Please forward any matters relating to the Minutes below to: THE CLERK TO THE ACADEMY COUNCIL - ELIZABETH JAHN


Held at the Academy on Tuesday 6 December 2016 at 6.00pm


The meeting wasnoted to be quorate / Mandy Milsom (Executive Principal, Acting Chair)
Jan Saunders (Principal)
Brian Atkins
Jane Price
Laura Walder
Martyn Poole / Lynn Pennington
Ali Martin
Suzanne Blackwell (Attendee)
Lyne Ovens (Academy Business Manager)
Elizabeth Jahn (Clerk)
1 / Welcome & Apologies
The Acting Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, particularly Suzanne Blackwell who was now in a position to re-join the Academy Council. Apologies were received and accepted from Brigid Allen, Lucy Hudd and Noelle Rumball.
2 / Declarations of Interest
Councillors were reminded of their responsibility to declare interests; none were noted that had not previously been declared.
3 / Developing Councillor Questioning Skills
Members welcomed this additional Agenda item as it was agreed that it would be useful for the Academy Council (AC) to start the meeting by considering key questions that needed to be explored following a review of the documents distributed for the meeting.
4 / Minutes of Previous Meeting & Matters Arising
The Minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record. There were no matters arising that were not already included on the Agenda.
5 / Finance Including The Nest
The finance papers were distributed; the Academy Business Manager (ABM) provided an update on variances in over and underspends since the budget was approved. Councillors were pleased to note that there had been a further increase in the projected end of year surplus due to cost savings resulting from a secondment arrangement. Councillors discussed whether the Academy was in a position to invest in any capital projects in light of the increased projections and agreed that it would be beneficial for the ABM to explore the costs of capital works that had already been identified, eg refurbishment of the toilets in Key Stage 2 (KS2) and to bring recommendations to the next meeting.
Action: The ABM to explore costs of identified capital works and bring recommendations to the next meeting.
Action: The NEST finance papers to be distributed together with the Academy’s finance papers for future meetings.
Councillors discussed pupil numbers and asked if the Academy had explored barriers to pupils applying; the Principal confirmed that when she inputted postcodes into the Local Authority’s (LA) website for schools in the area, Frome Vale Academy was located quite low down the list of schools, even though there was minimal distance to separate the entries. / LO
Councillors agreed that the Academy would need to continue to try to raise the profile of the Academy including ensuring that highway signs were prominent in the area (where possible). It was agreed that the ABM should contact the LA’s Planning Department to take forward reinstalling the signpost on the roundabout near to the Academy.
Action: The ABM to take forward installing the highway sign with the LA’s Planning Department.
Ali Martin provided an overview of the budget for The NEST; Councillors noted that there were cost implications due to additional support brought into The NEST however, this would support The NEST promoting its work and generating potential new income. Ali Martin highlighted the income that had already been generated through places sought from outside Cabot Learning Federation (CLF) as well as Thrive training provided by Ali Martin, which was very positive. / LO
6 / Site/Legal/Health & Safety Including:
6.1The Nest
The ABM provided an overview of the discussions at the earlier Health & Safety Committee meeting; Councillors noted that the next health and safety audit would be carried out in January, although after the next Committee meeting. It was hoped that given the actions carried out and measures implemented since the last audit, that the outcome would be ‘good’.
6.2Risk Register Update
Councillors were pleased to note that the format of the register had been updated and asked if it was now up-to-date in terms of content including for The NEST; the Principal confirmed that it was and The NEST had been included with the risk largely in relation to ensuring that the provision was financially sustainable.
Action: The updated risk register to be distributed for the next meeting.
6.3Risk Assessment Reviews for Noting
Councillors were pleased to note that the risk assessment review schedule document had been updated and distributed prior to the meeting; Councillors asked for clarity regarding the colour coding within the document; the Principal provided an explanation of the scheme, which identified risk assessments that were due to be updated as well as risk assessments that had not been updated but still reflected the Academy’s practice and expectations. The Principal confirmed that this document would be monitored and updated on a regular basis and distributed to the AC with the meeting papers in future.
[Lyne Ovens left the meeting.]
Councillors asked if a risk assessment had been carried out in terms of staffing, eg how the Academy would mitigate the impact of staff absence; the Principal confirmed that it had. Councillors also asked whether this had been carried out by The NEST; Ali Martin confirmed that it had.
6.4Safeguarding Update Including on Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Checks for New Councillors
Action: The status of DBS checks to be brought to the next meeting. / JS
7 / HR & Well-being Including:
7.1The NEST
A staffing update had been included in the Principal’s Report; there was nothing further to note at this time.
7.2Sickness/Vacancies Reporting
An update had been included in the Principal’s Report.
7.3Other HR Risks (if applicable)
There was nothing significant to report at this time.
8 / The NEST Report Including:
8.1Improvement Plan Update
The Improvement Plan had previously been distributed; Ali Martin provided a comprehensive overview of The NEST provision and how the priorities would support ensuring that provision was financially sustainable; a risk identified earlier in the meeting.
Councillors asked if the Academy was at risk in terms of funding should those pupils at The NEST secure places in a more appropriate setting; the Principal confirmed that there could be an impact if the places were not filled; Councillors agreed that this would need to be monitored, particularly if it placed the Academy at high risk in terms of funding levels.
Councillors also asked if The NEST was impacted by attendance issues; Ali confirmed that in some cases, it was, however, The NEST was working with the individual families to support improved attendance. Councillors also asked if The NEST was responsible for travel costs for pupils’ Ali confirmed that it was not as the funding for travel costs was provided by the LA or by the school seeking the placement for their pupil.
Councillors further asked if the development of age-appropriate Literacy and Mathematical skills were built into the curriculum; Ali Martin confirmed that they were although these were areas identified for further development.
Councillors agreed that it would be useful to receive an evaluation of The NEST’s Improvement Plan and The NEST provision in general at the next meeting and asked this to be provided.
Action: An evaluation of The NEST to be provided at the next meeting. / AM
9 / Principal’s Report Including:
9.1Pupil Progress Update Including The NEST
The report had previously been distributed together with the CLF Primaries Blackbox for Term 1, the 2016-2017 CPOMS Data Terms 1 & 2, Expectations of Books, the self-evaluation form (SEF) and the Academy Improvement Plan (AIP); the Principal provided an overview of the contents. Councillors discussed the report and asked if the ‘expectations of books’ document was useful; the Principal confirmed that it was and it would support consistency across the Academy.
Councillors were particularly pleased to note the current attendance level including attendance of The NEST and congratulated the Academy on their hard work to support good attendance.
Councillors were also pleased to note that the recent Parents Evening was well-attended. The Principal confirmed that the feedback from parents/carers was in the process of being reviewed, however, one area already identified for further exploration was how the AC could raise its profile as parents/carers knowing who the AC members were scored lower than the other questions. It was agreed that the AC should, where possible, attend events at the Academy; it was also suggested that a ‘meet and greet’ event could be incorporated into the AC’s Immersion Day in Term 5.
Action: The Chair to take forward planning the Immersion Day with the Principal.
9.2Pupil Premium Review (to Shadow Internal Academy Review)
Councillors asked if the progress data suggested that there was an issue with teacher assessments; the Principal confirmed that it did not, the data analysis was not yet complete and it was expected that the picture would be more positive once the analysis had been carried out. Councillors asked if the ‘expectations of books’ would support driving forward pupil progress for Pupil Premium children; the Principal confirmed that it would.
The Principal highlighted the new CPOMS system which was used for data management; Councillors were informed that the system was very comprehensive and useful, however, it was still early days and the Academy needed to explore the system in more detail to ensure that the information generated was useful and provided an accurate reflection of the subject being analysed. Councillors asked what was meant by this; the Principal advised that some of the information needed to be broken down into sub-sections to support more meaningful analysis.
Councillors asked if the system was linked to The NEST; the Principal confirmed that it was. The Principal stated that there were some areas that had been identified that included incorrect information caused by human error, which skewed the information; the Principal would be reviewing the content to ensure that it was accurate as well as identifying where labels needed to be retitled to ensure that the meaning was easier to understand as this would reduce the number of human errors.
Councillors asked if the system supported uploading an evidence trail where appropriate (eg emails, letters etc); the Principal confirmed that it did and this was particularly useful.
Councillors asked when the review of the funding would take place; the Principal confirmed that it would take place in the spring and the AC was welcome to attend the review.
Councillors also asked whether the Principal was confident that the disappointing outcomes in Reading last year would be addressed as a result of the strategies implemented to improve pupil progress; the Principal confirmed that she was and the data suggested that the interventions were having a positive impact. / BA & JP
Councillors asked if the penalty notices were having an impact on improving attendance; the Principal confirmed that the impact was minimal although there was one instance where the risk of a notice was advised to a parent and this prevented the absence taking place. The Principal advised that the biggest impact was the collaborative work between the Academy and the Education Welfare Officer (EWO).
9.3Scrutiny Review & Focus for the Year Ahead
The Executive Principal provided an overview of the scrutiny reviews and focus for the year ahead.
9.4Academy Improvement Plan (AIP): Focus on Attendance
This was discussed earlier in the meeting.
10 / Governance Including:
10.1Academy Council Membership
Councillors noted that a support staff Councillor needed to be appointed together with a Parent Councillor; the Principal was currently seeking nominations. There also remained an additional Sponsor Councillor vacancy although the AC was not required to fill this vacancy should an appropriate person not be identified.
There was nothing to report at this time.
10.3Academy Council Visits
The Named Councillor for Health & Safety had attended the earlier Health & Safety Committee meeting; there was nothing further to note at this time.
10.4Chair of Council Report to Councillors on Board Matters
There was nothing significant to report at this time.
10.5Policy Review
The list of Academy policies and review schedule had previously been distributed; Councillors noted the contents. Councillors also considered and agreed the following policies that had previously been distributed and reviewed by the Principal:
  • Behaviour & Bullying Policy
  • Complaints Policy
  • Lettings Policy
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Science Procedures
  • Sex & Relationships Education Policy
  • Staff Mobile Phone Protocols
  • Uniform Policy

11 / Strategic Developments Including:
There was nothing significant to report at this time.
11.2Significant Changes/Proposals
There was nothing significant to report at this time.
There was nothing significant to report at this time.
12 / Pupil Voice/Pupil Advocate
Lynn Pennington provided a summary of engagement with pupil voice since the last meeting.
13 / Equality & Diversity
There was nothing significant to note at this time.
14 / Matters for the Attention of the Board
There was nothing significant to note at this time.
15 / Any Other Business
There was no other business to consider.

Minutes agreed by the Academy Council and signed by the Chair:

SIGNED:…………………………..…………………………………DATE:24 January 2017

Forthcoming AC Meeting Dates 2016-2017

Tuesday 24 January 2017 (6.00-8.00pm)

Tuesday 25 April 2017 (3.00-4.00pm, AC Immersion Day)

Tuesday 13 June 2017 (6.00-8.00pm)

Tuesday 18 July 2017 (6.00-7.00pm: SATS headline outcomes)

Frome Vale Academy ACM Minutes Term 2 - 06 Dec 2016.docx - Page 1 of 5Approval (Initials) …………..