Title (max 20 Words)
Lead Supervisor and host university
Research Area / Oncology
Infectious diseases
Abstract (350 Words) Please briefly describe your proposed project and how it fits within the Network’s remit of drug discovery and development in areas of unmet medical or veterinary need.
1st Supervisor (PI)
Department / Institution:
2nd supervisor / Industrial Supervisor
Department / Institution:
Track record of supervisors: / 1st / 2nd
No. of current PhDs as lead
No. of current PhDs as co-supervisor
PhD submissions to date completing within 4 years
No. of PhDs beyond 4 years current and to date
No. of peer review publications 2008-date
Current active grant income
Please describe the research to be undertaken and any specific goal(s)/milestone(s) to be achieved. Please list your aims, methods and any work that has led up to the project. Please include a brief statement of the unmet clinical need and the basic research question your project addresses. Please highlight existing or new collaborations between Schools or Universities or disciplines and how this project would strengthen such collaborations (2 Pages of A4 Max, Calibri font, min size 11).
Research environment: Please describe the facilities and equipment that will support this project, and the research culture and opportunities available (e.g. group meetings, collaborations, travel and secondment opportunities). Please provide details of any generic or specific training required by the students to deliver the project. (½ a page of A4 Max)
Please detail how this application will contribute to the Life Sciences Research Network Wales’ aims of increasing research income and building research capacity within Wales. Please state as clearly as possible how this project will enhance your ability to obtain further funding. How much external funding is expected to be leveraged as a direct consequence of this award and why? Please provide timelines (½ a page of A4 Max)
Please indicate the scale and nature of the unmet medical or veterinary need that this project aims to address? (½ Page of A4 Max)
Co-funding: Describe the co-funding offer:
The Network expects to provide £40k towards the costs of PhD projects with the balance being committed either from the host institution or an external partner.
Total Project Cost
Additional Funding Required
Name of 1st organisation contributing additional funding? / Amount of funding Contributed / £
Name of 2nd organisation contributing additional funding? / Amount of funding Contributed / £
The Network only expects an in-principle commitment of additional funding at the application stage. Any provisional offer of a studentship will be conditional on confirmation of any additional funding and recruitment of a suitable student.
Potential student: If a suitable student has been identified please give brief details here including a 1 page CV:
Please indicate whether this is a revised proposal and if so briefly describe how the new proposal is responsive to the previous critique (max 200 words)
I confirm that I wish to apply for a Ser Cymru Studentship and that the information given in this application and any accompanying material is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also acknowledge that all awarded Studentships will be required to provide Ser Cymru with details of all research outputs resulting from the project as well as any future funding awards. I will comply with all reasonable requests from the Network for such information.
Signature: / Date:
Please return to by 5pm on 31st March 2016