Post Results Services 2017

Please discuss any concerns about your results with a member of staff.

There are a number of services available from exam boards to respond to any issues you have about the results you have received. If you are considering any of the following or have any similar concerns then these services may be of use to you:

  • I’m happy my grades are ok but I would like to get my script back to see how I can improve in the future.
  • I’m concerned my mark could be wrong and want to get it checked.
  • My score is very close to a boundary for a higher grade but I want to see my script before I decide whether or not to request a remark.
  • My University place depends on a remark improving my grade.

Depending on your concern different services might be appropriate. Charges do apply and you may be required to pay for these upfront. Please discuss any of the following options you may wish to consider with a member of staff who will support you in completing the relevant documentation and make you aware of any costs involved:

Priority Re-mark (deadline 24 August 2017)

An urgent application that will be looked at immediately can be made to obtain a remark if your place at university is dependent on the result.

There are three possible outcomes for remarks:

  • Your original mark is lowered so that your final grade may be lower than the original grade you received.
  • Your original mark is confirmed as correct and there is no change to your grade.
  • Your original mark is raised so that your final grade may be higher than the original grade you received.

Requesting a copy of your script (deadline 24 August 2017)

An urgent application can be made to obtain a copy of your script before deciding whether you wish to lodge an enquiry about your results. This service is not always available for GCSE. The awarding body should return scripts before the deadline for remarks.

Re-mark (deadline 21 September 2017)

The remarking of externally assessed components/units with access to scripts for GCE and GCSE subject examinations. The paper will be presented to a senior marker and remarked.

There are three possible outcomes for remarks:

  • Your original mark is lowered so that your final grade may be lower than the original grade you received.
  • Your original mark is confirmed as correct and there is no change to your grade.
  • Your original mark is raised so that your final grade may be higher than the original grade you received.

Clerical Re-check (deadline 21 September 2017)

Re-check of all clerical procedures, including checking the addition of the marks awarded. This does not mean a remark. The examination board will only add up the marks already awarded, not check that those marks are appropriate for the answer given.

Requesting Original Script (deadline 28 September 2017)

You will receive your original script back. You will NOT be able to apply for a remark if you have made a request for the original script to be returned.