
Thank you for taking part in this world-wide survey on good educational and administrative practice in teaching people with dyslexia. The information you provide will be reported at the World Dyslexia Forum February 4th, 2010 to which national teacher-trainer decision makers are officially invited.

Page 2: Definitions of dyslexia

Page 3: The questionnaire

Please fill the questionnaire in by typing directly into this Word document.

This document is set up so that there is no space limit to entries.


Definition of dyslexia by the World Federation of Neurology - a non-governmental organisation in association with the World Health Organisation (WHO):

‘A disorder manifested by difficulty learning to read, despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence and socio-cultural opportunity. It is dependent upon fundamental cognitive disabilities which are frequently of constitutional origin’.

Dyslexia International description:

Dyslexia is a neurologically based condition which is often inherited.

It results in problems with

— reading

— writing

— spelling

and usually goes with difficulties in

— concentration

— short term memory

— organisation.

Dyslexia is NOT the result of stupidity.

Nor is dyslexia the result of

— poor schooling

— poor home background

— lack of wanting to learn

— poor sight, poor hearing or poor muscle control

- although it may occur with these conditions.

‘Dyslexic learners have many talents that just don’t happen to include reading and writing.’ Professor John Stein, Chair, Dyslexia International Scientific Advisory Committee

The Questionnaire

1 — Language constraints

Are there specific linguistic features in your language that might make it more difficult for people with dyslexia to read and write?

Please type here:

2 — Is literacy encouraged throughout society – in education for girls, boys, men and women alike?

Please type here:

2b — Economic and social considerations: at this time are there circumstances that prohibit people from learning to read and write in your country?

Please type here:

3 — Is dyslexia officially recognized as a handicap? If so, does this entail rights for people with dyslexia?

Please type here:

4 — Discovering dyslexia in the individual student: Are there official assessment procedures?

Please type here:

5 — Do the education authorities collaborate with researchers, teachers, inspectors, people with dyslexia and their families to address the educational needs of dyslexic learners?

Please type here:

6 — Can you provide examples of:

— matching teaching styles to learners’ needs?

Please type here:

— the teacher as collaborator?

Please type here:

— methodologies that succeed in helping people with dyslexia to read and write?

Please type here:

— the use of age- and culturally-appropriate learning resources?

Please type here:

7 — What methods do your teachersuse for developing memory?

Please type here:

8 — What methods are used for developing phonological skills?

Please type here:

9 — How are children encouraged to learn?

Please type here:

10 — What appropriate teaching environments and approachesdo you consider work well for children with dyslexia?

Please type here:

11 — Please give examples of how you develop talents of individual students.

Please type here:

12 — Further comments on good practice

Please type here:

Thank you for filling in this questionnaire.

Please return it to Dyslexia Internationalat the WDF mailbox
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