Sydney Cove Rotary Club

International Committee Meeting Friday 11thAugust 2006


1. Apologies

John King, Cordula Hohnen-Behrens, Beulah Warren, Neils Warren, Simon Knight, Ramon Bullock

2. Club Website Training

Secretary Derek White joined the meeting to discuss the Club’s new website and its potential for contact with members, as well as a useful tool for the promotion of programmes to the Club and also the wider community.

3. Budgets

Greg Prowse, Director for Projects, attended the meeting and spoke on the allocation of funds through the 2006/2007 Budget. Allocations have been halved but projects will still be funded based on their merit and the availability of the required funds.

4. Solomon Islands – Boot-Up Cafe May 2007

Geoff Appleton, assisted by Cordula Hohnen-Behrens, is in the process of arranging a meeting with Trevor Garland and with Lil from St Vincent’s Hospital regarding the placement of a “Bootup Café” linked to the hospital in S.I.

The meeting suggested that various venues, including those linked to libraries benefiting from books from the Ranfurly Library or through missionary schools, and key SI contacts be considered. It was resolved to further review this after the September 12 meeting.

Further consideration is also needed regarding the suitability of a “Bootup Café” in SI and also maintaining an awareness of meeting specific SI needs.

5. Solomon Islands – Mentoring

Paul Ward-Harvey reported that there are also difficulties with the SI mentoring scheme, although he recently has received two responses from the Rotary Club of Honiara indicating that they were considering the mentoring proposal and that they planned to further contact Paul in the near future.

6. Solomon Islands Support - Gizo Electrical

Electrical upgrade is continuing in SI with the changeover contact and the generator functioning well. Mick Willis (Vic.) has played a key role in this and he will also be returning to SI in near future to review the Gizo electrical and to advise.

The Head of Maintenance at GizoHospital (Billicky) recently died and this may have an effect on the standard of ongoing maintenance.

There have also been some difficulties with the hospital administration and these may also relate to the development of the new hospital building and the perception that no further money should be allocated to the old hospital.

The generator on Taro is not working and this is probably due to the cost of fuel. Dennis Smith to contact AUSAID to discuss this problem and also the possibility of using alternative fuel sources.

It is conceivable that the mentoring programme could be linked in with the need for skill development in maintenance, particularly electrical.

7. Additional Solomon Islands Project – BabangaIsland (RDU –RC of Brisbane Planetarium)

Resolved to focus on a Rotary Club of Sydney Cove initiative and to explore that possibility for early 2007. Also encourage members’ interest and involvement in FAIM and RAWCS projects.

8. Group Study Exchange

Nothing to report

9. Ranfurly Library

Rufus Wolfson advised that he is endeavouring to assist Ranfurly Library on Thursdays and also is keen to have other Club members join him.

It was resolved to approach David Brawn with a proposal that there be a regular bi-monthly (possibly Saturdays) involvement of Club members at Ranfurly.


As above.

11. Spectacles & Stamps

Alan Tait agreed to liaise with Simon Knight regarding the collection of spectacles and stamps at Club meetings.

Rufus indicated that he would have contact with the leading city optometrists in the hope of gaining further donations.

Narelle Hine, Optometrist in Gateway Quayside, has provided a considerable quantity of spectacles and has indicated that she is keen to provide more if we can arrange to collect them. She felt that other city optometrists could be similarly interested.

12. Mosquito Nets

Nothing to report

13. Ambassadorial Scholar Nomination

Geoff, Bruce Hill and Robert interviewed an Ambassadorial Scholarship candidate, Kamala Truelove, last Friday, after she attended the Club meeting. They reported that she made a very positive impression, especially through her work with the Community Relations Commission for a Multicultural NSW, the lead agency promoting the benefits of cultural diversity in the State. She is keen to study at the Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, University of Bristol (UK).

There will be no cost to the Club and the Board, through President Fiona, has supported her nomination for District consideration (currently four other applications have been received by District).

13. Further Business

Andy Buttfield reported on his recent trip to Baniyala, stating that there had been both positive and negative outcomes. The Committee commended Andy on his outstanding achievements and encouraged him to make a full presentation at an upcoming Club Meeting.

(The Baniyala project is not an International Service project and Andy reports directly to the Projects Director)

Next Meeting to be held on Friday September 8th, 2006.

Robert Lee – International Chairman 11.08.06