January 16, 2015

No School on Monday, January 19, 2015

Georgia Milestones – End of Grade Assessment
Beginning with the spring of 2015, Georgia will implement a new state assessment called Georgia Milestones for grades 3 through 5. These assessments will replace the former CRCT tests administered in the spring for grades 3 through 5. The purpose of the new assessments is to provide a valid measure of end of grade (EOG) student achievement of the rigorous state content standards, and provide a clear indication of the student’s preparedness for the next educational level. All 3-5 graders will take this assessment April 15-27.

All parents are invited to an informational meeting on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 from 8:30-9:30 a.m. in the Media Center with Laura Webb, our school test coordinator.

Department of Education’s Georgia Parent Survey
All parents are encouraged to participate in the Georgia Parent Survey, because the data will be used to calculate our School Climate Star Ratingfor our school’s CCRPI score. Survey responses are anonymous and will be submitted directly to the Georgia Department of Education for analysis. We would so appreciate everyone’s participation!

After you click on the link below, a drop-down menu will appear and you will select our district and school. Thislink will be available until February 27, 2015. Georgia Parent Survey:

Volunteers Needed
Second semester RNE will have a Morning Math Lab! We need volunteers to monitor the lab between 7:10 and 7:40. You can volunteer one day or a couple of days. You would be responsible for helping students log in and monitoring the lab. Being tech savvy is a plus! Also we are in need of a few more tutors for second semester.

Please contact Joy Fofana for more information on tutoring or to sign up as a lab

Yearbook Sale
Flyers will be in this week’s Friday Folders.

From the Music Department

  • The second grade students of Ms. Goodloe, Ms. Kooistra, Ms. Wells, and Ms. Denison will have a PTA Music performance on February 3 at 7PM. The students in Ms. Wagner, Ms. Sarmir, Ms. Premo, and Ms. Pfaff’s classes will perform the following night on the February 4th, also at 7PM. Ms. Bannon’s students should perform with the class with which they normally attend music. Dress for this event is dress clothes, please. We look forward to seeing you in February!That means…….no lunch visitors January 26th – February 3rd.
  • The first grade PTA performances will occur on 3/3 and 3/5. Ms. Lieblich, Ms. Maples, Ms. Williams, and Ms. VanKrieken’s classes will be performing on Tuesday evening, March 3, 2015, at 7PM, and the remainder of the classes (Ms. Bowling, Ms. Wesseling, Ms. Carol, and Ms. Lee’s classes) will perform on Thursday evening, March 5, 2015. Correspondence regarding the performance will be sent home this week with students.
  • Fourth and Fifth Graders Who Love to Sing:
    See Ms. Weingart for a form to sign up for the Fulton County Choral Clinic! At the clinic, students will learn singing techniques, tips, and pointers with other like peers from the county and prepare an end-of-day performance for their parents with a Broadway theme.
  • The Music Department is looking for parents with a creative flair who would love to help construct a backdrop for our upcoming first and second grade performances, or help with costumes for the first grade performance. Please contact Ms. Weingart at if you are interested in either opportunity!

Young Georgia Author's Writing Competition
It's time for the Young Georgia Author's Writing Competition! This is a great opportunity for our young and adolescent writers. The purpose of YGAWC is to encourage K-12 students to develop enthusiasm for and expertise in their writing, to provide a context to celebrate their writing successes, and to recognize student achievement in arts and academics. Please send out this email as well as the attachment to your CSTs, Department Chairs, and Contacts; ask them to share this opportunity with their teachers and students. Last year, we had (3) FCS state winners so encourage participation! The deadline to submit entries is Friday February 20, 2015.

RNE International Night
The 3rd Annual International Night will be held on Friday, February 27, 7-9 p.m. This is a multi-cultural event that provides our RNE family the opportunity to explore the different countries and cultures represented at our school by sharing food, arts & crafts, native dress, and cultural performances. RNE students will kick off the event with a Parade of Nations. We need your help to make this a success. Volunteer forms will arrive home this week and are also available here. Please contact Lizbeth Rodriguez or Michelle with any questions.

Roswell High School 2015 Girls Snowball Soccer Camp
February 7th and 8th from 1 to 4 PM at Mountain Park Elementary School Fields

Join our RHS Coaching Staff along with Varsity and JV players! This weekend camp is for girl soccer players grades K - 5. We will rotate through soccer skill drills, soccer games, and small –sided scrimmages based on age and ability level. Our GIRLS ONLY winter soccer camp is dedicated to having fun while improving skills for any level soccer player.

•Cost is $60, includes a camper T-shirt and hot chocolate!
•To register, email for a registration form

5th Grade Parents

A website has been created to document photos and activities of the 2014 RNE 5th grade class. Some of you may have already received an email indicating you are a member of this Shutterfly website. If you are not a member yet and would like to become one, please email . Thanks!

Please see an update of the rising 6th grade transition dates:

•February: Monday, February 9, 2015 @ 6:30 pm (RNES)

CMS Staff Meet w/ RNES families (Location = RNES Media Center)

•March: Monday, March 23 – Wednesday, March 25, 2015 @ 9 am – 12 pm (CMS)

PTA Parent Tours of CMS

•April: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 (RNES)

Bridges students speak with RNES 5th grade classrooms

•May: Tuesday, May 5, 2015 (CMS)

Rising 6th grade tour: 9 – 11:30 am (RNES: 9 – 10 am; 10 – 10:30 am

Deadline is Feb. 17 for Hardship Transfers

Applications are available for parents who wish to apply for a 2015-16 hardship transfer or to renew a current hardship to another Fulton elementary, middle or high school. Parents can use an online form, available through the “Parents” section of school system’s web site, to enter their information and then print it to obtain signatures and/or supporting documentation. Although using the online form will help expedite processing time, applications also can be picked up at all schools as well as the Fulton County Schools Administrative Center.

The deadline for submitting a transfer application is Feb. 17, 2014, by 4:30 p.m., with no exceptions or extensions granted. All requests must be received or postmarked by this date and time. Applications can be sent by mail, fax or hand-delivery to:

Fulton County Schools’ Student Assignment Office

c/o Meadows Operations Center

5270 Northfield Blvd.

College Park, GA 30349

404-763-5547 fax

In addition, school system employees who have children receiving an employee hardship transfer must renew their request through the Student Assignment office. Instead of employees submitting an employee verification letter from their school or location, this year the Human Resources Department will verify employment directly with the Student Assignment office.

The Feb. 17 deadline applies to students and parents seeking a hardship transfer for medical reasons, curriculum differences, and child care situations or for employees’ children.

Parents with questions or who need more information about hardship transfers can contact the Fulton County Schools’ Student Assignment Office at 404-763-5550 or visit


  • How do I become a volunteer?

Register at the Fulton County Schools Department of Safety & Security web page. “Community” then “Partners & Volunteers”

Complete the mandatory online training.

Complete the volunteer application.

Wait for a confirmation email from Fulton County Schools.

Visit the school and begin volunteering.

For your convenience, the links below provide direct access to the required forms.

  • Birthday Treats
    Due to the increasing cases of food allergies among our students, we ask that birthday celebration treats be non-food items. Suggestions include pencils, stickers, etc. The front office staff will make sure that the teacher is aware that the items were dropped off and the students will receive them that day.
  • Students Returning to School After Hours
    It has been RNE’s policy for students not to enter their classroom after hours. The custodians are busy cleaning and teachers sometimes are involved with meetings and planning.
  • Guest Lunch Schedule

KKBorg Tuesday 1stLeeTuesday
YoungFridayMaples Friday

  • Per the Fulton County Food and Nutrition Office, outside vendor’s food items are not allowed in the cafeteria. No sodas are ever allowed.
  • Students who eat on the stage must follow the same lunchroom expectations as the students who are not eating with their parents. Proper manners include:
  1. staying in their seat
  2. raising their hands
  3. purchasing all snacks/ice cream before sitting down.
  4. students will not be allowed to leave the stage until lunch dismissal.
  5. students will not be allowed to invite classmates on stage.

Upcoming Dates:

January 19 / MLK Holiday – No School
January 20 / RNE Spelling Bee – 8-9 a.m. Cafe
January 20 / Spirit Night at Zaxby’s
January 27 / Lucky’s Burger – A portion of proceeds from day patrons will go to Pennies for Patients
January 29 / Alessio’s & SWEET! - all night donations go to Pennies For Patients
January 30 / Kick Off Hat Day for Pennies for Patients fundraiser
February 2-6 / Pennies For Patients Fundraiser
February 3 / Georgia Milestones – End of Grade Assessment parent meetingfrom 8:30-9:30 a.m. in the Media Center with Laura Webb, Asst. Principal
Februay 3 / Roswell Restaurants Night & SWEET! A portion of proceeds will go to Pennies for Patients fundraiser.
February 13 / Full Professional Learning Day for Teachers No School for Students
February 16 / No School – Holiday – School Closed

Partners in Education

We are pleased to have many wonderful businesses supporting our school! RNE wants to remind everyone to please patronize all our Partners in Education. Laura Webb, assistant principal, is our business partner contact.

Dr. Licata at Pediatric Associates

Meer Electric


Crabapple Tutoring

Chick-Fil-A at Roswell Town Center

Aurora/Area51 Movie and Mini Golf

Dignity Memorial

The Roswell School

HoneyBaked Ham

Salon de la vie

TigerRock Martial Arts of Roswell
Cue Barbeque

Giddy-Up Fitness

Kids Chess

Southern Sprinkler Systems


Cici’s of Roswell


Fickle Pickle/Sugar Shack

Free money cards below:



School place of Roswell
Home Depot