A National facility established in 1951



Please contact us for quotation before sending the samples

(Please fill form, sign, print and submit hard copy/scanned hard copy)

Type of sample– Pure Culture/cloned plasmid DNA/PCR product

Pure Culture Type — Bacteria/ Fungi/ Yeasts/ Cyanobacteria/Microalgae/ etc—

DNA type- Purified Plasmid DNA from a recombinant clone

PCR product type- Purified/Non-purified/cycle-sequenced—

Ready to load type: Cycle sequenced and purified sample in hidi formamide

I] User’s information

Name of Principal Investigator / Scientist
Address for correspondence
Address for invoice/bill
(if different than above)
Contact information
(STD/ISD code) / Tel, Mobile / Fax / Email
Researcher’s information
(If different than PI)
Number of cultures/samples
Sent as slant/plate/stab/broth
Partial (500-600 bp) or
full length (1100-1200 bp)
Gene to be sequenced
(16S, ITS, 18S or other)
Payment details
(Amount in DD/other mode should match with quote given by us) / Total Amount-
Bank details-
DD Number- Dated-
DD should be in the name of ‘Director, National Chemical Laboratory’, Payable at Pune. No cash/cheque please !!

II] Sample information

PCR Purification method (if applicable)-

Please attach separate sheet for additional samples, if required.

Sr. No. / Sample/Culture
code (e.g. A1) / Gram’s nature
(for bacteria) / Medium and temp. / PCR product/plasmid DNA (ng/ µl)

Instructions for preparing PCR/plasmid:

Provide template and/or primers in dissolved in PCR grade water.

Do not use EDTA based buffers; it may strongly inhibit sequencing reaction.

Provide samples in 0.2ml/ thin walled tubes.

Use parafilm to tighten the sample tubes or culture plates.

Instructions for sending pure cultures:

Contaminated culture plates/slants will not be accepted. They need to be pure and possibly well isolated.

III] Template Information: Choose from following.

Purified cloned plasmid DNA (provide 15µl of sample at 75-100 ng/µl)

For recombinant Plasmid DNA- please provide 10 µl primers (10 picomple/µl concentration)

Purified PCR product (provide 20 µl of sample at 30-40ng/µl)

ss -Single stranded M13/phagemid DNA/ (provide 20µl of purified sample at 30-50 ng/µl)

Please limit labels on tube to a max.5 characters.

Enclose a gel picture for quantification and product quality. (OPTIONAL)


I/We understood the norms and hence undertake to abide by the sample preparation guidelines. I/We submit the sample(s) in good faith and NCIM will not be held responsible for loss/damage due to reason(s) beyond its control.

Signature of Researcher (with date)Signature of Principal investigator/Guide, Head

(Date, seal/stamp)


Received by- Received on-

Processed by - Approved by-

Results sent on-

Remarks, if any-

Note: If PCR product is provided, the failed samples would be re-run only one time free of cost.

Fresh submission of same PCR product will be considered new submission and hence will be charged.

Use chromas lite and similar softwares to open .seq files. Can be freely downloaded from internet. Kindly note that results are usually provided to the user in minimum 3-4 working weeks or earlier depending upon number of samples given to us. Users can contact us by email if they do not hear from us within this time.

Imp. Note-Cultures or sequencing samples should reach at NCIM-NCL by speed post or tracking based overnight shipment; no acknowledgement will be given to end-user. Damaged/contaminated samples need to be submitted again as informed by us.

For more information; visit NCIM webpage or email or call at 020-25902670/2454.

Address: NCIM resource centre, CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pune 411008, Maharashtra, India.

Copyright @NCIM-NCL05/04/19

NCIM sequencing form