
H.E. the Governor of Huila,


Request for Space for Pastoralism in the Gado

As pastoralists of the Municipal District of Gambos, we are very concerned about the question of the enclosure of the Bicuar National Park. The borders of this park had been drawn in the interest of the Portuguese colonial government, with little or nothing to do with the interests of the Angolans.

The consequences of the enclosure of the Tunda dos Gambos, for us, are so cruel that it compromises our own human existence, whereas cattle are the source of our livelihood. Our cattle can die from the lack of access to the grass.

We want to present here some clear truths and observations:

1º - We do not want treatment different from the farmers who only occupy great expanses of land. Many buy land as supposed farms, which they later sell. Some of these farms are not legalized. And we are the ones who suffer from this type of practice and want it to end.

2º - We do not want to live by accumulation for commerce of the farms and, because we also want to protect our cattle and the respective grass.

3º - We do not want the destruction of our communities; that is what we fought against the colonizer for.

4º - The administrator of the Gambos threatened our "King" and some companions on 14 July 2010, in order to intimidate the communities. We will not go in silence, as we are citizens of this country like everybody else.

5º - The administrator of the Gambos impedes the preparation and the transmigration of the cattle and threatens all those who insist on engaging in pastoral activity in the Tunda dos Gambos.

6º - We practice the pastoral since the colonial time and we always live in our original lands and it is not the independence that should cause us to move them.

7º - In the area where they [the administration] intend to move us with our cattle are 1,500 meters from Mulola, where the grass is poor.

8º - The administrator supposedly guarantees 40,000 hectares of land inside the park for grazing. However, access to that land this piece of land will be forbidden except in difficult cases. However, we do not understand what the administrator considers to be "difficult cases."

9º - By force of habit, the cattle to run out of their habitual migration areas.

10º - Worried about this situation, about 58 (fifty-eight) of us requested a meeting with the municipal administrator of the Gambos on 3 September 2010 (Friday). He did not accept to receive us, or to know of our concerns.

Mr. Governor;

Since the municipal administrator in did not want to receive us, under articles 1º, 7º, 14º, 15º,2º, 21º and 22º of the Constitution of the Republic of Angola, we prefers to submit this letter to you, Mr. Governor, so that our concerns are addressed in the interest of our stability and for the protection of our cattle, which are our only means of survival.

Thus, we request:

(a) To create an enclosure or fence for the park so as to prevent harm to our communities and our cattle;

(b) That the enclosure run from a point 17 km beyond Mulola, guaranteeing the migration of cattle so that the enclosure include the zone to accommodate the cattle proceeding from Kunene, Namibe and Huila. We also we intend to keep the culture of our ancestors;

(c) That it be authorized for us to prepare the grass for the migration; and in the final analysis;

(d) That Your Excellency grant [us] a hearing in order to present live witness to voice our concerns.

Finally, we close with thanks for your already reasonable contribution in resolving resolution them our problems since "most important thing is to resolve the problems of the people."

Pastoral community of the Gambos, 14 September 2010.


(Signatures in annex)


- H.E. Mr. President of the Republic of Angola

- Secretary-General of MPLAS

- Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

- President of the National Assembly

- Minister of Administration of the Territory

- Members of Parliament from the Province of Huíla

- First Secretary of the MPLA, Huíla

- Administrator of the Gambos Municipal District

- Instituto de Geodesia e Cartografia de Angola

- Ninth Commission of the National Assembly

- Leaders of opposition parties sitting in Parliament

- Provincial Police Chief of Huila

- Soba Provincial