Please provide information about your organization

1. Organization Name: Japan NGO Network for Education (JNNE)

2. Organization Grant/Program Contact Person: Plan Japan/ Naoko Shiroya

3. Email Address:

4. Mailing Address: 11F Sun Towers Center Bldg. 2-11-22, Sangenjaya, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-8545, Japan

5. Organization Phone Number: 81 (3) 5481 0030

Please provide information about your project

  1. Provide a brief description of the activities for which you seek support, including but not limited to, the number of participants you expect to reach.

Student free tickets project of He Named Me Malala is to encourage school students tosee HE NAMED ME MALALA and to cultivate understanding of the importance of girl’s education, Malala and Malala Fund’s activities by offering student free tickets to school teachers. We projected that 100 schools would apply and 30 – 40 students per school would see the movie. The total participants are 1,500 students.

JNNE(Japan NGO Network for Education) is handling the project in cooperation with Fox Japan. JNNE is a coalition of 28 Japanese NGOs working for education development in developing countries, and a member of Global Campaign for Education(GCE). It conducts The Biggest Class Room Program at more than 700 schools for a better understanding of educational situation in developing countries. JNNE plans to contain HE NAMED ME MALALA into the program next spring.

As an action campaign, we will ask schools/teachers who will receive tickets have to submit comments about the movie and works of Malala to email to the project operation center after the screening.

  1. Please provide a timeline of activities and/or milestones for this project.

Emailsent out to school teachers: Dec 8*

Deadline of apply ticket via Moviticket online: Dec 10**

Report :Log should be send by the end of this year (TBD)

Clearance timing: TBD

* Database mainly: Junior high, High school and collage who have participated The Biggest Class Room Program.

**Movieticket is pre-sales tickets so that apply should be before the opening.

**However, students can use e-ticket whenever they want to come to a theater.

  1. Please indicate the amount requested for the grant project (in USD)

The total budget is $14,625 USD *exchange rate: $1 = 120yen

  1. Please provide a Grant Budget which details how the funds will be allocated:

Type of Cost / Detailed Description of Item / Total USD Requested
Program Costs (for this grant specifically)
Ticket costs / @$7.5 x 1,500 tickets at maximum / $11,250
Administrative Costs (for this grant specifically)
Call Center / Personal costs for 2 staff and office supply cost (phone, fax) / $1,250
Office supply costs / Phone, fax, mailing costs / $833
System costs / Modifying system for the program / $1,292
Staffing Costs (for positions dedicated to this program only)
TOTAL / $14,625