KASADA Executive Meeting Sept. 21 2:30-4:30
Katie Bush-Glenn, Kathy Zarges, Kay Levandowski, Trinidy Jeter, Laurie Camp, Steven Antalvari, Cassie Pegg-Kirby, Kristin Williams, Mandy Anderson present
Kathy calls meeting to order
I. Review of minutes from August meeting-formal minutes were not taken at the August meeting. Kathy Zarges took notes but there are no formal meeting minutes.
II. Treasury (TJ)
-83 current members
-Account balances: Checking $2,954.50, Agency $5,150.24, Savings $2,141.46, Total $10,246.20
III. Committee Reports
Communications (KBG)
-Working on newsletter
- Looking for book reviews for newsletter
-Mentioned Communications form to get accurate information out on time
-This year there seems to be some individual email distribution/duplicative distribution, KBG would like information to be uniform and from one source to not overload members with invitations, updates, etc. and less duplication of information. KBG would like once a week communication.
-Budget for Communication-all communication requests are for PD. Budget will be kept separate this year. Next year, may consider next year having communication subsumed by PD. Communication requested funding for name tents, name tags. Email committee minutes to KBG for posting to the web site.
Professional Development (KL)
-Trying to make the PD group feel involved, some duties were assigned
-November meeting will the Intl student simulation. The only cost is the room fee—they are looking for possible rooms. Discussion of committee updates during lunch
-Discussion of how to make introductions of new individuals at meetings
-December 9 will be a regular meeting, January-no meeting planned, Feb-regular meeting, March-networking lunch in Schwebel, April-regional, May-conference
Regional Campus (LC)
-Need to finish up tours
-Regional Campus meeting will take place at Ashtabula on April 21
-Discussion of Combined College Update funding
University Collaborations (KW)
-Workshop series, 6 sessions, $25 for all sessions(even members), seeking funding from a variety of sources, some talk of gifts for session facilitators, all sessions on Friday to encourage faculty to attend
IV. Hardwiring Event on October 12
-Event will take place in the Governance Chambers
-Online registration/payment system is up and running
-47 signed up at this time, reminders will be sent out
V. Budget for 2010-2011
-All committees that requested funding were approved for all or a portion of their request
- $6900 was requested, $5300 was approved which leaves an estimated $4906 for 2011-2012
-Discussion of how much should be left in the budget from year to year
-Agreement around $1000 to be used for scholarships
VI. Student Success Programs partnership with KASADA
-$500 to send 15 KASADA members. It was decided against.
VII. New Business
-Trinidy broached the subject of nicer materials associated with KASADA.