Updated 16 02 2011 MS
Child Health System
The patient’s GP is responsible for the 8 week examination. The other examinations are the responsibility of the Health Visitors.
The Health Visitors continue to have their Baby Clinic in each Surgery weekly or alternate weeks with input from the GP/Practice Nurse if needed.
When the GP or the Health Visitor identifies a problem, it is their responsibility to ensure that the process to follow-up is initiated. Following explanation and discussion with the child’s parent(s)/guardian(s), all problems identified are documented on the CHS examination record form and follow-up type indicated for recall. They are also recorded in the child’s Personal Care Health Record (PCHR) and communicated directly face to face or via telephone to the patient’s usual GP or vice versa.
Child Health Surveillance and Follow Up
Each Surgery has a Baby Clinic attended by the Health Visitor with input from the GP/Practice Nurse if needed.
When the GP or the Health Visitor identifies a problem it is their responsibility to ensure that the process to follow up is initiated. Following explanation and discussion with the child’s parent(s)/guardian(s), all problems identified are documented on the CHS examination record form and follow up type indicated for recall.
These problems are also recorded in the patient’s computer clinical record and a follow up appointment booked if appropriate.
Childhood Vaccination Consent
Currently the Health Visitor is responsible for the vaccination clinic, including informing the parent(s)/guardian(s) regarding the vaccinations the infant/child is due, the benefits of the vaccinations, the potential side effects and how the vaccines are administered. Their consent is record on the vaccination sheets. The parent(s)/guardian(s) consent is confirmed or, if the vaccination sheet does not indicate consent, this is corrected after the parents/guarians have consented to proceeding with the vaccination.
Any definite contraindications are recorded in the clinical notes and recorded and coded on the computer system.
Childhood Vaccination Defaulters
As soon as possible after eachvaccination session, all vaccination call/recall sheets are completed and returned by the Practice Manager or Secretary to central records in the Western Health and Social Services Board.
All children on these lists who have failed to attend for vaccination are offered a further 2 appointments.
All communication is recorded in the clinical record.