Please read this, our Spring term newsletter to find out key things that are happening this term.
The week commencing Monday 14th of May is SATs week - when pupils will be sitting their compulsory end of KS2 statutory tests. Further details will be covered in the SATs parent’s information meeting.
On Wednesday 7th February, we will be holding our SATs parents’ information morning, along with our working together session. During the morning, we will outline the major expectations in SATs this year, as well as providing some ideas and resources to support children’s SATs preparation at home. Parents will also be able to view the children’s creative curriculum work. Pupils will be given a range of SATs revision books at the start of this term which will be a basis for their homework. Please have a look at these and work with your child when needed to help them achieve their best in their tests in May. Look out for the separate letter which will follow soon about this.
Maths In Maths this term, your child will continue to learn new concepts as well as consolidating knowledge in preparation for the SATs test in May. We will start the Spring Term by looking at percentages, algebra, ratio and proportion, as well as real-life problem solving. Where possible, we will relate the work we do to practical situations and to our Creative Curriculum topic. We will also look at strengthening our number skills which will include weekly arithmetic tests and our, all important, times tables clubs. Weekly written homework will continue to be set on Thursdays. In addition, further homework will also be set from the children’s SAT booster revision books.
English Your child will take part in daily English lessons, which on occasions will link to our creative curriculum topic. This term we will continue to build the core writing skills and the use of a range of grammar and punctuation which Year 6 children are expected to showcase through their writing. We will be writing in a range of genres and for a variety of reasons including: short stories, formal and persuasive writing and report writing. A key focus this term in our English lessons will be spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG) in preparation for the SATs test in May.
Reading:Your child will continue to be taught key comprehension skills and take part in activities to boost their reading stamina and vocabulary knowledge in dedicated Comprehension and Guided Reading lessons. Although the children become more independent in Year 6, it is still important to hear your child read and question them about the text as regularly as possible. This will help them to prepare for their SATs test in May. Once your child has finished reading their book, they should bring it to school to be changed along with their Reading Diary. We ask parents to sign and date the Home/School link book when your child has finished their book. If you wish to add any other comments, please feel free to do so. Comprehension exercises will also feature as regular English homework, along with SPAG skills.
Spellings:Each week your child will be given spellings to learn at home. These spellings will follow a pattern or rule or they may just be 'tricky words'. It is important that your child learns the rule where applicable and applies it to the provided words. Your child will bring home spellings on Friday. The spelling test will take place the following Friday. In class we will also start to practise our spellings using past SATs papers. In the SATs tests, any of the spellings learnt during KS2 could be tested, so it is important for children to continue to revise earlier spellings.
Science In Science in the first topic area we will be extending further our knowledge of is ‘The Earth and Beyond’. Our second topic will be ‘Classifying Critters’ which focuses on using Scientific methodology and techniques to classify fauna and flora on Earth.
This term, our cross curricular topic is: ‘Iceworlds – exploring the Polar Regions’ where we willbe learning all about these remote, hostile but fascinating areas of Planet Earth.
As Historians we will be learning about life and adventures of famous explorers. The children will be presenting a persuasive case for who they deem to be the ultimate explorer.
As Geographers we will be looking at how the polar regions of the Arctic and the Antarctic influence the world’s climate and how scientists believe that climate change is changing these delicate environments.
As Information Communication Technologists we will use Scratch in the unit – We Are Programmers.As Artists we will be using watercolours and learning new techniques as we produce some stunning art relating to our topic.
As Design Technologists we will be using a range of materials to produce 3d sculptures linked to our topic.
RE Children will be learning about sacred texts.
PSHE Our topic is ‘Going For Goals’. We will look at setting and achieving personal goals, both in the short and longer term.
Games and PE
The children will take part in two PE lessons per week.
Children in Year 5 and 6 will be continuing their fantastic gymnastics work from the second half of the Autumn Term. They will be focussing on more advanced skills and developing more complex sequences. There is also an opportunity for some outstanding gymnasts to represent the school at a local competition.Children will also be learning about “Bollywood” for their dance subject this half term and learning about the moves and culture behind the dance.
On days when your child is taking part in a PE lesson your child should remove their stud earrings before they come to school. Your child’s PE bag should remain in school until half term when it will return home to be washed.
Year 6 PE days:
6W – Tuesday and Thursday 5/6L – Thursday and Monday.
Years 6 Staff
Teachers Teaching Assistants
6W – Mr WestMrs Day
6L – Mrs LewisMrs Woodberry
Year 6 Maths group – Miss Crowley
Dates for your diary Parents Evenings: Wednesday 14th February 3:30pm – 5:30pm and Thursday 15th February 5:00pm – 7:00pm 6W class assembly - Tuesday 13th February, 2.30pm. Trip to the Environment Zone to carry out activities linked to our Science topics this term - 5/6L – Tuesday 13th March, 1.00pm-3.00pm, 6W -Wednesday 14th March, 1.00pm-3.00pm Book Fair - Week beginning 12th February 2018 World Book Day - 1st March 2018