Please read, discuss and initial each section. Then sign the bottom and return this form to your teacher. Consent remains valid throughout your student’s K-5 experience with Green Hope Elementary School or until a new form is completed and signed by a parent/guardian and eligible student.

Hello GHE families,

We are very excited to have your child’s class piloting the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program beginning on April 11, 2016. BYOD is a growing national trend and it has come to Wake County! The school-wide program will be implemented slowly starting next Fall. This program allows your child to bring their own technology that can be linked to the BYOD WiFi into the classroom. This includes, but is not limited to, a laptop, any tablet, and any e-Reader that has the capability to link to the BYOD WiFi network. No gaming systems will be allowed in the classroom. Use of the technology will be integrated meaningfully into lessons which will include research, assessments, interactive collaboration, instruction, and final products from project-based learning opportunities.

Prior to having students bring in their device, we are having an informational meeting for parents on Wednesday, April 6, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the GHE Media Center.

We will walk you through the steps of setting up the BYOD WiFi, so if possible, please bring the intended device you are willing to let your child bring to school.

Many questions will be answered at the information session, however, two key questions are:

1. Q: Does my child have to have a device?

A: Absolutely not -- this is a family’s choice!

2. Q: If my child does not have a device, will s/he still be able to participate in technology learning experiences?

A: Absolutely -- just as s/he is now!

We look forward to exploring this new educational opportunity with you and your child!

The BYOD Team

Student’s Initials / Parent’s Initials / GHE BYOD SOARing Expectations
Safety First...Show Self Control!
Students must immediately comply with teacher’s requests.
  1. Close the screen or shutdown devices immediately when asked.
  2. Use only apps, files or Internet sites approved by the teachers.
  3. Do not print without permission.
  4. No personal texting or email (not even between parent and child).

Only your best...Own a Positive Attitude! Set a good example for others.
  1. Share your knowledge and skills with others.
  2. Be patient with your device and when completing tasks.

Act Responsibly...Take good care of your device at all times!
  1. Do not leave your device on campus after school.
  2. Keep it in your backpack when it’s not being used.
  3. Do not share your device with other students.
  4. Place it securely on a desk, table or in your lap while it’s being used
  5. If inappropriate material appears on your screen, notify and show your teacher (not classmates) immediately.
Parents, if students forget devices at home, please do not drop them off later at school. Devices will NOT be accepted after the start of our school day.
Respect Everyone...yourself, others and our environment!
  1. Respect and protect the privacy of others. Do not take or post photographs/videos of any person on campus to public or social networking sites for personal reasons.
  2. Do not bring a device to school or use a site with a known virus.
  3. Devices are only allowed to be connected to the WCPSS BYOD network. No other network is to be used while at GHE.

Students are expected to follow the WCPSS student conduct policy and Student Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources policy. Any violation is considered unethical and may result in the loss of technology privileges at school, as well as other disciplinary action. Administration reserves the right to collect and examine any device if the situation warrants. BYOD privilege can be revoked.

Policy 3225 - Technology Responsible Use

Student First and Last Name: ______

Parent Signature: ______
