AAEA Board Minutes

Date: April 11, 2015

Time: Exec board, 9:50

Full board, 10:00

Location: Montgomery Academy

Executive Board Meeting

Members Present: Kelly Berwager, Larry Gibson, Connie Deal, Tammie Clark

Full Board Meeting

Members Present: Kelly Berwager, Larry Gibson, Connie Deal, Suzy Harris Tammie Clark, Elise Jordan, Sally Chambliss, Evelyn Shoults, Laura Beale, Celia Castle, Victoria Smith, Carrie Rigdon, Paige Vitulli, Kayla Boyd, Larry Percy, Amber Hinson, April Jones, Kim Mitchell, Alicia Hames, Olsen Ross, Natalie Roig

1. Welcome and Plan for Meeting

Introduction to new board members and elects

2. Approval of minutes/Consent Agenda not created for this meeting

Connie Deal moves we accept the minutes as written, Larry Percy seconds, motion passes

3. Leadership Board Retreat

4H Center, Columbiana June 6-7

Saturday 9-5, dinner, then evening activities and Sunday 9-12

4. Possible Board members

Excited about our new elects and thank them for being willing to serve

Addition of a National Junior Art Honor Society/The NJAHS and NAHS can be the same position

5. Treasurer- Suzy Harris: Update on 501(c) 3 status no update till summer

Budget report

We have a surplus in the checking account budget of $12,000. The account is sitting at $21,000; Suzy proposes we transfer $10,000 to the money market. The board agrees and she will make the transfer. Connie Deal proposes we accept the budget as written, Larry Gibson seconds, motion passes

6. Higher Education

ED TPA is coming- new certification standards for pre-service educators

Essentially NBCT for pre-service teachers/ how they will be measured in their student teaching/students will video and assess their teaching; the papers will have to cite a body of research as well

This is an association between Pearson Publishing/NBCT / State Department of Education

We suggest there be a session at Fall Conference about ED TPA

Fine Arts/ Foreign Language Course of Study will begin being written in March 2016

7. Newsletter: Kayla Boyd

Put a submission form on our website; get input from others across the state; would like shorter articles; would like recaps from state and national conference experiences; would like to re-format the newsletter. Links to lesson plans instead full articles on lessons.

New deadline for submissions April 20th

We are STILL struggling to get the newsletter to everyone

We need an app to send folks a text that there is a newsletter on the website/ or check your email/ Olsen and Kayla will work on that issue/ booth at fall conference to get everyone registered to the app and explain to everyone

8. Pre Service/Mentoring: Sharon Christman/Anna Nichols

Has drafted a letter for principals and we are trying to get it approved at the State Department/ see attached report

Update the Board listing on the website-Olsen

9. Membership- Lindsay Mouyal

See attached report

Questions for the board: Kelly will follow up about a co-branded brochure with NAEA and a statewide art teacher data base

10. Past President/ Awards: Larry Gibson

BIG PROBLEM! Board members are no longer eligible for awards, not good for smaller states. Would like to work on nominations this summer/ tally board on website number of people nominated for any given award

11. Supervision and Administration

See report

ED TPA- several teachers have gone to GA where they are implementing

USA now a graduate art ed program

12. Conference Update: Paige Vitulli

Board Meeting TH

Eastern Shore Arts Center Friday

Awards Dinner and Speaker Friday night

USA Baldwin County Campus- Sat. teaching workshops

Saturday afternoon/ Closing party

Each One/Teach one-your work and student work @ ESAC (September submissions)

October 16-17, 2015

13. YAM: April Watson

Looking for reports, due end of May, digital scrapbook due to Nationals in August

end only YAM related submissions

Web and Social Media: Olsen Ross

AAEA Pinterest board

AAEA Group:LinkedIn

AAEAtweets- Twitter

FB page

Web page

We need content!!!!

Division Reports: each division at summer retreat, plan a little workshop that they can advertise at the conference

Could we have a planned time where there are no teaching workshops where divisions meet and they have an activity at the division meeting? (1. Sign in

2. Give members chairperson’s email 3. Give the workshop dates 4. You will hear from me in a week, if you don’t email me 5. Allow for feedback 6. Take a picture of your group- open communication for your group/ group collaboration project?

14. Regions/Division/Other-Workshop Updates

Elementary-Lauren Fowler-no report

Middle-Amanda-Townsend-Smith-no report/maternity leave

Secondary-Carrie Rigdon- not much to report/having difficulty getting teachers to respond to her correspondence

Museum- Kim Mitchell

15. District Representatives: send workshop information to local art supply stores

Auburn/E. Central- Alicia Hames

November 7/ Jules Collins Museum Art Teacher Workshop

Auburn City Schools City-wide art show

3 Art Ed positions open this Fall

Birmingham- Lindsay Mouyal

Decatur- Tammie Clark

September 25-27, 2015 RiverClay Arts Festival

ACA summer workshops coming

Two great YAM Shows at HMA and CVAV/ACA

Dothan/Wiregrass- Kayla Boyd

YAM Flag winner from Enterprise

Mobile/Baldwin-Paige Vitulli

See report

Museum of Contemporary Art- African American Folk Art Exhibit

Montgomery BeeLee Tullos

MMA exhibit with hands on project/workshop tied to it

Jimmy Lee Sudduth dirt paintings/ Silk painting –workshops

Arts Tag Grant can get you money for artists/workshops

Tuscaloosa- Sheila Kapaska-Merkel

VAA art show just closed

U of A pairing with Tuscaloosa City Schools to bring pieces of art into schools and do art based on the artwork

Silk Screen workshop held at the Tuscaloosa Arts Council

16.AAAE Report- Jessica Thompson- unable to attend-report attached

17. Retreat 2015 meetings dates June 6-7, 2015

Next meeting June 6-7, 2015

Adjourn@ 1:10pm