Introduction to Athletic Training

S.O.A.P. Medical Abbreviations

Abbreviation / Long Hand / Abbreviation / Long Hand
1° / Primary / CC / Chief complaint
2° / Secondary / CKC / Closed kinetic chain
↓ / Down, decrease, downward diminish / cm. / Centimeters
↑ / Up, upward, increase / CNS / Central Nervous System
|| / Parallel / cont. / Continue
~ or ≈ / Approximately / CPR / Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
(+) / Positive / c/o / Complains of
(-) / Negative / CV / Cardiovascular
# / Weight or pounds, number / DC or D/C / Discharge
‘ / Minutes, feet / D.C. / Doctor of chiropractic
“ / Seconds, inches / DM / Diabetes mellitus
Δ / Change / DO / Doctor of osteopathic medicine
<,> / Less than, greater than / DOB / Date of birth
@ / At / DOI / Date of injury
= / Equals / DOS / Date of surgery
/ / Per / Dx / Diagnosis
% / Percent / E’ / Elbow
a / Before / EENT / Ear, eyes, nose, throat
A’ / Ankle / ER / External rotation
abd / Abduction / E.R. / Emergency Room
A / Assessment / eval. / Evaluation
AC jt / Acromioclavicular joint / ext. or / / Extension
ACL / Anterior Cruciate Ligament / F or 3/5 / Fair muscle grade
add / Adduction / F, or ♀ / Female
ADL / Activities of daily living / FLB, FB / Football
AP or A/P / Anterior/Posterior / FHY / Field hockey
AROM / Active Range of Motion / FH / Family History
AIIS / Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine / flex or √ / Flexion
AM or a.m. / Morning, before noon / ft. / Feet
ant. / Anterior / fx / Fracture
ASIS / Anterior Superior Iliac Spine / FWB / Full weight bearing
as tol / As tolerated / G or 4/5 / Good muscle grade
ASA / Aspirin / GI / Gastrointestinal
ASAP / As soon as possible / g / Gram
ATC / Certified Athletic Trainer / h, hr / Hour
B / Bilateral / H’ / Hip
BID or b.i.d. / Twice per day / HA, H/A / Headache
b.i.w. / Twice per week / HEP / Home exercise program
BP / Blood pressure / HI / Head injury
bpm / Beats per minute / HR / Heart rate
BSB, BS / Baseball / hs. / At bedtime
C’ / Cervical / ht. / Height
c / With / Hx / History
cal / Calorie / ICU / Intensive Care Unit
CBI / Closed Brain Injury / IDDM / Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
Abbreviation / Long Hand / Abbreviation / Long Hand
IM / Intramuscular / P: / Plan
IMP / Impression / PA / Physician Assistant
in. / Inches / P/A / Posterior/anterior
indep. / Independent / pc / after meals
IR / Internal rotation / PCL / posterior cruciate ligament
ITB / Iliotibial band / PEARL / pupils equal and reactive to light
IV / Intravenous / PF / Plantar flexion
K’ / Knee / P/F jt or PF jt / Patellar femoral joint
kg / Kilograms / PFS / Patello-femoral syndrome
L, l. / Liter / PM, p.m. / afternoon
L’ / Lumbar / poss. / possible
lat / Lateral / post. / posterior
LAX / Lacrosse / post op / post operation
lb. / Pound / pre op / pre operation
LE / Lower Extremity / P or 2/5 / poor muscle grade
L, Lt / Left / PMHx / Past medical history
LBP / Low blood pressure / PNF / proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
LOC / Loss of consciousness / PQ / pain quotient (1 – 10)
LTG / Long term goals / PRE / progressive resistance exercises
m / Meter / prn / as needed
M or ♂ / Male / PROM / Passive Range of Motion
max / Maximum / PSIS / posterior superior iliac spine
BB / Basketball / PT / Physical Therapy
MD / Doctor of medicine / pt. / patient
MEDS / Medications / Px / problem
mg / Milligram / PWB / partial weight bearing
MI / Myocardial infarction / q / every
min. / Minimal / qd / every day
mins. or ‘ / Minutes / qh / every hour
ml / Milliliter / q.i.d., QID / four times per day
mm / millimeter / qn / every night
MMT / Manual Muscle Test / qt. / quart
mo. / month / RBC / Red Blood Cell Count
mod. / moderate / re. / regarding
MOI / Mechanism of Injury / RC / Rotator cuff
MP, MCP / metacarpophalangeal / rehab. / rehabilitation
MT, MTP / metataralphalangeal / reps. / repetitions
N or 5/5 / Normal muscle grade / resp. / respitory, respirations
NDV / Next doctor visit / RN / Registered Nurse
neg. / negative / R/O, RO / Rule Out
noc. / at night, night / ROM / Range Of Motion
npo / nothing by mouth / R, Rt / right
NWB / non-weight bearing / RTD / Return To Doctor
O: / objective / Rx / Treatment
OA / Osteoarthritis / S: / Subjective
od / once daily / S’ / Shoulder
OKC / Open Kinetic Chain / s / without
OR / Operating Room / SC / Soccer
OT / Occupational Therapy / SB / Softball
oz. / ounce / SC jt / Sternoclavicular joint
p / after / sec. / second
Abbreviation / Long Hand
SI / Sacro Iliac Joint
SOAP / Subjective Objective Assessment Plan
SOB / Shortness of Breath
S/P / Status Post
ST / Special Tests
stat / immediately
STG / Short Term Goals
STJ / Sub Talar Joint
sup / superior
Sx / Symptoms
T / Trace
tbsp. / tablespoon
ther. ex, TE / Therapeutic Exercise
TID / Three times per day
TWB / total weight bearing
TTWB / toe touch weight bearing
Tx / traction
UE / Upper Extremity
US / Ultrasound
TK / Track
VBL, VB / Volleyball
vol. / volume
W’ / Wrist
WBC / White Blood cell Count
WNL / Within Normal Limits
wk. / week
WRL / wrestling
SC / Soccer
SW / Swimming
XC / cross country
x / times
yo, y/o / years old
yd. / yard
yr. / year