American Pageant Chapter 13 Part I pp. 256-265
1. What two events shattered the Era of Good Feelings?
2. What two new political parties had formed by the 1830s?
3. What happened to voter turnout from 1824 to 1840?
4. How were the four candidates in 1824 divided, if not by party? (not stated directly in your text.)
5. What was Andrew Jackson’s campaign theme in the Election of 1824?
6. Why did the election go to the House of Representatives to be decided?
7. How did Henry Clay influence the outcome of the election?
8. What were ALL the reasons Clay supported Adams, not Jackson?
9. What did Jackson’s supporters claim Clay had been promised in return for his support?
“Corrupt bargain”
10. How did the new democratic public view this type of agreement?
11. What personal characteristics made Adams such an unpopular president?
12. What were Adams views on patronage?
Patronage/ spoils system
13. What were Adams’ nationalistic proposals?
14. Why was the South opposed to them?
15. Why was Adams position on the Cherokee so unpopular?
16. What two divisions appeared in the Republican Party by 1825?
Old Hickory
17. To what extent did Jackson fit the image of the “frontier farmer” he depicted in the campaign?
18. What were the “mudslinging” charges made against Jackson’s mother and his wife Rachel?
19. In what way was the electoral map of 1828 similar to the electoral map of 1796?
20. In what ways was Jackson a “first” as president?
21. In what way was Jackson a symbol of the West?
22. Why did his inauguration horrify traditional elites?
“King Mob”
23. On what grounds did Jackson defend the Spoils System?
24. What problems with the Spoils System did Samuel Swartwout point out?
25. How did the Spoils System affect the new party system?
26. Which region benefits most from high tariffs?
27. Before gaining the presidency, why did Jackson support a higher tariff?
Tariff of Abominations (1828)
28. What was the underlying issue in the tariff debate?
John C. Calhoun
29. How did Calhoun’s political position change in the late 1820s and early 1830s?
South Carolina Exposition
30. What principle did Calhoun adopt from the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions?
31. Did the Tariff of 1832 help or hurt Calhoun’s campaign for nullification? Explain.
32. What was the significance of the Palmetto cockade? (p. 263)
33. What did the South Carolina special convention do in 1832?
34. When faced with nullification, did Jackson choose to support Union power or states’ rights?
35. What did Jackson privately threaten to do?
Force Bill
36. Who helped to make a compromise in the Nullification Crisis?
Compromise Tariff of 1833
37. What happened to support for nullification within SC?
38. Who came out of the dispute looking like a hero?
39. How was the Compromise of 1833 similar to the Missouri Compromise?