Cambria County Transit Authority
Urban Division ◊ 502 Maple Avenue, Johnstown, PA 15901
Rural Division ◊ 1226 North Center St., P.O. Box 267, Ebensburg, Pa. 15931
Inclined Plane◊ 711 Edgehill Drive, Johnstown, Pa. 15905
06 / 15 / 15
Public Participation Process
General Purpose
Public participation is a necessaryandintegralpartof transit’s planningprocess. Thepublicparticipationprocess will provide earlyand continuinginvolvement; clear,accurate,and timelyinformation;full public access to citizens, public agencies,and segments ofthe communityaffectedbyproposed changes in transportation services provided by CamTran.
This documentcontains theCambria County Transit Authority(CamTran) public participationprocessthat will be followed.
1. AFare Increaseis defined as an increase in thebasic fare structure.Faredecreases arespecificallyexcluded.
2.Major ServiceReductionsaredefinedas decreases in service thatrepresent a net loss offifteen (15%) percent oftotal service miles orhours.
3.Route Modificationsare definedasachangein anyfixed-routetransit service thatexceedsfifteen(15%) percent ofthe total inboundand outbound trip mileage of aroute.
Implementing Procedures
Calculation of Service Miles/Hours Reductions
In determiningwhether this procedureapplies to aspecificservice reduction,CamTranshall calculateandcompare thetotalcurrentservice miles or hours to theproposedestimatedtotalservice miles or hours tobe providedafter reduced servicewould beimplemented.
Fare Increase
CamTranshall receive publiccomment on anyproposedfareincreasepriorto implementation. Anyincreasein fares shall be approvedbyCamTran’sExecutive Director and Controller. Upon approval, it shall be presented to the CamTran’s Board of Directors for finalapproval.If the fareincrease is approved,CamTranwillthenbegin theprocess of conductingpublic meetingsandsolicitingpubliccomments regardingthe proposedfareincrease.
A majorservice reduction shall beanyreduction in service miles or hoursexceedingfifteen(15%)percent of thetotal servicemiles or hours provided. Anymajor service reductionshall beapprovedbythe CamTran’sExecutive Director. Once approved by the Executive Director the following steps will be taken:
- Public meetings will be conducted
- Input and comment from Union members reviewed & considered.
- Evaluation and consideration of public comments received during public meeting
- Presentation of proposed changes/revisions to the CamTran Operations Committee
- CamTran Operations Committee presentation to the full CamTran Board of Directors for formal approval
Route Modifications
A routemodification shall be changedin anyfixed-routetransitservice that exceedsfifteen(15%)percent of thetotal inbound and outbound trip mileage of a route.
Route and/orschedule modifications occur primarilyfor several reasons:
- Public complaints
- Employee/operatorcomplaints
- On-time performance
- Overcrowdingof thebus
Route modificationsarereviewedbyCamTran’sScheduleCommittee; which iscomprised ofthe OperationsDirector,Operations Manager, abus operator, theMarketingDirector.Ifthe Schedule Committeedecides to moveforwardwith theroutemodifications, the recommendations are presented to the CamTran’s Board of Directorsforapproval.
Afterapprovalfrom theCamTran’s Board of Directors, CamTranwillbegin the process ofconductingpublic meetings andsolicitingpublic commentsregardingthe proposedroute modifications.
A public hearingfor fareincreases andmajorreductions shall be advertisedin a dailypublicationof generalcirculationatleast twenty(20) calendar days priorto conductingsuchhearingand shall be heldat a locationthat is accessibleto all interestedpersonsincludingpersons with disabilities andeasilyaccessedbypublictransportation.In addition to the advertisements,theuse of “rideralerts” andnotices will be posted on-board fixed-routeandparatransit vehicles whenandwherethe meeting will takeplace at least twenty(20) calendar days in advance of thescheduled public meetingdate.
An explanation ofthe content; alongwith thedate, time, andlocation ofthe meetings will bepublished alongwith theinstructions forsubmittingwritten comments;contactinformationforquestionsor additionalinformation; the duedate for thewritten comments.
Thepublicmeetingnoticewill bepublishedin the legalsection of at least one majornewspaper including one displayadin a publication servingminoritycommunities. Additionally, public meeting notices will be displayed in all vehicles as well as at the transit center leading up to the public meeting.
Outreach Efforts
CamTranstaffwill make efforts to includeaPowerPointgenerated document to aid in the assistingpassengers in understandingthe proposed changes. Copies of theexistingschedules and/or fares and proposedchangeswillbemadeavailableno less than twenty(20)calendar days in advance of the scheduled public hearingdate.
Inaddition to receivingpublic commentsfrom and educatingthose alreadyinterestedandinvolved,CamTranwillprovideoutreach to thecommunity. CamTran’sMarketingDirectorwillassess thegeneral publicsentimentbased on public comment from the public hearing.
Public Meetings
TheCambria County Transit Authority(CamTran)makesefforts to ensurethat schedulingandlocationsareaccessible to the public (this includes alocation near public transportation, atimewhen public transportation is available;aswellasanaccessiblebuilding/room forindividualswith disabilities).
Public informationmeetings will be held at acentral location to inform thepublicof theplanningprocess,solicitideas, input, and feedback. At least one (1) meetingwill take place in theeveningand/or on aweekend to accommodate thosewith traditional work schedules.Additionally, onemeetingwill be heldduringatraditional workdaytoaccommodate thosewhowork in theeveningsor weekends. The intent of holdinga public hearing at a centrallocation is to inform the public of the proposed changes and receive public comments based on the proposed changes.
Upon request, CamTran will provideinterpreters forthosewho do not speakEnglish,materials forindividualswith visual impairments, and signlanguage interpreters. Theavailabilityof these services willbementioned in public notices. Additionally, upon request CamTran will provide notices of public meetings to persons with a LEP. CamTran will be proactive and reach out to local agencies in an effort to accommodate persons with a LEP.
Documentationof Public Comment Responses
TheCambria CountyTransit Authorityshall documentcommentsreceived duringthecourseofthe public input process.CamTranshallalsodocument how theyresponded to thepubliccomments by mail or e-mail.
Comments received: Documentation ofcomments willbeaccomplished through recording thecomments based on the proposed changes. Documentationwillconsist ofmeetingminutes and any written comments that are received. A written summaryofcomments and responses shall be preparedto providethe feedbackto the public and will be available upon request. Results and suggested actions will be taken into consideration during the evaluation process and will be provided to the Operations Committee. Any suggested actions and/or comments will then be presented to the full Board for formal action.
Response tocomments:Response to comments received at the public hearing will be made at the public hearing. Written and/or e-mail comments received will be responded to in writing. Any comments requiring responses and/or Board action will be recorded and will be available upon request.
One (1) week priorto the implementation of the proposed changes,newrouteschedules/fare scheduleswill bemadeavailable to the public viaCamTran’swebsite( theTransit Center.
When the changesare implemented,CamTranwill be on site at the Transit Centerto provideinformation andassistanceto passengerswhomaynot be aware of thenew implemented changes.
Information regardingthe changeswill remain available to the public for a30-dayperiodbeyond the implementation of the changes.
Additional call takers shall be made available for a smooth transition.