Applying for Travel Assistance 2017



We need you to give us as much information as possible so that we can fully assess your child’s eligibility and need for travel assistance. We will use the London Borough of Brent’s Policy for Travel Assistance for Children and Young People 2013 in order to make this assessment. You can find a copy of this policy on Brent’s website at (‘eligibility criteria for travel assistance’).


Travel Assistance doesn’t always mean the Local Authority provides transport; there are other forms of assistance that can be offered. The Local Authority may be able to pay you a mileage allowance (currently 40p per mile) or the money to purchase an adult travel bus pass (Oyster) which can be used other than for travel to school, if this is of interest to you please indicate when answering the questions on the application form. Whilst you may express a preference for mileage / Oyster reimbursement, consideration in agreeing to this, must ensure the efficient use of Council resources.

Promoting Independence

We are asking for information about your child’s needs including their ability to use public transport because this can be an important part of a young person’s independence training. Younger children obviously will need to be accompanied, but older children may benefit from travel training to eventually be able to use public transport on their own, and we may be able to help you with this. There are accredited travel training programmes to enable pupils to develop the skills needed for independent travel.

We seek to promote independence for all pupils where possible. It is recognised that travelling to school as independently as possible is a valuable experience for young people as they grow up. In order to do this, many young people with special needs may need extra training to help them to learn the skills required for greater independence. We work closely with schools to assess pupil’s independence skills and ability to travel independently.

Assessment Details

Eligibility for travel assistance will differ according to the age and needs of the pupil. Each individual case will be given careful consideration. In general, councils would expect parents and carers to take responsibility for the travel arrangements for younger pupils and for most older pupils either to walk to school or access to free travel on public buses, where available, and to develop their independent travel skills where appropriate.

We are asking for details of everyone who lives in the family home, because we need to ascertain other responsibilities you may have which may impact on your application for assistance with transport for your child with special educational needs. For example, you may have younger children to care for, or you may be working and your hours of employment may mean that you have to leave your child or children in the care of another adult.

Details of special arrangements that may be necessary for your child will help us to ensure that we are offering the right kind of assistance for your child. We know that every child is different, and we want to be able to make sure that your child is not disadvantaged by the provision that we make.

If you have exceptional circumstances which you want us to take into account then you will need to include documentary evidence to support this. For example, if you quote a medical condition, you will need to provide a letter or report from your Consultant, confirming your condition and setting out how this affects your ability to travel with your child; if you are attending a college or other long-term training course, you will need to provide a letter from your course tutor confirming the days and times you are required to attend.

From time to time, your needs as a family may change and this may affect your child’s entitlement to travel assistance. Please let us know immediately if there are any changes in your family circumstances which you feel may need to be considered.

If you are unsure or require any assistance in the completion of this form, please contact:

Duncan Matthews, Independent Travel Programme Manager,

Special Education Needs Assessment Service, Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ. Tel: 020 8937 6786 ~ Mobile: 07538 661 325


1.  Decisions and Types of Travel Assistance

1.1  Decisions on travel assistance:

Pupils may be entitled to have access to Authority-provided transport in accordance with the statutory guidance definition of eligibility on the basis of an assessment of their individual needs. Where a pupil has a statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan, decisions on entitlement to transport assistance will be taken at the time the school placement is agreed. Consideration will be given as to whether the pupil is able to access free public transport, supervised or unaccompanied; is able walk to a designated pick up point if public transport is not appropriate; or needs to be collected from home. Parents/carers are responsible for escorting their child to the vehicle.

1.2 Transport costs for children and young people with EHC plans;

Relevant legislation: Section 30 of the Children and Families Act 2014 and Schedule 2(14) of the SEND Regulations 2014.

The parents’ or young person’s preferred school or college might be further away from their home than the nearest school or college that can meet the child or young person’s SEN. In such a case, the local authority can name the nearer school or college if it considers it to be appropriate for meeting the child or young person’s SEN. If the parents prefer the school or college that is further away, the local authority may agree to this but is able to ask the parents to provide some or all of the transport funding.

1.3 Assistance with travel may be provided in the following ways:

·  An additional travel pass for a parent/carer to accompany a child to school on public transport.

·  Reimbursement of journeys made to school by public transport not covered by free travel or Oyster card.

·  Reimbursement of fuel based on mileage claims submitted by parents/carers from agreed Brent addresses to the child’s school.

·  Provision of a seat on a vehicle from a pick-up point, for mornings, afternoons, on certain days of the week; every day of the week. (Arrangements must be confirmed in advance.)

·  Provision of a seat on a vehicle from home to school mornings, afternoons, on certain days of week; every day of week. (Arrangements must be confirmed in advance.)

·  Reimbursement of taxi costs. (Arranged by prior agreement with parent/carer.)

·  Combinations of the above arrangements.

·  Travel training for pupils as appropriate, by an adult travel trainer, who meet expected standards of training and have been approved in that role by the Authority.

Special Education Needs Assessment Service,
Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way,
Wembley, HA9 0FJ
Tel: 020 8937 6786 ~ Fax: 020 8937 3222 / OFFICE USE ONLY
APPROVED: / Yes: No:
Application for Travel Assistance for Pupils with SEN 2016/17


Pupil’s Surname: / Pupil’s Forename:
Date of Birth: dd/mm/yyyy / School
Year: / Sex: Male: Female:
Home Address:
Post Code:
(This must be the address where your child permanently resides.)
Parent’s Surname: / Parent’s Forename:
Title: / Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / OTHER (please specify)
Telephone: Daytime ______Mobile ______
In case of emergency or lock out
2nd Mobile: ______
2nd Address: ______
Name and address of school/college for which travel assistance is required:
Full time: Part time: Please specify hours of attendance From: To:
Date of admission to school/college: dd/mm/yyyy / Date assistance required: dd/mm/yyyy
Please note that assistance may take a minimum of 14 days to authorise and arrange.
Does the pupil have special educational needs? / Yes No
If yes, please tick SEN stage / Statement of SEN or Education, Health and Care Plan
School Action Plus (under assessment)


Please note that evidence, e.g. Consultants letter, may be required to support any medical statement made to any or all of the following questions.

Is your child reliant on a wheelchair/buggy? Yes: No:
Wheelchair Buggy Make and Model: ______
Is this always, or sometimes? Always Sometimes
Can your child move from a wheelchair to a car or bus seat? Yes: No:
If yes, Does the w/c fold? Yes: No:
Does your child need a booster seat? Yes: No:
For safety reasons the make and model of the buggy/wheelchair is needed and no transport can be agreed until this information is received.
Does your child have any medical and/or physical conditions that prevents them from walking unaided? Yes: No:
If yes, please give details:
Is the pupil’s special educational needs or disability such that s/he is unable to walk or use public transport, even if accompanied? Yes: No:
If yes, please give details:
If no, can you confirm if your child ever travels on Public Transport: Yes: No:
If yes, are they accompanied: Sometimes: Always:
Does your child have any behaviours associated with their SEN/Disability which may impact on their transport need? Yes: No:
Behaviours may include running, verbal or physical aggression, spitting, scratching or biting.
If yes, please describe how this affects your child.
Does your child have any of the following or any other medical condition that requires regular medication and/or intervention by a medical professional e.g. suctioning for a tracheostomy?
Yes: No:
Please give details of the condition including how often and at what times they are required to take their medication :
Epilepsy: Diabetes: Asthma: Severe Allergy (specify):
Auditory Processing Difficulties (Noisy environments) :
Sensory Difficulties (Light Sensitivity): Other (specify):
Please note that transport staff will not administer medication to passengers, in an emergency an ambulance will be called and you will be contacted.
Has your child ever suffered seizures? Yes: No:
If yes, how often, for what duration, what type of seizure and what are the signs?
Does your child exhibit any significant behaviour which will impact on their ability to access/wait at a Pickup Point, even if accompanied? Yes: No:
If yes, please specify.
If transport is agreed you will be required to bring your child
from your front door to the vehicle on morning journeys and
similarly on the afternoon journeys you will be required to
bring your child from the vehicle to your front door.
Describe any assistance required en route. Include any special needs/medical or behavioural issues that would cause discomfort to your child or fellow travellers.


How does your child currently travel to school?
Please give details:
Please list details of adults who form part of the household, including siblings over 16 yrs:
If your child is considered eligible for travel assistance are you, or another responsible member of the household e.g. husband/wife, partner, grandparents, older siblings:
a)  willing to accompany your child on public transport if an adult Oyster card is provided?
Yes: No:
b)  willing to transport your child to and from school if a mileage allowance was paid?
Yes: No:
If no to any/all of the above, please give an explanation as to why this would not be possible:
Do you currently have any other children? Yes: No:
If yes, please provide details of ALL siblings below. For those that attend school/nursery, please include their date of birth and the name and address of their school or nursery.
If you feel that there are exceptional circumstances in your case which need to be taken into account, please provide details in the space below. Please continue on a separate sheet if there is insufficient space here.
(Please note that if you have provided any medical reasons, evidence will be required to support your statement above e.g. Consultant’s letter.)


Please read this declaration carefully before you sign and date it.

·  I certify that I am the person with parental responsibility for the child named and that the information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

·  I understand that any false or deliberately misleading information given on this form, or in support of this application, or any relevant information withheld, may render this application invalid and could lead to the withdrawal of assistance. I confirm that the information I have given on this form is correct and complete, and I agree that Special Education Needs Assessment Service can check other council records to confirm the information provided.

·  I know I must let Special Education Needs Assessment Service know immediately about any changes in circumstances which may affect my eligibility to travel assistance.

·  I understand that if as a result of the assessment I am offered transport on a vehicle for my child, it will be my responsibility to ensure that I, or my designated responsible adult, must be available to receive my child when they are dropped off from school at the designated drop off point/home.

·  I accept that if no-one is at the designated drop off point/home to receive my child, he/she may be taken to a safe place arranged with Social Care and that I will need to collect him/her from there. I understand that I may then be liable for any additional costs incurred. If I am unavoidably delayed I will contact Brent Transport Service to let them know my estimated time of arrival.

Please make sure the information is true and complete. If you have any doubts about how to fill in this form, please contact us or your school’s parent liaison officer.


Please return the completed form and any additional evidence to:
Independent Travel Programme Manager, Special Education Needs Assessment Service,
Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ
Tel: 020 8937 6786 ~ Fax: 020 8937 3222 ~ Mobile: 07538 661 325

Please note that assistance may take a minimum of 5 days to arrange.