Meeting to be Held on Thursday 26th May 2016 at Barnham Broom Hotel (Bickerston Suite), Barnham Broom, Norwich, 9.00am for 9.30am


Geoff RayDavid StanderwickSharon GardnerGuppy Kular

Chris Ball Julian SnowlingKay Watkinson

Darren WalesSusan SpoererVinesh Naidoo

Also Attending

Tony Dean (Chief Officer), Lauren Seamons (Deputy Chief Officer), Charlotte Bowles (Support Officer) , Andrew Magem (Healthwatch), Davick (Pre Reg of David Standerwick)

  1. Apologies for Absence

Caroline Steels, Dee Hebron.

Welcome to Darren Wales from Well (replacing DS) and Vinesh Naidoo from Boots (replacing Dave Hopkinson). Still have vacancy due to Matt Labaki leaving.

  1. To Receive and Approve the Minutes of the Last Meeting

Approved; Kay Watkinson,Seconded;Sharon Gardner

  1. Matters Arising (not dealt with elsewhere): Employee T&Cs 2016-17

Tony, Lauren and Charlotte left the room…..

Some Waste Collection pre-acceptance audits still outstanding. Tony has requested a check of records and will update once information received. AlsoNHS England structure to be reviewed and Tony will update at next meeting. Flu vaccinations have been recommissioned for next year still- awaiting further details of service spec. Lauren to go and present on pharmacy vaccination service at PHE meeting for Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambs.

GR would it be possible to get a report about the figures that were conducted last year? Also will the patient survey being going ahead next year?

LS yes we can produce a report for this although some providers did not use PharmOutcomes.

TD will look into patient survey.

MSS has been saved and given an increase in funding this will help to provide extra support and also provide extra training for pharmacy and GP practice staff. Also proposal has gone to Suffolk for MSS to spread the service across the borders and areas.

SG any input into NNH to put descriptions on the CDS pack to distinguish tablets if they need to be removed?

TD would be asking for another prescription as unable to change medications done elsewhere. This would all be covered as part of the refer to pharmacy scheme for hospital discharges for NMS or MUR.

LS requests for use of PIP screens if items are available would pharmacies like to have these available to use.

GR & CB yes these would be helpful.

  1. Declarations of Interest

These must be reviewed this meeting, please. New declarations needed from new Members.

All members were handed declaration forms to update and new forms to be completed and returned at end of meeting.

Action Section

  1. EPS Update

CB/LS/TD will give an update. There have been many issues, ranging from the token debacle to disrupted roll-out meetings plans in the South and West. We have made strong representations on these issues and had a meeting last week with NELCSU to ensure things improve. More positively, there is considerable interest in Norwich around full repeat dispensing, and the practices held a large meeting on 16th May. We hope this will then act as a catalyst for replication elsewhere.

We have re-evaluated LPC support for pharmacies, and this will be explained.

Member Action: Discuss with branches/others and prepare feedback on issues, and on what’s going well

CB South and West Norfolk plans continue with some surgeries choosing to defer within this roll out. There are still a few little issues but am pleased to report that the pharmacy engagement with EPS has increased. Thanks to all pharmacies and people who supported with the latest token crisis. Norwich practices have now had Electronic Repeat Dispensing training and hopefully the practices will start to roll this out across the area. Pharmacies to speak with practices to see if they can help to encourage/support/recommend patient groups who would be suitable for this service. ERD will reduce the amount of time that pharmacy staff have to deal with managed repeat customers each month. GYWCCG are also now looking to book the same training and roll this project out. The EPS masterclass events have now finished in our area and there was a fantastic up take from pharmacy staff across the area and most feedback from the nights was positive. There have been some discussions with NNCCG and plans will hopefully be set for this roll out to progress early next year.

  1. Healthy Living Pharmacy

LS has done a fantastic job at renegotiating the contract with NCC and retaining significant funding for the project. An update on the changes and new accreditation requirements will be provided. Members decided at the last meeting that HLP should continue, and if ongoing funding was secured many made commitments around support and participation. These must be now honored.

LS contract awarded for this year for HLP support. £15,000 awarded to support 10 current pharmacies to the new HLP contract and another 10 new pharmacies to complete HLP training. Pharmacies can accredit themselves through the process. Nationally announced contract to PH, new national framework and a database of HLP’s. Pharmacies have a choice to self-manage through the process or can use LPC training and support provided. Training from LPC will now be condensed into one day and also CPPE will be doing a leadership module not just for HLP but all Health messages. Committee to feedback suggestions of dates for training. Request now that all branches that have been nominated are communicated with to ensure engagement and delivery of the terms of the contract.

KW how many people need to attend the training?

LS one full time equivalent so possibly 35 hours upwards. All will need to stick to commitments made and deliver.

SSP rework for existing HLP’s

LS visits will take place and support will be given but at present no problems are foreseen in this being achieved. Level 1 is about health promotion, level 2 is service delivery, level 3 around specialist services. We are currently working to level 1.

TD thanks to Lauren for all her efforts in negotiating the contract.

GR what happens with the health trainer service going?

CBcould we have an update as to who/where we can refer and what is still available.

LS will update and provide.

  1. Summary Care Records

A brief discussion around plans for these events and the roll-out in the multiples.

GR any experience within the multiplies?

KW we have use of this but not much use at present. Although when it has been used it has been very helpful.

TD will this be used as a guide if emergency supply was going to be made.

KW the questions could be asked and it is a tool that is there to help support.

TD encouraged all to sign up to training. LPC have sent out letters and posted to website to raise awareness.

  1. Local Services Update:

Lauren will update us on local services, including plans for a new HIV testing service, changes to the Sexual Health contract, PharmOutcomes developments (and a point here raised by Darren about the use of the system for NMS) etc.

The Smoking Cessation contract (Level 3) is under review, and LS will discuss the implications for us.

TD will report on progress on Naloxone service and “next steps” to help with OOH care.

LS level 3 smoking service is under review. This could change the way we work with SmokeFree and ECCH. Engagement within Yarmouth area is very low. Pharmoutcomes has been tested using the referral system within the system and this could be used for smoking referral services.

Gu would it be worth having a discussion around PGD for Champix

LS as soon as it is able to be available then we will push for this.

LS sexual health contract DBS checks will be coming into force, this is for any consultation that takes place in the consultation room. Therefore if HCA or dispensers are registering patients for C card they would need to have DBS check. This will be mandatory for certificate numbers to be entered onto PharmOutcomes.

CB how often do these checks need to be renewed.

TD there is no timeframe on these unless there is a change in job. LS chaperone policy also coming into effect it must be a member of staff and applies to under 16 only unless there are mental health issues. If the person refuses the chaperone then they must be referred to ICASH or GP practice. The chaperone will not take part in the conversation.

SG when will the conversation take part to ask about how old the person is. Would this be before the consultation starts?

LS will give guidance on this.

GR if it is a late night request and no chaperone is available are we ok to refuse service and not be penalised for this?

LS public health are aware of this and have stated that they are aware this may happen.

DS would it be possible to have a card for referral into other services as the patient will not be in the consultation room to give them this advice?

LS to take back and ask PH about these cards with all ICASH/ Services contact details on.

LS good news offered a new service HIV testing service. This is for patients that are presenting as high risk. Full training will be given and back payment will be received. The payment for the service could be between £75-£100 for a 15 minute consultation and then hand a kit over for home testing. If a test is then returned there will be a bonus payment for the pharmacy £25-£40. Funding has been agreed and all after care will take place through THT. Conversations are still taking place and will update as soon as more information is available.

SG how will pharmacies be selected.

LS PH will use PharmOutcomes data to select pharmacies and also look at deprivation areas. Also conversations have been had around the use of registered technicians or ACTs to provide the service.

Healthchecks, PH are now looking at using pharmacies for providing workplace Healthchecks. Once a need has been identified PH will look at local HC providers and put in touch with each other. An equipment list would be provided to pharmacies for use at these. Potential patients would be prescreened and appointments pre booked with a minimum of 4 appointments. PH looking to provide out of hours HC after working hours early evenings/weekends. Branding materials available for afterhours HC.

TD naloxone service update, being given out by NRP but only reaching a small number of patients. This could be a technician having the consultation and there will be a small fee for both the initial consultation and for another supply if used. Trial for around 9 pharmacies who are providing needle exchange. Papers on the service have gone to consultation and will update when more information is available.

The Committee discussed the potential for services for, minor ailments, alcohol support/reduction or a replacement for the Health trainer type service.

  1. HealthWatch Update

Andrew Magem gave an overview of the functions of Healthwatch and current work streams. Upcoming works patients in GPs, end of life care, access to services with disabilities. Presented some feedback on pharmacies that has recently been given.

TD maybe this needs to be highlighted to pharmacies to review and respond to any comments that are made.

LS is there a need to sign post pharmacies to this website to ensure that service directory is correct and all information is correct?

  1. Career Friendly Pharmacy

LS will provide an update on training provided and next steps.

Evening training has been given to help to identify unpaid careers when they are presenting in the pharmacy and refer them to other providers/support. Referral form has been set up on Pharmoutcomes to help to support careers to connect with other services. Proposal for the referral form to be available to all pharmacies to use going forward once review of current form and usage has been completed. If there is a demand for more training this will be reviewed.

Member action: Gather feedback, please, from those who attended training.

  1. Funding & Action Update:

A discussion around LPC and individual action so far, and plans for next steps etc.

The update from PSNC last week was extremely discouraging, and it’s clear that pressure must be ramped up more.

An update was requested from Anil Sharma, our PSNC Regional Representative. The response was (quote): “To be very honest there is nothing that is not already on the PSNC website”.

GR gave an update as to what the current situation is on this matter. Fantastic results with the gathering of signatures for the petition. What can we now do and keep this alive in everyone’s thoughts.

Lots of meetings with local politicians and meetings arranged with members of parliament. LPC will continue to arrange these meetings to get our concerns across however there does not seem to be much coming from PSNC or the NPA to back this campaign. Therefore what are we going to continue to push/drive in Norfolk.

The Committee gathered and discussed the following; contact radio Norfolk, Local MPs and a cross bench meeting, local councilors, engage and feedback to patients, local paper/press campaign, LMC support, PH, Careers association, UEA students to campaign, liaising with Norfolk’s health scrutiny board, share info with other LPC areas to try to gain support.

Print out what the campaign looked like as it was presented to parliament for pharmacies to display, perhaps 1.8million tokens to represent the signatures on the petition.

Send an update to PSNC to say what NLPC have done and have planned for the continuation of this process.

  1. LPC Website Review

This will be a regular “slot” on the agenda. Our website is under constant development and we’d like Members to feedback and suggest further improvements etc.

GR what would you like to see on the website and what content would you like in the members only section.

LS thinking of moving the minutes to the member’s area.

GR CCG map of Norfolk area.

DS link to BSA, HSCIC nomination data,

The Committee discussed things that may be useful to be on here. Please send any ideas/ comments to Lauren to update. Also encourage sign up to the e-news.

Member Action: Please review LPC website prior to meeting and come with feedback/suggestions.

  1. Report from South Norfolk CCG Meeting

GR & TD attended a meeting with the new Asst. Director of Primary Care, Cal Deane (no relation, it has an “e”). GR will report.

GR Gave feedback from the recent meeting. Very encouraging meeting and lots of information shared. SNCCG forum event has been arranged as an action from this meeting. Place on the prescribing board for the LPC which Geoff will attend to discuss budgets etc.

  1. Sunday Conference 2016

TDCurrent climate need to be around funding and contract. What are the thoughts around this?

The Committee have decided that with the current constraints and works around the contract it will be best to put this on hold until next year once there have been some decisions on the contract.

  1. Potential Issue with Branded Prescribing (Physeptone)

GR There has been instances in the past where decisions have been proposed but overturned due to cost implications. Tony had made a list of risks that could impact due to these changes and the decision was made that the branded changes would not take effect. However the contract is up for renewal in a year and this could come up again at this point and may not be postponed again.

  1. Report from Great Yarmouth

Early Detection of Cancer,

DS training is now booked with quality speakers, GPs, engaged supports, Cancer research UK, this is intended to raise awareness with counter staff for early detection of cancer. Pharmoutcomes will be used to record referrals made (unidentifiable- the system will not be used for the referral itself). The evening training sessions will give the knowledge and hopefully will empower staff to feel confident to have conversations.

Waste campaign 6th June thunderclap event please sign up and promote.


IC24 – issues with getting hold of prescriptions that have not been sent to pharmacies after faxing. Geoff to send over info to Tony to escalate. Also Kay had an issue with getting a signature on a CD end of life care from the QEH.

TD issues with nurse prescriptions and what is able to be prescribed.

TD asked for feedback on safeguarding materials that he has been asked to promote through pharmacies. Committee agreed that the cards may not be appropriate and Tony asked for anyone who would be willing to attend safeguarding meetings in the future. DS “volunteered”.

Next Meeting Dates

7th July 2016

22nd September 2016