 show fairness and consideration to others / P / P / P
5 take responsibility, showing confidence in themselves and their contribution / P / P / P / P
6 provide constructive support and feedback to others / P / P / P / P
1 seek out challenges or new responsibilities and show flexibility when priorities change / P / P
2 work towards goals, showing initiative, commitment and perseverance / P / P / P / P / P
3 organise time and resources, prioritising actions / P / P / P
4 anticipate, take and manage risks / P / P / P / P / P
5 deal with competing pressures, including personal and work-related demands / P / P / P / P
6 respond positively to change, seeking advice and support when needed
7 manage their emotions, and build and maintain relationships / P / P / P
Effective participators
1 discuss issues of concern, seeking resolution where needed / P / P / P
2 present a persuasive case for action / P / P / P / P
3 propose practical ways forward, breaking these down into manageable steps / P / P / P / P / P
4 identify improvements that would benefit others as well as themselves / P / P / P
5 try to influence others, negotiating and balancing diverse views to reach workable solutions / P / P / P / P / P
6 act as an advocate for views and beliefs that may differ from their own / P / P
Name:……………………………………………. Date……………………… P = Coverage
The ‘PLTS Performance Indicator’ can be used by assessors to provide feedback to learners, showing the levels of the achievements they have demonstrated, which will then be referenced in the Logbook and portfolios. Assessors will be able to record learners’ achievements by placing the appropriate Reference Number in the evidence box provided:
Evidence Reference Number, Typical Logbook, Portfolio Entries, Observations, Tasks & UPK
UnitsPLTS / Ref No: / Ref No: / Ref No: / Ref No: / Ref No: / Ref No:
Independent enquirers
1 identify questions to answer and problems to resolve
2 plan and carry out research, appreciating the consequences of decisions
3 explore issues, events or problems from different perspectives
4 analyse and evaluate information, judging its relevance and value
5 consider the influence of circumstances, beliefs and feelings on decisions and events
6 support conclusions, using reasoned arguments and evidence
Creative thinkers
1 generate ideas and explore possibilities
2 ask questions to extend their thinking
3 connect their own and others’ ideas and experiences in inventive ways
4 question their own and others’ assumptions
5 try out alternatives or new solutions and follow ideas through
6 adapt ideas as circumstances change
Reflective learners
1 assess themselves and others, identifying opportunities and achievements
2 set goals with success criteria for their development and work
3 review progress, acting on the outcomes
4 invite feedback and deal positively with praise, setbacks and criticism
5 evaluate experiences and learning to inform future progress
6 communicate their learning in relevant ways for different audiences
Team workers
1 collaborate with others to work towards common goals
2 reach agreements, managing discussions to achieve results
3 adapt behaviour to suit different roles and situations, including leadership roles
4 show fairness and consideration to others
5 take responsibility, showing confidence in themselves and their contribution
6 provide constructive support and feedback to others
Evidence Reference Number, Typical Logbook, Portfolio Entries, Observations, Tasks & UPK
UnitsPLTS / Ref No: / Ref No: / Ref No: / Ref No: / Ref No: / Ref No:
1 seek out challenges or new responsibilities and show flexibility when priorities change
2 work towards goals, showing initiative, commitment and perseverance
3 organise time and resources, prioritising actions
4 anticipate, take and manage risks
5 deal with competing pressures, including personal and work-related demands
6 respond positively to change, seeking advice and support when needed
7 manage their emotions, and build and maintain relationships
Effective participators
1 discuss issues of concern, seeking resolution where needed
2 present a persuasive case for action
3 propose practical ways forward, breaking these down into manageable steps
4 identify improvements that would benefit others as well as themselves
5 try to influence others, negotiating and balancing diverse views to reach workable solutions
6 act as an advocate for views and beliefs that may differ from their own
Assessor Name:……………………………………………. Date………………………
Assessor Signature………………………………………..
Learner Name………………………………………………. Date………………………
Learner Signature………………………………………….
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