Regional Biosafety Workshop

Rama Garden Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 30 November- 4 December 2009

Day-1 (30th November)


08:00- 09:00 hrs Registration

09:00- 10:00 hrs. Opening Session

  • Opening Address by Mr. Hiroyuki Konuma, Deputy Regional Representative, FAORAP, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Welcome Address by Mr. Somchai Channarongkul , Director-General, Department of Agriculture, Thailand
  • Introduction of the participants
  • Announcement of Programme and Timetable
  • Photograph

10:00- 10:30 hrs.Tea Break

Session 1Chairman: Professor Anupam Varma

Rapporteures: To be selected from the participants

10:30 – 11:00 hrs. Agriculture biotechnology: a global perspective and regional collaboration by Mr. Andrea Sonnino, Senior Agricultural Research Officer,Research andExtension Unit, FAO, Rome

11:00- 11:30 hrs.Current status of plant biotechnology development and application in Thailand by Ms. Hathairat Urairong, Deputy Director, Biotechnology Research and development Office, DOA, Thailand.

11:30- 12:30 hrs.A presentation of biosafety and biotechnology status in participating countries (each country will have 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion)

- Bangladesh



12:30- 13:30 hrs.Lunch Break

13:30 – 17:30 hrs Continuation of Presentation









-Sri Lanka



18:30 – 21:00 hrs Dinner to be hosted by FAO

Day-2 (1 December)


Session II

09:00- 16:30 hrs.Risk Analysis in Biotechnology by Professor Desiree Hautea (Philippines). Moderators and Rapporteures will be selected from participating countries.

Day-3 (2 December)


Session III

09:00 - 13:00 hrs.Biosafety Testing in Green house: 1. Mr. Vinod Prabhu (India) and Dr. Gurinder Randhawa (India)

13:00 -14:00 hrs.Lunch

Session IV

14:00 – 16:30 hrs.- GMO Detection Activities in laboratory: Mrs. Khanitha Wongwathanarat, Thailand

-Visit Biosafety Greenhouse: Dr. Karsedis Distabanjong and Dr. Mallika Kaewwises, Thailand

Day-4 (3 December)


09:00- 16:30 hrs.Leave Rama Garden hotel to Ajinimoto Co., (Thailand) LTD.

Visit Thai Technology and Engineering Center, Ajinimoto Co., (Thailand) LTD. Phra Pradaeng Branch. ( Laboratory facilities and biosafety handling system of microorganisms in the process of fermentation and the control procedure according to the operational guideline for biosafety of modern biotechnology)

Day-5 (4 December)


Session V

09:00- 11.40 hrsDiscussion on the preparation of the bench mark document, introduced and facilitated by Professor Anupam Varma (India)

09:00 hrs. Introduction of theobjectives to produce the Benchmark Document, by Professor Anupam Varma,

09:30 hrs. Presentation of the plan to produce an updated version of the Benchmark Document by Professor Anupam Varma

10:15 hrs. Inputs from the focal points (about 5 minutes each); Bangladesh, Cambodia, Korea, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan,the Philippines,SriLanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

11.40- 12:30 hrs. GeneralDiscussion including “Asian Bionet Website Management”

12:30- 13:30 hrs.Lunch

13:30-14:30 hrs.Recommendations and its Adoption (FAO)

14:30-15:30 hrs.Closing ceremony

- Address by FAO Representative, FAO, Regional Office, Bangkok, Thailand

- Address by Mr. Dumrong Jirasutas, Deputy Director-General, Department of Agriculture, Thailand

- Remarks from the two Participants

-Certificate Giving Ceremony

- Vote of Thanks and End of the WORKSHOP