Please see the bulletin below. Use these quick links to navigate directly to the relevant topic for your child without having to scroll down.

1.Whole School – Attendance 8. Whole School - Reading Homework

2.Whole School - FROGGS 9. Whole School - School Photographs

3.Whole School – Hygein 10. Year 6 - Cookery

4.Whole School - Muga 11. Whole School - Our Pact

5.Whole School – Parent Mail 12. Dates for your diary

6.Nursery – News From The Nursery

7.Whole School – Harvest Festival

1 / Recipients: Whole School Date: 20-Oct-18
Action Required: Information
Sender: School Office
This week’s whole School attendance is 95%
Huge welldone to Year 4 who got 98.7%
Great work year 4!
2 / Recipients: Year 6 Date: 20-Oct-18
Action Required: Information
Sender: FROGGS

Dear Parents/Carers,
Your children may come home talking about Christmas! Sorry…
It is because they have (or will have) designed an amazing Christmas card that you will get the opportunity to buy!
We are using a brilliant company to have the children’s artwork professionally made into cards, gift cards and gift wrap - there are examples at reception if you wish to see. You will get to see the children’s design before half term as it will be sent home with a special internet code on the back – this is the way to order your cards and pay for them! Orders need to be made during half term so please remember to order. Perhaps put a reminder in your phone for INSET day on Friday 20 October.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way!
This is a great fundraising opportunity as FROGGS will receive money for every order placed!
Many Thanks,
3 / Recipients:Whole School Date: 20-Oct-18
Action Required: Information
Sender: School Office
This week we have been talking to children about the importance of hygiene. Washing hands is one of the most vital ways to prevent illnesses and prevent them from spreding. Please make sure your children are washig their hands regularly in order to keep them well this winter.

4 / Recipients: Whole School Date: 20-Oct-18
Action Required: Information


4 / Recipients: Whole School Date: 20-Oct-18
Action Required: Information
Sender: School Office
MUGA…almost here!
Just a reminder that work will be starting on the MUGA on October 10th! We are very excited about finally having it in operation. Although the work will be carried out during the school week, the site will be safely fenced off at all times.





11 / Recipients: Whole School Date: 20-Oct-18
Action Required: Information
Sender: School Office

We will be holding a PARENTMAIL drop-in workshop at 3:30 on Thursday 19th October. If there is anything at all that you have a question or query about (however small), do pop in and we will sort it out. We can also set people up on PARENTMAIL and explain all its functions. If you know of anyone not on PARENTMAIL yet who might like to come along, please pass this message on.
Recipients: Nursery Date: 06-Oct-17
Action Required: Information
Sender: Nursery

Isobel has now received the bespoke sledge she won in the summer raffle, although we don't want it to snow just yet!
Phase 1 of our garden project will be completed over the half term holiday, with many thanks to Buckingham landscapes who are carrying out the work.
Over the next couple of weeks we will be focusing on our language and communication skills. We will be sending home a list of books that can be read at home to support this and we will be interested to hear about your recommendations for books we can read in the setting.
Recipients: Whole School Date: 06-Oct-17
Action Required:Information
Sender: School Office
Everyone is invited to come along to our harvest assembly on Tuesday 10th October at 9am. We will be singing harvest songs, and thinking about why harvest festivals are relevant today. Could we please ask children to bring in a donation for our food bank collection, on that day; contributions should be tinned or dried packet food please…the basics are best (baked beans, tomatoes, pasta etc) but anything will be appreciated.
Recipients: Whole Schoool Date: 06-Oct-17
Action Required: Information
Sender: Headteacher
The winners of last week’s reading raffle were - Henry and Violet; well done to them. And this week the winners are – Gabrielle and Marcus
All these children have won book tokens for the University Bookshop.
The only homework children have at the moment is to read 5 times per week at home and although we had lots of children in the raffle this week, in some classes we have fewer than half the children completing their homework at the moment… let’s see if we can boost that next week.
Reading is the single most powerful way to boost your child’s progress, which is why we put so much emphasis on this…thank you.
Recipients: Whole School Date: 06-Oct-17
Action Required: Information
Sender: School Office
Just a reminder that the school photographs will be taking place on Tuesday 7 November. More details are to follow soon.
Recipients: Year 6 Date: 06-Oct-17
Action Required: nformation
Sender: Ms Ryan
Children in year 6 are really enjoying their DT cookery lessons with Mrs Murray. As they are studying Mexico this term, their cookery lessons are linked to Mexican foods; this week it was cornbread…and the smells coming from the kitchen were delicious!
Recipients: Whole School Date: 6-Oct-17
Action Required: Information
Sender: School Office
Our Pact: The Essential App For Parents
OurPact is a simple family locator and parental control app that allows parents to locate family members and limit screen time by blocking internet and app access.
Parents seeking to establish a consistent routine at home may be able to use smartphones and tablets to their advantage. With OurPact, you have the power to schedule screen time throughout the day, according to the routines you set.
The best part about the OurPact parental control solution is the “set it and forget it” nature. Rest assured, if a scheduled block is in place for 7:00am-7:30am every morning to make time for breakfast, the block will be in place every day until changed by the parent.
Create new screen time schedules and establish a healthy family routine using OurPact.
In a sense, you’re using your child’s fondness for technology to help them learn responsible device use. It works like this: parents schedule screen time to be blocked during mealtimes, shower times, family time, bed time, and so forth every day. With OurPact’s internet and app blocker, parents have found their kids are less likely to become distracted and eventually graduate into the new family routine.
Click here for further information:

12 / Recipients: Whole School Date: 20-Oct-18
Action Required: Information
Sender: DATES
Diary Dates
Please find below some dates for your diaries. Additional dates will be added, so check back each week on the bulletin.
Date / Event / Time
September 2017
Wednesday 6th September / School opens after the summer break / 8.35am
Tuesday 12th September / Meet the teacher / 2.45 – 5.30pm
Friday 29thSeptember / Macmillian coffee morning (Cake competition) More details to follow / TBC
October 2017
Thursday 12th October / FROGGS AGM / 3:05
Monday 16th October / Year 5 and 6 PGL residential starts / TBC
Tuesday 17th October / Year 5 and 6 PGL residential
Wednesday 18th October / Year 5 and 6 PGL residential ends / TBC
Thursday 19th October / Hot Dog Day / Lunchtime
Thursday 19th October / Halloween Disco / TBC
Thursday 19th October / School closes for half term / 3.05pm
Monday 30th October / School opens after half term / 8.35am
Tuesday 31st October / Parents’ evening / TBC
November 2017
Wednesday 1st November / Parents’ evening / TBC
December 2017
Friday 1st December / Tree dressing assembly – Parents welcome / 8.50am
Friday 1st December / FROGGS Christmas Fair / After school
Saturday 9th December / Christmas parade in town / TBC
Thursday 14th Decmber / FROGGS Secret Santa for children to visit / All day
Tuesday 19th December / Christmas Nativity (Reception + KS1) / TBC
Wednesday 20th December / Christmas party day / TBC
Thursday 21st December / Carols in the Parish Church / TBC
Thursday 21st December / School closes for Christmas Break / TBC
January 2018
Thursday 4th January / School opens after Christmas / 8.35am
Thursday 4th January / Start the new year with a bang! (Details to follow) / All day
Friday 5th January / Start the new year with a bang! (Details to follow) / All day
Thursday 25th Januray / Young Voices (Year 5 and 6) / TBC
February 2018
Friday 9th February / Hot Dog Day / Lunchtime
Frday 9th February / School closes for February half term / 3.05pm
Monday 19th February / School opens after half term / 8.35am
Tuesday 27th February / Parents’ evening / TBC
Wednesday 28th February / Parents’ evening / TBC
March 2018
Wednesday 28th March / Grenville’s Got Talent / TBC
Thursday 29th March / Easter bonnet parade – parents welcome / 8.50am
Thursday 29th March / Easter Egg hunt after school / 3.05pm
Thursday 29th March / School closes for Easter / 3.05pm
April 2018
Monday 16th April / School opens after Easter / 8.35
May 2018
Monday 7th April / Bank Holiday – School closed
Monday 14th May / KS2 SATs / N/A
Tuesday 15th May / KS2 SATs / N/A
Wednesday 16th May / KS2 SATs / N/A
Thursday 17th May / KS2 SATs / N/A
Friday 25th May / Hot Dog Day / Lunchtime
Friday 25th May / School closes for half term / 3.05pm
June 2018
Tuesday 5th June / School opens after half term / 8.35am
Saturday 9th June / FROGGS Summer Fair / TBC
July 2018
Thursday 19th July / End of Year Disco / TBC
Thursday 19th July / Year 6 Leavers’ Dinner / TBC
Friday 20th July / Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly / TBC
Friday 20th July / School closes for the summer break / 3.05pm

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