An update on our business this year 2017
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Created as part of the School Enterprise Challenge Awards Programme – Bronze Level
Section A: Executive SummaryBusiness Name / LABOURDONNAIS FARMING
Main product / service / BANANA AND PAPAYA
Our school business social media (Facebook page, blog, Twitter account etc.) / Labourdonnais College (facebook)
Number of students involved in business implementation activities (including writing this Annual Report) / Boys: 4 / Girls: 4 / Total: 8
Number of students in whole school / Boys:538 / Girls: 362 / Total:900
Number of parents involved in our school business / 12
Financial Summary
Period of time covered in this report: __2__ months
Our local currency (Rupee Rs) / US Dollars $
Total Income (Actual) / - / -
Total Costs (Actual) / - / -
Profit (Actual) / - / -
Section B:Running Our Business
1. Here is a summary of what we did to set up and run our business.
1. A meeting was done with the extension officers from Food Agricultural extension Research Institution to know where we could buy the plants for plantation.
2. After we bought the plants, we planted them.
3. Weeding need to be carried out frequently for the proper growth of the plants.
4. Irrigation is done manually.
Section C: Use of Profits
5. Here is an explanation of how we decided what we plan to spend our profits on:
- To invest in laboratories equipment
- To equip classes with projectors
- To invest in a dripper system for the plantation
- To organize more educational tours for students
- To invest in new technologies
Section D: Our Achievements, Challenges and Solutions
6. These were the 3 biggest challenges we faced when planning/setting up/running our business and the solutions we came up with to overcome them:
a. Challenge #1: we were having difficulties in preparing the soils for the plantation of the plants as it was compact.Solution: The land was mechanised so as to facilitate the plantation.
b. Challenge #2: We had modified the planning as we were having difficulties in having passion fruit plants and moringa plants.
Solution:we decided to plant more papaya and banana plants.
c. Challenge #3: To keep the fruit production under bio-farming because of the land fertility.
Solution: we had to shift from bio-farming to sustainable agriculture. We had used minimum amount of fertiliser for the plants to develop and grow .
3. These are the 3 most important things we learned:
1. Teamwork. Working in group helped us to respect our friends while having fun.
2. Increased our knowledge and practical skills. We have learnt how to dig holes with proper depth, how to water the plants without causing harm to it, how to become more environmentally friendly through sustainable agriculture and lastly how to handle tools safely.
3. Become more productive. We could schedule our practical work and we could learn how to work according to our checklist.
Section E: Sustainability & Business Development
4. Our business has a positive impact on the environment and our community because:
· Our business is basically on plantation of bananas and papaya thus there is no risk of pollution for the surrounding community.
· We are going for sustainable agriculture within which we do not use excessive chemicals but on a minimal basis.
· The community will benefit from our products as we start harvesting and selling and we are catering for cheaper prices.
· We are using manure and compost thus the school has started its own compost production.
· We are also recycling used rubber tired so as to prevent soil erosion in which we are planting repellents such as “Vetiver” and “Lemon Grass”.
5. Our school business has the potential to carry on running sustainably next year and have a positive impact on the local environment and our community.This is our three point action plan of how we will keep it running:
1. Regular check-ups and review our progress. The business start-up cost was high but we are doing our level best to keep it going through plant inspection, watering accordingly, pest and disease inspection and earthing-up. We ensure our plants are growing up healthily.
2. We will maintain the Sustainable Agriculture basics as we need to find less costly alternative compared to bio-products which would have taken more time and which would have been more expensive.
3. Our team should stay focused on our goal. We need to increase our team member by including more students so that they can help us in our daily tasks which will make us even more productive. Our goal is to reach harvest and earn profits for the school.
Our school business does not have the potential to carry on running next year because we cannot make a profit and/or our business is not socially/environmentally sustainable. These are the three biggest lessons we have learned aboutwhy our business has not been as successful as we planned AND what we have learned we should do differently next time:
Appendix Section: Students in Action
Please find in this space some evidence that clearly shows our involvement as students in the setting up of our business. You will find 3-5 photos (or if that’s not possible, we will share quotes from participating students).A photo of our launch event:
A photo of us running our business:
A photo of our financial record keeping:
1. Income (actual)(expected)
banana / 21000 banana per year / Rs 2 unity / Rs 42000
papaya / 2.3 t per year / Rs 15/kg / Rs 34500
2. Costs (actual)
Banana plant / 90 plants / Rs 35 / Rs 3150
Papaya plant / 90 plants / Rs 35 / Rs 3150
Water supply / 1 / Rs 5000 / Rs 5000
Land preparation / Rs 5000 / Rs 5000
Compost / manure / 2t / Rs 2000 / Rs 4000
sprayer / 1 / Rs 2000 / Rs 2000
sprinkler / 2 / Rs 450 / Rs 900
Top soil / Rs 2000 / Rs 2000
Biological pesticide / 4 / Rs 700 / Rs 2800
Biological fertiliser / 4 / Rs 600 / Rs 2400
TOTAL COSTS / Rs 30,400
3. Profit (actual)(expected)
OurLocal CurrencyTOTAL SALES INCOME / Rs 76500
TOTAL COSTS / Rs 30400
(Total Sales Income – Total Costs) / Rs 46100
This is how we raised the money needed to start our business:
Photo of the students and teachers for fund raising on our food day.
Additional comments about our finances:
We had applied for several Corporate social responsibility(CSR) for future funding for our project.
The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) has also helped us widely in funding the project.
Our Local Currency used : / Mauritian Rupees (Rs)Exchange rate to US Dollars: / Rs 33.85
It is important for you, your teacher and for us to reflect on how the Awards Programme has helped you develop your skills. Please ask your teacher to fill in the following sections. ONLY SCHOOLS THAT COMPLETE THIS SECTION WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR AN AWARD.
1. After going through the activities to implement your school business do you feel your students...
Please choose ONE option (‘Improved’, ‘Stayed the same’ or ‘Did not improve’) for each row below…. / Did not improve / Stayed the same / Improveda. Are more confident speaking in front of other people (e.g. during market research) / X
b. Work better with people with different opinions to theirs / X
c. Have improvedtheir team working ability, e.g. if other team members were struggling they offered support to them / X
d. Are more confident analysing information / X
e. Are more able to use their ideas to organise and plan work in order to reach their goals / X
f. Are more able to look at different ways to solve a problem and are more confident in selecting a solution / X
g. Do you feel your students have gained the skills and knowledge to start and run a successful business independently? / X
2. Can you tell us the biggest impact the program has had on a specific student, their family or even yourself?
· Saadiyah GOOLAMHOSSEN who is a shy but independent girl; is now a more confident girl especially concerning working on field; that is, working with the soil, working with tools. She is able to rely and trust her schoolmates while doing division of labour. She has improved drastically on teamwork and she is also able to voice out her point of view or shares her ideas both with her friends but also with us teachers.
· The students’ parents are also proud when they saw the hard work of their children; they were even astonished by the orchard’s concept. The students were proud to explain the tasks they did to their parents.
· As teachers, we are glad to see such fruitful results – the students working as a team according to their respective tasks. They are more confident students and they have a broader perspective on the Mauritian Agricultural system.
3. Through the school business implementation process, which skills do you think students improved/gainedthe most (max 3):
Leadership / X / Communication / Aspiration
X / Confidence / Decision making / Other – Please specify:
Problem solving / X / Team work
4. Do you feel the activities helped students improve their performance in other subjects at school? You can choose more than one option.
No / X / Yes, in Science
Yes, in Maths / Yes, in Business Studies
Yes, in Writing & Reading / X / Yes, Other – Please specify: Entrepreneurship
5. Have the students used the skills learned through the school business implementation outside school?
Yes / If you answer ‘Yes’, please specify (if possible):
HOW – For example, Have they carried out any business activities?:
With WHOM – For example, with their family, other students, etc.:
X / No
CONGRATULATIONS on writing your Annual Report! You have completed Step 3 and the School Enterprise Challenge programme! Submit NOW!
Remember to submit your Annual Report to the School Enterprise Challenge Awards Programme by logging in to your account at:
in order to be eligible to receive your Bronze Award.
BRONZEAnnual Report Template 2017. ©Teach A Man To Fish